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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Rust Division

    To be honest i feel like it would be better for just the people who have this game to play together, based off our past histories with these types of games it seems like a waste of time/resources
  2. 3 points

    Rust Division

    Any member that still gets banned for legitimate reasons should not be running a division, no matter how well you know the game. Maturity is a huge factor when it comes to running a division, if you can't handle yourself in a mature manner, it will just keep people away from that division.
  3. 3 points

    Rust Division

    I don't think we should have someone who just got perm'd on gmod, and banned from TS for 6 hours running a division.
  4. 2 points

    Darkrp Job Ideas

    Mayors Daughter: Can be kidnapped and held to ransom (good if we have terrorist groups) She can influence the mayor and has body guards (maybe the mayors bodyguards. Parkour: Can jump higher and can climb buildings?
  5. 2 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    How is my suggestion anything relevant to trolling?
  6. 2 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    Did you know you can edit your post and add on to that post? :O MIND BLOWING!
  7. 2 points

    Another Last Ct Song?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkQXQLPrCqo How about this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-agNTzk0a0 Or this?
  8. 2 points

    Rust Division

    People can't even keep a conversation without blowing it up into something larger than it actually is. Maybe if we had a proper discussion we could get situations taken care of more easily, instead of turning every thread into "YOU SUCK XDDDDDDDDDDD LE SHITPOSTING FACE." Maybe if you actually heard somebody's ideas, instead of the person saying them, we could grow even larger. Closed, since intelligent conversations don't exist in this thread.
  9. 2 points

    Rust Division

    Why can't we have a DoD:S JB server?
  10. 2 points

    Rust Division

    no...that's a legitament reason for everyone to be concerned about. You're a member again (how you are a member again boggles my fucking mind) and ALREADY you have been permed in a division and banned from TS. you present a division and pretty much say i want to run this shit, pls gais its gud game. why should we trust you? so far you made yourself look like a real ass to the whole Gmod division in 1 day and Ts.
  11. 1 point

    Another Last Ct Song?

    I was listening to a playlist I made some time ago, and came across this video. I'm considering setting it as one of the last CT songs if you guys like it. Post some more suggestions. For my video, I'd probably end up trimming the first.. like 17 seconds out, to get to the beat drop, unless you guys like the start. I just think the more "uppy" beat would be a good choice for the start of last CT. M4Sonic - Virus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXLL46xkdlY Any.. Halloween themed videos or songs? I would prefer them being something fitting for last CT. -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  12. 1 point

    Another Last Ct Song?

    That ones catchy and nice. Might use it later. This is catchy, might loop it in Audacity to make it longer. Last CT sometimes lasts longer than 1 1/2 minutes. Okay, No, I'm just wanting a little Halloween themed ones for the occasion.
  13. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    Babe just caught me in the middle of the hunt.
  14. 1 point

    Xeno Gamers Prison Server

    I took off with your Mum last night - Supermaddud
  15. 1 point

    Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread

    not on #2 it will not bring the list up to choose someone, do not try to correct me son, you know i am always right :3.
  16. 1 point

    Rust Division

    yay another open-world survival zombie apocalypse game! How original! I can't imagine this division being anything but successful, just as the DayZ and WarZ divisions were.
  17. 1 point

    Rust Division

    no, i'm annoyed that even after i told you i would watch you closely because of your past behavior, you still decided to make a prop and winch it to the wall and have it prop kill people walking by. you then proceed to say things like idk what ur talking about, fuck you, ur a faggot, in the TS channel which got you banned for 6 hours. your actions today, do not help your case for managing a new division.
  18. 1 point

    Here's a cheap Gaming PC

    AMD Processors are fine, but with the experience I've had with them, they are more for work-type computers....Not Gaming-type. I have an AMD Laptop (Forget specs) and for 5 or 6 years has been doing just fine.
  19. 1 point

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    And the award for best forum posts of the century goes to (drumroll please): everyone on this thread who posted a shitty gif, in some collective yet incredibly pathetic attempt to convey some form of humor. These are some of the most insightful and thought-provoking posts I've ever seen. I'm glad to see that yet another thread has been quickly derailed in a matter of minutes, Congratulations! 0 as I honestly couldn't care less whether or not he gets unbanned.
  20. 1 point


    Serbian will still do nothing, not without a whole campaign behind it like #rabiddidnothingwrong
  21. 0 points


  22. 0 points

    Rust Division

    like you?
  23. 0 points


  24. 0 points

    Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread

    They in fact, work. People are just too lazy to band together to make it happen.
  25. 0 points


    -1 disney? More like shitney. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)this thread is worse than the holocaust( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  26. -1 points


    +1 he says weird things to me but i hate disney too
  27. -1 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    You guys are so cool. Staff posting memes instead of even taking this seriously when he's correctly labeling you children.
  28. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    can someone check this out cause im pretty sure it wasnt extended @@Bleed @@Chrono
  29. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    dark rp isnt on the list
  30. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    my brother was banned last night for a day different steam account but jw if it was a ip ban?
  31. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    i do im just so confused on why im still banned
  32. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    he was in that whole detroit thing and got banned for a day for killing people as medic for a day
  33. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    wasnt a ip ban so idk why i cant get in it says i was banned
  34. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    i just don't get why this is happening
  35. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    thanks if i wasn't on the list idt it should be a problem but its up to bleed
  36. -1 points

    Blackwidow - Garrys Mod

    Division: Garrys Mod In-Game Name: [xG] Black Widow Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25999037 Information: i was banned for 3 days saturday around 2 and its been 3 days and for some reason im still banned? i was banned by @@serbiansnaga
  37. -2 points
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