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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points


    The ads that silence used (I believe) are google ads, and they have 3 rules to which he knew about and yet broke all of them.
  2. 3 points

    plug ins

    Mom give me a condom
  3. 2 points
    I didnt know what was going on at first. i thought it was someone else because i didnt know it that. Again it was in the end an accident if what you say is true. The ban should just be shortened perm is kind of ridiculous for something not intentional.
  4. 2 points


    Put pinion back. I don't mind the wait and it helps the community. Have people donate to get rid of the ads.
  5. 2 points

    Stepping down for DM

    "I'm not trying to get my post count up." that thread was made so i can get ideas of what to code when i'm capable of doing so. I am talking about your idiotic posts in this thread.
  6. 2 points

    Just a question

    Direct yourself to the top page of the Forums and click on "Forms". There you can fill out any form of Application (in this case, you'll want to fill out a "Member Submission" application.)
  7. 1 point
    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: xSpankyyx Steam ID: xSpankyyx Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 14 Further Information: Rarely use mic, only when im bored and play CT on Jailbreak. I have 2200 hours on css cause im pro <3 ( think the time is glitched lol) xG JB is all I play, I sometimes play Minecraft. I will probably be playing xG in TF2, Gmod, CSS and Minecraft
  8. 1 point

    Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source

    All he had to do is sit out the ban. (IM EDGING YOU TO)
  9. 1 point

    Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source

    I am so utterly confused how this turned into a threat that was claiming disrespect... Kirito made a simple joke, and as a clan leader you should understand that people tell this same story a lot. It may or may not be the truth, but as a community it would be right to assume you are lying. We have never, will never, and you will never assume someone is telling the truth when they submit a ban protest. It is up to the one whom is banned to prove themselves innocent. You got off easy, and you acknowledged it. Why would you go on and then disrespect xG? Permanently banning all of us from whatever events/servers you have, not allowing your people to play with us... thats a little excessive. For the stuff that we had helped you out with in regards to other bans for your members, I would expect a little more friendly response. I went out of my way to make sure that the issue you were having was resolved, then you turn around (remember, after a more than lenient ban on you) and disrespect us. It's a week ban, for MASS FREEKILLING AND LEAVING... What were you expecting from us again?? I know you said goodbye, but it irks me that you did this. Sigh.
  10. 1 point

    I Need a spray plox

    I did a shitty job, but if you want me to do a different style, or edit the colors/brighten it up a little bit, I could do it.
  11. 1 point


    But no one donates, that's the problem. An ad here and there seen by a couple hundred people can bring in plenty of money for Silence to at least try and hire some decent coders and improve our community. Pinion is the same thing you're suggesting but for in game. It shows you adds and you can't close them out until x amount of seconds have passed. Donating to remove that function would add some additional revenue. Ohhh that pinion pot of gold thing? Why did that ever get removed?
  12. 1 point


    He was doing something wrong then.. Promoters usually ask to put their ads on your website. What happened? Google Ads let you put it on, but you are not allowed to tell people to specifically click them or force it to go through them. he did put several signs saying pls click, and they saw.
  13. 1 point

    [xG] Silence - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 would ban
  14. 1 point

    Jailbreak Maps!

    The maps arent the reason your population is declining. Trust me.
  15. 1 point

    CS:S Staff Roster

  16. 1 point

    LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source

    Give Lapis the equal treatment you showed to Obama/Trin whom under a no balls pretense murdered 5 or more Ts. for a week CT ban or some shit. but Lapis won't see this special treatment I predict. nor will Ben Dover who has an open ban protest. Even though these two players last mentioned have been playing xG jailbreak much longer than Trin or any free smiting mod
  17. 1 point

    ohai. i made an xg account

  18. 1 point

    CS:S Staff Roster

    @@Forest @@Chrono members can only edit their posts for the first five minutes
  19. 1 point

    LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source

  20. 1 point

    Just a question

    you have to become black by submitting a member application
  21. 1 point

    LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source

    dude come on :/ -1 i freaking love you lapis but why would you do something so damn stupid. maybe i'll plus 1 in the distant future but leaving after it happend? cmon man..
  22. 1 point
    -1 You mass freekilled then left. I can't believe you did this... I was the one who actually banned you. You went in to the shoutbox right after and said freekilling is fun.
  23. 1 point
    -1 You're better than this. :(
  24. 1 point

    Stepping down for DM

    I accept my re-promotion to Divison Leader now.
  25. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    I wouldn't mind having server access I am fluent in C++, HTTP, Java, www. and many other internetz codez
  26. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    +1 to be honest we should add a !store plugin for csgo only server side, play time = credits, give aways etc
  27. 1 point

    Jailbreak Maps!

    Maybe if @@Rhododendron actually checked the Map Request section and added the maps that we like, there would be more maps on Jailbreak. It seriously pisses me off when I see countless maps that people want added to the server, but never end up on the server because silence doesn't check that part of forums, and there's no one else who can add the maps. If you're reading this silence, please go to the following threads and add the approved maps jb_station (the version is in link) Jailbreak Maps Request. jb_carceris_final_fixed ba_jail_leoben
  28. 1 point

    xG 3D Logos (NEW)

    ------------------------------- Comment!
  29. 0 points


    Last time daddio..... you are posting to get post count up because you have nothing better to do. make posts with legitimate substance. next time I will ban you.
  30. 0 points

    bonk2 - Counter-Strike: Source

    *4 DM's. We will give you a week. Seeing as no one commented till now. Get on Teamspeak more often to familiarize yourself with other community members.
  31. -1 points
    honeslt great guy, fun to play with. but breaks the rules sometimes. needs to redeem himself. for now i keep it at a 0. ill change my mind if i see imrpovement. A:7 M:6
  32. -1 points
    I wasn't asking for +1's i was telling MrAwesome to take off his -1. And i've asked how to get on teamspeak but no one tells me.
  33. -1 points

    ShadowSpy - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source Staff Name: ShadowSpy Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30352392 Evidence: Xeno Gamers Reason baddie=u, dont disrespect Further Information: He TKed me and didn't slay himself so I called him a badmin at which point he gagged me for "disrespect" and then I began an arguement that calling him bad at admining is not punishable under the rules for disrespect, which then got me a kick and a ban... His reason for the ban calls me bad.... That is some really hypocrite shit right there....
  34. -1 points

    Great Job

  35. -1 points

    ~Omg Look At You!~

  36. -1 points

    plug ins

  37. -1 points


    A plugin to make my text purple.
  38. -1 points


    what new plug-ins would you like to see on the CS:GO servers
  39. -1 points
    Damn kid, you are so eager to join. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Free Palestine @@serbiansnaga Promote to Member.
  40. -1 points

    plug ins

    We need a voice activated command. That only DMs and DLs know
  41. -1 points

    [xG] Silence - Counter-Strike: Source

    I closed before @@Gkoo huehuehue
  42. -2 points

    Great Job

    INB4 bunch of noob leave xG #Matsi4C2013 You're a fag. LOL REALLY?! Being called that by people stopped hurting me when I was like 10, and realized it was true :p AND THAT'S FURFAG!!! GET IT RIGHT #YIFFINHELLFURFAG
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