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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Ts who are rebelling can only be deemed as a rebel if they were seen breaking rules by a CT. This means you can only kill a T you see rebel, not if you were clued to it(Such as their name popping up as killing a CT). I bolded the main part im focusing on Whenever a T gets pardoned, if in the corner(not seen by a CTs eyes) the T kills someone,(as an example since he's bad xG:A ShadowSpy *KNIFE* xG:A Diabeetus), he gets "unpardoned" and counted as a rebel again, so im gonna go ahead and start enforcing it again, and unless its changed(which im not saying i want it to be changed) you should all enforce it too. BASICALLY: Don't unpardon a T after pardoning him because you saw him kill someone in the top corner text, unless you see him do it with your eyes. People should start enforcing it, and not do it yourselves.
  2. 2 points

    PolarCoded - Counter-Strike: Source

  3. 2 points
    But why do you guys have this problem? CS:GO doesn't. ;) [CS:S] Hide Attacker [For Jailbreak Servers or other] - AlliedModders
  4. 2 points

    Favorite Movies

    I completely forgot this! Ip Man I 4 Lyfe
  5. 1 point


    Warrior got Admin. World's over. ggnore.
  6. 1 point
    Division: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive In-Game Name: Taylor Swift Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37200844 Banned: Yes Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 22 Further Information: I knew you we're trouble when you walked innn. :eek:
  7. 1 point
    Division: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive In-Game Name: Flatline Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22283645 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 20 Further Information: I don't think I am fit enough to be in xG BUT HERE GOES NOTHING. I made this video for @Dontbleed to increase my chances for member by 1%. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EVB4H2CTpo P.S. It's a beaver/otter mutation... you get the point... P.S.S. Turn on closed captions for extreme luls. :eek:
  8. 1 point

    Bye Bye for good this time

    Hahahhahahha @@nightwing is a bitch. The End
  9. 1 point
    +1 A10 M10 really big and loose vagina do want.
  10. 1 point

    Here's a cheap Gaming PC

    Most of the people here only play source engine games. Maybe if you're trying to run Cry Engine 3 or something along those, then god no. But for source games, and Minecraft, this will do perfectly. Please do your own research, and don't just give a price range. Also, lrn2context. Price doesn't equal better all the time.
  11. 1 point

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    lmfao!!! Almost shat my pants from laughing when i got to deathgods post saying when did I agree to this? All i gotta say is... Do it, no balls! (literally)
  12. 1 point

    shell shock's spraygout.

    http://i44.tinypic.com/2ymgndc.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2zs4cn9.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/70bd41.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/16jn4tv.jpg @@Kirito ----------- List: @@daddiodoug (Doing it this afternoon)
  13. 1 point

    Favorite Movies

    Monty Python and the holy grail (Highly recommended if you enjoy British humor) Shaun of the dead (Also highly recommend for the same reason above) Lord of the rings trilogy Breakfast club Tropic thunder Forrest Gump Saving private Ryan Schindler's list (Highly recommended if you love realistic WWII stories) Shawshank redemption The dark knight (I hated begins and rises was alright) Enemy at the gates Kill Bill vol. 1 (Not so much vol. 2) Seems like a random assortment of movies, but oh well.
  14. 1 point

    Eden - Garry's Mod

    #Closing because you are already a Member of XenoGamers. Your Member Status carries on from every server, regardless of whether or not you didn't apply to the specified server. The only exception is that Staff Member's powers do not carry over (IE. Moderator status on CS:S will not transfer over to Gmod) ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  15. 1 point


    the biggest dick has finally returned.
  16. 1 point

    CS:GO Admin app

    you arent even a member, you have repeatedly broken rules, ive seen you on only once recently (And did i say repeatedly broken rules?) denied ~closed
  17. 1 point

    Favorite Plays

    I hate plays they are never perfect and usually one of the people mess up and ruin the entire experience for me.
  18. 1 point

    More ideas from JWB!

    @@Eden@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden While I do like the idea, I'm kinda on the fence about it. I definately think that the punishment should be much more severe if a member is to intentionally mass freekill (maybe adding on a month server ban on top of the perm Ct-ban), but in my opinion just revoking their membership might be a little too harsh. I'd like to see what some other people's opinions on this are though.
  19. 1 point

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    ill think about it even though i have donated 130 *hint* *hint* @autumn (CS:S HUB)
  20. 1 point

    A very important announcement

    All of your posts are so informative. #Banbleed
  21. 0 points
    +1 A 10/10 M 9/10 Big gaping pussy that comes with nacho cheese
  22. 0 points
    +1 VIVA MEXICO A:9 M:-5
  23. 0 points

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    Several players were in the TeamSpeak room when you suggested and agreed to doing this. Chrono was one of them as was I. There were multiple witnesses present during the time. You're doing it m8.
  24. 0 points

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    it's very valid, you didn't agree to it, you suggested it.
  25. 0 points

    CS:GO Admin app

    Hi i am insig i have join and started playing this day i have read all the rules and played a little i hope to join in i have some wonderful ideas for the servers. i do have past experience with admin and i little with super. i just hope you guys find me helpful to your selfs and to the community i will be playing all to day soo gl & hf :)
  26. 0 points


    Woah guys. This was a joke. This wasn't a bash warrior thread.
  27. 0 points


    World is over. Goodbye World. I loved you. *shoots self in the head while jumping into a pit of lava*
  28. -1 points

    More ideas from JWB!

    Thats not the reason fuckface.
  29. -1 points

    My Goodbye

    Reasons I've enjoyed my time here at xG, but there is a huge problem in the way this clan runs. I am tired of getting messages from members and people that people abuse, especially when it's silence, so I can't do anything. This clan has encompassed much too much of my personal time, and now I can't even enjoy gaming without worrying how something could go wrong. That, and I really don't feel as connected as I should. I feel a distance growing between the community and me. Honestly, I don't know exactly what it is, but I know it's xG. Maybe the fact that there's been a lot of false promises, and I get yelled at when somebody else doesn't deliver. I'll still play on XenoGamers servers, but there's really no point in staying this high of a rank when I don't feel connected. Or maybe, the fact that the leadership here is the most disorganized I've ever seen. The constant hiring of new division leaders, as they get upset and leave due to the inability to have a decent conversation with them. I think the @Sham thread was the final straw. Goodbyes @@Rise; @@MuffinMonster Please take care of TF2 for me, be good to it. @@serbiansnaga Learn to speak English, and take care of the clan. @@Chrono Take care of CS:GO. @@Cristo Stay classy. @@Warriorsfury Take care of Minecraft, if you get it up. @@PiNoYPsYcHo Stay Pacific Islander, and tell me when you want to play some Horror Maps. Everybody else, please continue what you do best. Make sure you keep everything organized and keep the community functioning, as it would die without all of you. @autumn Oh boy, here we go. I don't know where to begin, but I'll start by saying thank you. You've taught me it's OK to be a little out there, but there's a limit people can handle. You seem to always go over that limit, but I've somewhat learned how to contain mine. Keep the community up, and keep doing what you do best. Please take my plea, and get better organized.
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