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A Open Discussion About Teamspeak (Please read if you're staff)

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We've had many discussions about why we don't use discord, and I have said in the past that I do not want to force staff to use teamspeak, instead of forcing I would like to know from you guys what it would take to get you to start using our teamspeak.


If you are staff and do not use our teamspeak, I would like to know the reasons behind you not wanting to use teamspeak despite it being our official VOIP and the fact that we want new players to also use our teamspeak and populate it. If none of you use teamspeak, you guys are pretty much indirectly persuading the new members to not use it either since if they want to hang out with you guys, it has to be on your own discords.


On teamspeak we are able to integrate it with the forums so you not only get credits every minute you're on teamspeak (and not afk) but also the fact we release custom icons and you are known by your staff rank (different stars for different staff) to help newer folks interact with you.


Anyways, all that being said, the question is just what would it take for us to convince you to use our teamspeak more often. We used to have a rule back in the CS:S days that you must be active on teamspeak, I'm not gonna threaten you with a demotion at this time and I know some of our higherups use discord as well, this is just an open discussion, no flame allowed.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Well, I don't use team speak for just the reason that I'm significantly more experienced (and therefore comfortable) with Discord. That's essentially it.

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maybe one of these days somebody won't have to ask if xG has a discord anymore

TS is unrealistically ugly looking, plus it feels really old and clunky.


Not going to go into reasons why we don't have a discord after how many threads we have about why we don't have a discord lol. If you want to read the previous threads in General, you're more than welcome to do so.

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Teamspeak is ugly and showing its age, ignoring skins or whatever since I don't use those.


Discord has the luxury of bots among other things and has friends of mine outside xG, so I'm not sure why I'd ever want to use Teamspeak when both my xG friends and people outside it use discord.


There's too many to list really, but those are some of the more notable ones. Nothing that can be done will make me want to use Teamspeak again.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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The main reason I use discord is because in my own private discord I can do whatever I want, for example spam the porn bot with stupid shit until it breaks. I also like the privacy and how I am an admin of the entire thing.


Teamspeak is also super ugly compared to discord.

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It's drab, I mainly use text becuase most of the time I can't use mic, and discord has better meme posting. Oh and if I want to notify a lot of people I can just use the @everyone. Instead of messaging all staff individually. Discord has just been easier.

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Well, I don't use team speak for just the reason that I'm significantly more experienced (and therefore comfortable) with Discord. That's essentially it.

Have you ever given teamspeak a try? Personally speaking, they are both very simple to use. pick a name, join a server, join a channel, talk. with discord you have a by default giant UI and your PMs stay open until you close them vs. teamspeak having a default small UI and PMs close when you close them or close teamspeak.


Teamspeak is ugly and showing its age, ignoring skins or whatever since I don't use those.


Discord has the luxury of bots among other things and has friends of mine outside xG, so I'm not sure why I'd ever want to use Teamspeak when both my xG friends and people outside it use discord.


There's too many to list really, but those are some of the more notable ones. Nothing that can be done will make me want to use Teamspeak again.

As a DM you should be readily available for any staff discussions taking place on TS and any questions from new players/members who find their way on teamspeak.


TS also has bots, that are available as created/allowed by the server owner same as discord, we just dont use them since they are pointless to have, the most notable features of the publicly hosted (free) discord bots are the same things as the twitch streamers, they announce when someone goes live etc. or put a song in chat, the same could be done by a regular person. You just have experience with discord bots because you "own the server" and invited a generic free use bot into it.


You can invite your outside of xg members into teamspeak, it is a public server for anyone that likes games etc. There is no stipulation that says you have to be an xG member, we have had people we met on tinychat join TS and stay for months and others we met randomly join and stay (hanney is a TS member xdddd)


The whole point of this thread is to understand why staff dont want to use teamspeak (aside from their circlejerking cliques about who their next target is to get demoted (see: vector step down) sp when you say "There's too many reasons to list" you do literally nothing to help this conversation and you make yourself as a staff member (especially a DM) seem like you just don't care about helping further the community or community discussions.


It's drab, I mainly use text becuase most of the time I can't use mic, and discord has better meme posting. Oh and if I want to notify a lot of people I can just use the @everyone. Instead of messaging all staff individually. Discord has just been easier.


If the staff used teamspeak in the first place, you would be doing the same single message on teamspeak as you were discord, and if it is something major that really needs to be addressed to all staff instead of a "i'm logging off now guys" that should be something you message the DM/DLs of the division and let them handle distributing the information.


@Kypari you are basically saying you like discord because you have the owner power in your own server, sorry buddy, but that's life you wont have that power in teamspeak because you aren't silence. I think that is a joke of a reason not to use teamspeak for xG servers. you can spam a porn bot through PM in discord and break it just the same.


@Vargas and anyone else saying it's "super ugly" there are skins available that are IMO much better than discord UI but the default is also pretty nice.



@all most members and staff that step down or have issues state that there are fundamental issues within the community such as availability of discussing issues and availability of staff to talk to about concerns.

Myself personally I have had some questions time and time again about what exactly goes on in the TF2 servers and would look to message (preferably a DL/DM) a staff member from TF2 but the last dozen or so times the only one available to talk to was @Egossi on teamspeak, and before that was @Bello several months ago. By using your own several discord servers you actually drive a bigger wedge through the community by not being open to discussion about what is going on, and you make it harder for new/existing members or other staff to seek information on current events or ways things differ (clarifications on difference in rules/style)

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Have you ever given teamspeak a try? Personally speaking, they are both very simple to use. pick a name, join a server, join a channel, talk. with discord you have a by default giant UI and your PMs stay open until you close them vs. teamspeak having a default small UI and PMs close when you close them or close teamspeak.



