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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/13 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    My Goodbye

    It's funny yo, we all left for roughly around these reasons (and others) months ago and you couldn't comprehend why we felt that way. I guess it's just a cycle with xG.
  2. 2 points

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    Charrax for coleader. You'll thank me later.
  3. 2 points

    Buh- Bai

  4. 2 points

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    IM NAMING OTHER CANDIDATES. PuppyLuvForCoLeader NeteXForCoLeader
  5. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    So is Minecrack but, we don't complain.
  6. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    Mythic is a joke of a human being.
  7. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    You forgot Tarin. (banmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanmebanme)
  8. 1 point
    it is a game. i still play it.
  9. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    M608ike please
  10. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    Aegean For Co leader someone buy it for him only 300$ i think
  11. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    Great Idea I couldnt agree more
  12. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

  13. 1 point

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    +1 Mythic IS OUR SAVIOR! He's gunna cut taxes and give out more welfare checks and make our healthcare free! Oh lawd thank yah jesus. @@Mythic
  14. 1 point

    Dem finals tho.

    Sure thing black rock @@diabeetus Its over, you've gotten too fat and unattractive.
  15. 1 point

    shell shock's spraygout.

  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point

    I'm leaving.

    Honestly, I never liked you. All you did was bitch and complain about minor things. You always think you're right and think you're fun and all. Us admins talk about members a lot. Most of us agreed that you are one of the most annoying of the bunch. You criticize admins for "not doing what they are supposed to do." Well first, we can't solve every problem. We always try and resolve things. We can only act on what we see or any further evidence. We can't trust anything or anybody else. Just if someone is honest and helpful doesn't mean we can always take their word. We don't respond well to rude people *cough*. When we do respond to rude people, they always bitch, moan, and complain and that leads to shit like this, and atrocious sayings. It's like you're implying admins are perfect. lel. Have fun with what you do and good luck. P.S. that one time you accused me of wallhacking. I'm still waiting for that ban request. Still waiting.
  18. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    Live people can no longer see dead people talking. This is due to a non-existant ghosting problem. This change is only causing problems, from friends having problems communicating to mods not knowing there are issues happening. There's also a problem with mic spam, you can't ask people to stop micspamming on freedays if you're dead. Basically, this change solved nothing and has only caused more problems.
  19. 1 point

    Pepper - Counter-Strike: Source

    Internet people don't lie.
  20. -1 points

    Dem finals tho.

    It's ok, I never loved you anyway.
  21. -1 points

    Buh- Bai

    Welp, sorry for the sudden leave but i had planned to leave around june - julyish. but yea i'm not going to avoid it but got push to leave early. Been with the clan longest besides Silence, and now just wanna be release from the annoyance of many and the stress~ I myself do admit i broke rules, not going to avoid it! @Brian Sorry but i just had to ban you today, you think because your position was Co-leader you could do as you please without punishment, after you left you're still annoying to me. @@MineCrack (banned from forums~ win) This guy sure talks trash about his own clan, but still in it? says i do nothing, i've done alot for xG but i admit i've been lacking lately and i'm sorry for that. Banned you for annoyance, breaking majority server rules, illegal use of Ddos. @autumn Your really focus on the clan and put a lot of effort into it, Had some fun in the clan. If your going to have some fun with abusing, why not allow some of the others have fun from time to time :cat:? anyways try not to add to much customize thing, i know you want it to be different from other server. but adding annoying/bad things will just bring it farther down~ @@Sousei just a sex doll who sold himself to me @everyone else~ had some fun with you guys, And i know you guys don't think highly of me and already know many talk about me and hate me for enforcing the rules but hey! motd is nice isn't it :eek: Anyways I won't really be rejoining, i've already left several times and this time it's for good.. just want to have some nice relaxing time to enjoy the game and not be bitched at and have to constantly figure out people problem which should be already figured out by the other admins.. but they're lacking! @duckiijr Sorry, i just want to delete you. i can't really handle you anymore, no hard feelings but i just can't take the constant messaging even while im offline i still get the after another, just find someone else... i've already ask you to stop but i guess my feeling doesn't matter :eek: (probably can't read this so if someone is kindly c/p this to him Gl, and i hope you guys do consider about minecrack :cat: he himself admit to ddos and who knows, may be the one behind the attack on xG! audios! Now 1.. 2.. 3 Begin the flame attack!
  22. -1 points

    Dem finals tho.

    i'm still mad i was not tagged. </3
  23. -1 points

    It's been brought to my attention...

    That you are all beta faggots who suck at surf. :bored: so the question is should I stick with skill surf and the list of maps @@Cookiesars was supposed to compile for me, or should I go the beta faggot 20x easier rpg/surf server? they use completely different maps and have different settings for them. the question is, are you skilled at surf, or shit? admit it in this thread! P.S. @Dontbleedpls sucks from sucking at surf syndrome, bleed also wants the d. helllllllooooooooo
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