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like 2-5 hours a day



Reasons for Joining:

I want to jion because i am a big fan of the xG JB servers and it is very fun usally i like be on ct for warden and mostly just want to be member cause the servers are fun like the surf servers too. I play on the servers alot and the people on it are nice.

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@Bonk you lied about your age on your orginal app calm down queer, Anyways

+1 has gotten better lately, still needs to work on a few things, but hopefully joining the clan will calm him down a bit.



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-1 I've gotten on numerous times because of you either disrespecting, or just being overall annoying. I also in no way believe you're 15.



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I don't know about your age, even though we do not care, but:

Knows rules mostly, active, just one suggestion is not to always come to people like me to enforce slays opun freekills. I am not a staff member.

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A: 8

M: 8


I have not seen much of him but he seems polite. I would like to see more of him on xG. even if he has been bad in the past maybe he realizes that now and he changed for the better. He might be a little quite when he is speaking but it wouldn't matter if we didn't have people screaming all the time. Don't make me eat my words Teemo. <3(y)

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incredibly hostile towards others, doesnt know rules whatsoever. has been very demanding of staff/others (specifically myself, spamming me on steam every 10 minutes to +1 him when I've told him to stop asking [i was waiting to see if he'd become less of a problem, but it seems like he hasn't])


A: 9

M: 4

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+1, has immature moments but overall isn't too bad.



Nevermind, ill leave it at a zero. Looked through his chat logs, not much that is EXTREMELY bad but it still shows more immaturity, between calling people gay, yelling at others, TALKING IN ALL CAPS.



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-1 extremely hostile to other players for absolutely no reason, and specifically I have noticed it targeted at me (any time I get on he'll make a point to make some negative or insulting comment), very immature and on top of all that just got perm ct banned so I don't think that he should be considered for membership at all



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