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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. If it get's popular enough and constant donations to fund it, yes it will happen.
  2. I shall create them, but I can't buy another VPS at this time.
  3. Are you still having this issue? The code that would cause such an error doesn't exist anymore on the server.
  4. You should come back.
  5. Fixed Staff Applications tab having wrong URL.
  6. Added X-Accel-Redirect headers to attachments so they are served directly through the web server and not PHP. Faster website and less load on the machine (it was already extremely low but it can never be too low :3 ) CSS Cache live again. Serves the files through actual CSS files and not the PHP combiner. Guides will be going live soon, once the fix is posted.
  7. Restored a backup and fixed it :)
  8. Update your status. It's 2016!
  9. If you check the application process, it still asks for a division the user is active on. This is to still give the division leader/manager a saying in the members application. However dm/dl usually were always to manage the division's staff and server structure, so it really wouldn't break much of anything. I will be writing up a staff structure page to highlight what is expected of each rank (including members) so we can know exactly what we think is expected from everyone who wants to be a part of the community.
  10. After Saturday's meeting with the Community Leaders, we have decided to redo the member application process in order to provide a better experience for members of Xeno Gamers and a more streamlined approach for those wanting to join. The application process no longer requires you to 'choose' a division to apply for. You are now applying to be a global member of Xeno Gamers With these changes comes a change to the vouching system. We have decided to make it so you need 5 vouches, and a Division Leader / Division Manager / Community Leader to vouch as well. We hope this will speed up the application process while leading to better choices for the members of this community. We have done this because we want to lessen the segregation feeling that has been floating around the community in recent times, and we feel this is a great first step in order to do so. Finally, the requirements for members of Xeno Gamers will be clearly defined, as well as structure descriptions and rule listings in the upcoming guide database we are configuring. This should be here in the coming weeks. Some of the changes for members will be required forum activity and required Teamspeak activity, as these services are invaluable to the communication of the community and really bring us together. Please let us know what we can do to improve Xeno Gamers!
  11. Figured out that the Steam profile JS is causing AJAX posting to stall out. Will need to look into more. Added Documents addon for rules and guides. Will allow members+ to post their own for credits and whatnot. Need to configure soon. Changed Documents name to Guides to better reflect what we are using.
  12. I'll post updates here, and you can report any bugs here! Would help greatly :) Moved nginx cache to ramdisk for both FastCGI and Proxy. Updated OpenSSL to patch due to vulnerability. Updated Teamspeak3 Server to 3.0.12. nginx configs reformatted to remove some params that were being loaded multiple times. Disabled PHP version header being checked for security purposes.
  13. SnapChat: IvorySwap
    1. realBelloWaldi


      Lol. Nice video of you licking these salt crystals.
    2. SnowyMinion


    3. Rhododendron


      Salt is important for a growing boy like me.
    4. Show next comments  42 more
  14. Yo dawg can I borrow a small loan of holiday noise makers?
  15. http://goo.gl/WrtJvc :3
  16. Well not the worst thing that's happened to me at Starbucks.
  17. I always really unloaded funcommands in the old days, and if it's necessary to remove, please do it. remove spooky break plz
  18. Add me on SnapChat: IvorySwap
  19. We already have way too many so I would want to replace only :( I COULD code a new method that lets you choose from a list, and we could have many more ratings, right now there's sorta better areas of the community that I could put such effort towards.
  20. Yo bro can I have a knife?