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So, this is just a thought on the matter (and it never really occurred to me before), though I feel that it would be an improvement of sorts. This thread really only pertains to Players who have a grievance or are otherwise looking to report or are experiencing issues with anything xG related.


With that in mind, consider the following:


Imagine you are a disgruntled player. You're experiencing issues with the Server, or you've noticed that a function on the Server isn't entirely working properly. For the intents and purposes of this thread, lets just say that the typical gamer will either do one of three things:


1) Approach a Staff Member on the Server

2) Start a discussion or comment on Xeno Gamers' official Steam Group

3) Head to www.xenogamers.com for assistance in troubleshooting


Now, both 1 and 2 are incredibly straight forward, ask the Staff Member for help or comment (post a discussion) on the Steam Group, the latter being laid-out in a relatively easy to understand way. However, I've noticed that our site isn't exactly user-friendly. Let's say that I'm unfamiliar with the site; I've never used it before and this is the first time I've accessed it. First and foremost, there is a lot of information to take in upon first loading up the site that I guarantee the average new player would not be interested in.


Generally speaking, a new player will [typically] come to the site for one of two things: to become a Member, or to report a problem or issue they are having.


For users who are looking for Membership, it's a given that their first click (assuming they're registered) will most likely be in accessing the 'Applications' section, so this isn't a major problem. However, for a user experiencing problems, there isn't much else.


The first thing that I (both personally and as a "new Member" with a problem) would be comfortable seeing is a simple means of communication, a way to quickly inquire about something. Namely, the Shout box. Unfortunately, this is no where to be seen until the user accesses the 'Forums' section of the site, so that's no longer an option; and with no way of knowing it exists, the experience becomes a rather negative one. The second thing I would look for, would be some sort of Troubleshooting heading, link, or what-have-you. Again, this is no where to be seen. At this point, the user is left with a very diverse (and somewhat intimidating) home-landing page. That being said, some players will post the problems they are having in the General section, though I honestly feel that there should be a section strictly for General Troubleshooting or Problem Areas as it would make things considerably easier for new users to navigate. On top of that, Higher-Ups could Sticky 'common issues' for particular Divisions/Servers for players to refer to.


As someone who regularly deals with user-friendly environments (literally part of what I do at work), I feel that something could be improved here. With that said, I do have a few suggestions that I believe may improve the user-friendly aspect of the forums.


[spoiler=1. Tutorial]

Yes, I quite literally mean a tutorial in the form of a video. A short but detailed video can greatly improve a new user's experience on the site. This could be in any shape or form, something that prompts immediately when someone who is unregistered (or otherwise not logged in) accesses the site. The video could potentially consist of a simple image of the landing that progresses through a brief description for each heading/section (IE. pop-out 'Applications', include caption: Includes forms for Member/Staff Submission as well as reports for Abusive Staff or Members). It doesn't even have to be a video, this is completely up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.



[spoiler=2. Reorganization]

A reorganization of the forums that includes the Shoutbox to appear on the landing page. Alternatively, reorganizing the 'Applications' section into two separate headers; one labelled 'Applications' the other labelled 'Problem Reports'. Needless to say, Applications would consist of Member Submission, Staff Submission, etc. Problem Reports would consist of forms for Member Protest, Report Abuse, etc. Naming conventions would be up to the Higher-Ups.



This is merely a concern from my perspective and as such should only be treated as an opinion. Though I would like to see if anyone else feels that the forums (or at the least, the landing page) could be laid out in a more user-friendly way (not implying it isn't, just that it could be improved on).


Thoughts? Concerns? Suggestions? Leave em' below. :coffee:


This stupidly long post is brought to you by Forest, the nagging collective of nature.

Edited by Forest (see edit history)

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Hey man I appreciate the post, always love getting thought out suggestions from you. I'm at work currently but I'll look indepth tonight and give you a response. I do agree with us needing an easier way for new registered users on the forums to know where they can direct their problems. I can make a guide and have it linked and shown in a way that is clear to new users.

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Okay so I think the things we can add to this guide if we choose to do so are:

  • A section for Bug reports for the respective divisions
  • A section with a staff roster so they know who to direct their concerns too. (Including showing how to start a conversation with someone)
  • A section leading to Protests (Member, Staff, Ban)
  • A section for what shoutbox is for and where it is,
  • All else fails, making a thread in the general thread

Thoughts @Forest

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Okay so I think the things we can add to this guide if we choose to do so are:

  • A section for Bug reports for the respective divisions
  • A section with a staff roster so they know who to direct their concerns too. (Including showing how to start a conversation with someone)
  • A section leading to Protests (Member, Staff, Ban)
  • A section for what shoutbox is for and where it is,
  • All else fails, making a thread in the general thread

Thoughts @Forest

It's completely in your guys' hands, I just wanted to raise my concerns regarding a user-friendlier experience. As long as there is clarity in some shape or form that will make a new user's experience here at the forums a more pleasant one, I'm all for it :D

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Not sure what the status is on this whole thing, but I just wanted to bump this thread in case it slipped through the cracks as I still believe a user-friendlier experience is key in an increase in regulars and activity @Aegean

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