As a DM you should be readily available for any staff discussions taking place on TS and any questions from new players/members who find their way on teamspeak.


TS also has bots, that are available as created/allowed by the server owner same as discord, we just dont use them since they are pointless to have, the most notable features of the publicly hosted (free) discord bots are the same things as the twitch streamers, they announce when someone goes live etc. or put a song in chat, the same could be done by a regular person. You just have experience with discord bots because you "own the server" and invited a generic free use bot into it.


You can invite your outside of xg members into teamspeak, it is a public server for anyone that likes games etc. There is no stipulation that says you have to be an xG member, we have had people we met on tinychat join TS and stay for months and others we met randomly join and stay (hanney is a TS member xdddd)


The whole point of this thread is to understand why staff dont want to use teamspeak (aside from their circlejerking cliques about who their next target is to get demoted (see: vector step down) sp when you say "There's too many reasons to list" you do literally nothing to help this conversation and you make yourself as a staff member (especially a DM) seem like you just don't care about helping further the community or community discussions.




If the staff used teamspeak in the first place, you would be doing the same single message on teamspeak as you were discord, and if it is something major that really needs to be addressed to all staff instead of a "i'm logging off now guys" that should be something you message the DM/DLs of the division and let them handle distributing the information.


@Kypari you are basically saying you like discord because you have the owner power in your own server, sorry buddy, but that's life you wont have that power in teamspeak because you aren't silence. I think that is a joke of a reason not to use teamspeak for xG servers. you can spam a pron bot through PM in discord and break it just the same.


@Vargas and anyone else saying it's "super ugly" there are skins available that are IMO much better than discord UI but the default is also pretty nice.



@all most members and staff that step down or have issues state that there are fundamental issues within the community such as availability of discussing issues and availability of staff to talk to about concerns.

Myself personally I have had some questions time and time again about what exactly goes on in the TF2 servers and would look to message (preferably a DL/DM) a staff member from TF2 but the last dozen or so times the only one available to talk to was @Egossi on teamspeak, and before that was @Bello several months ago. By using your own several discord servers you actually drive a bigger wedge through the community by not being open to discussion about what is going on, and you make it harder for new/existing members or other staff to seek information on current events or ways things differ (clarifications on difference in rules/style)


K but I'm sticking to Discord.

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It's age is a big thing, not to mention everything discord does team speak doesn't (images, text, bots, etc). With how many people, games, and groups I've seen switch from ts to discord for some time now it won't be long before teamspeak becomes the new skype. People are very much turned off by ts by default now, and encouraging regulars and randoms alike on the servers would take incentive just to get them on it, which it shouldn't. I just don't find it likely that a sizable and stable population is going to occur. I also personally like being able to deafen myself in discord via my phone, so I don't have to tab out and back in when playing a game.

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A few points to anyone who isn't familiar with the differences between TS or Discord

  • Bots: Ts has bots as well, and can be customized to listen to server chat or channel chat.
  • I don't really understand the whole "I can't use teamspeak" since it's fairly straight forward if you ever used a VOIP in the past, and if you have a busy discord server, it does fuck your CPU usage compared to a busy teamspeak server. Discord is written in javascript and an electron based web application which is why it has an issue on performance when a lot of people are online.
  • You can customize a teamspeak server much more than discord, especially in terms of roles which is why roles in discord are very clunky. You can even give powers channel related (for example staff in TF2 have control over the TF2 channels as well, whereas in discord I believe you must have powers in the entire server and can't be given powers over just a channel.
  • Administration over teamspeak is much superior, kicking or banning in discord can easily be worked around, whereas teamspeak bans your UUID + IP, we have never had an issue after banning someone on teamspeak, that they constantly made new accounts and came back.
  • Channels can have sub channels, and we can space them out with spacers to make it more neater, something discord does not have.
  • Unless you lock a text channel, anything you say in there is public to everyone, instead of it being only with the group in the channel at the time. Imagine all the different groups of xG in one discord, and how hard it would be to organize everyone to their own channels, and give them the privacy they want.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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It's age is a big thing, not to mention everything discord does team speak doesn't (images, text, bots, etc). With how many people, games, and groups I've seen switch from ts to discord for some time now it won't be long before teamspeak becomes the new skype. People are very much turned off by ts by default now, and encouraging regulars and randoms alike on the servers would take incentive just to get them on it, which it shouldn't. I just don't find it likely that a sizable and stable population is going to occur. I also personally like being able to deafen myself in discord via my phone, so I don't have to tab out and back in when playing a game.

You can make a keybinding on both Discord and Teamspeak to mute sound or mute just your mic without having to go to your phone, for example my mute sound button is Right ALT.


Teamspeak is a dying platform. It's almost 10 years old now and isn't as good as discord at all. It's not aesthetically pleasing to look at, doesn't have as many features, and it's full of people I don't want to talk to. Teamspeak also isn't text friendly at all, only using a tiny little box as the chat. I understand why xG uses Teamspeak, but I don't think most people will be switching to Teamspeak ever.

You don't have to talk to people you dont want to, maybe if the staff were actually active on teamspeak you would have people there you like talking to. You actually have more freedom to not talk to people you dont like on TS because while it is a public server you can go to locked private channels that they can't join, or go to limited user channels and or block communication from them so they can't PM you and if they join your channel their text and voice is not shown to you/listened to by you. whereas discord anyone who gets invited can annoy you.

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Teamspeak is a dying platform. It's almost 10 years old now and isn't as good as discord at all. It's not aesthetically pleasing to look at, doesn't have as many features, and it's full of people I don't want to talk to. Teamspeak also isn't text friendly at all, only using a tiny little box as the chat. I understand why xG uses Teamspeak, but I don't think most people will be switching to Teamspeak ever.

Can you explain what features discord has that teamspeak doesn't exactly?

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