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Stepping Down For Dm

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Whats the point when theres no hub? Fk it i'm stepping down. /end of story


P.S don't know if this is the right section but YOLO


DOUBLE P.S. reason is hub and hmmm really haven't done anything with CS:S so yoro.
































going to TI6 from the 7th through the 14th, won't be on anything but forums occasionally. cant wait to watch secret lose!


minecraft should be up shortly after my return. if anything with minigames goes wrong just contact lithium, he's able to handle everything.


(((im not stepping down from anything, in case it isnt obvious)))

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Owl. We've had issues with Owl at previous events. Some xG people lobbied to bring him back for Minecraft, feeling that he deserved another chance. That was a mistake. Owl is an ass, and we won't be working with him again.


Side note: Its actually awesome you're going to TI6. Do you live in Seattle or did you fly there?

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@DrunkOlLunk flew in, not a very far distance though (im from san francisco)


staying at a shitty airbnb appartment with a friend, the whole thing has been way more affordable than i expected it to be

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