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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean

    Green Text

    >EU and Poor >Frags equal to Jacob >Tells people greentext doesn't work when he can't see green >Believes the Loch Ness monster is real
  2. Aegean

    Green Text

    >be me >rhododendron comes into my channel on teamspeak very loud >"YEAH BABY I DID IT" >figure out he's talking about greentext >MyResignation.txt
  3. Hello Xeno Gamers! Better late than never right! Apologies for the tardiness :) What's Going On? Minecraft is up and running! mc.xenogamers.com! Plenty of updates to come soon as well, if you have any suggestions, feel free to direct them to the proper locations! MC Discussion Facebook and Twitter both have contests currently for Credits, a Content Creator title, and possbily a custom badge! Information is below Facebook: Facebook Coverphoto Submissions Twitter: Twitter Update.. It's Happening!! Raffle will be drawn in under 8 days! If you haven't done it yet, click here to get started! Shadow Daggers | Urban Masked (Well Worn) | Xeno Gamers Members Only!! Badges are still being worked on, I take sole responsibility for the tardiness of the deployment! I will work on them asap. For suggestions: Badges Megathread! Reviews are still in it's development stage. If you feel like you're really good at making reviews, make sure to check out our section here! Reviews I would recommend looking at the reviews in Highlighted Reviews from @Vector and @Egossi for the amount of effort we are looking for. What's In The Near Future? New Banners on all News Posts. Self explanatory, this is also my fault for it taking so long, I will have it out next month. Sponsor is currently being reworked to make everyone happy. For now, I would recommend holding off on paying if you plan too, the staff want to be sure we roll out a subscription based sponsor system that is cheaper and more easily acquirable for everyone. This also means adding way more things to sponsor ranks. For anyone who is currently a sponsor, you will get rewards based on your current tiers once the system is in place. Youtube! If you have short clips that you think we can use (highlights alongside other xG members) than be sure to message @TheSupremePatriot and myself.
  4. @Vexx @Goblins Fair enough, I edited it out. I just get sick of the group of members who constantly berate me with votes, and will not try to have a respectful conversation about topics and instead are reasons for threads getting closed. Regardless I edited out the comment due to my wrong choice of words.
  5. //Edited out due to rudeness of the context. Second of all, I do not choose the promotions and demotions. The higher ups who run the divisions, discuss as a team and tell me or add me in the discussion if they want my input. The only time I voice my input is if it's controversial or if I disagree with a promotion/demotion. My post was also about 4ish mods/admins who got mentioned in our promo/demo thread in staff forums. @Forge You think a higher up should get his activity up? Talk to him, to other higherups, or start a thread about it to voice your concern. You don't need to be vague. Just a reminder that some things are behind the scenes that div's do, so hours on servers are not the sole way for contribution to a division. Regardless, you are more than welcome to voice your concerns, just take it to the proper areas and discuss it appropriately and don't turn it into a shitshow like some of the other members did in the last Promo Demo despite several warnings. @Goblins the TF2 higherups have been discussing this week on proper guidelines for activity, so it's more clear to all staff.
  6. Any member who might have gotten demoted this week, will get a warning instead if it's due to their activity. We want to encourage members to improve their activity, before straight up demoting them for it anymore.
  7. Promotions TF2 @Healix from Member to Moderator Demotions CS:GO @lilbleed from Moderator to Member (Stepped Down) @Owl from Division Manager to Member (Stepped Down) TF2 @Egossi from Division Manager to Member (Stepped Down) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  8. If you have any suggestions or questions about the Review section, post here. It is still being tested out and we are starting to learn who is good at writing reviews. Custom badges will be made for users who make reviews that are featured on the highlighted section.
  9. Oh shit I completely forgot! Sorry I haven't been on the ball lately @Forest, I'll make Promo Demos, Feb Update and a guide for new users before Friday. Thanks again for the reminder dude
  10. Little Steve :( I'll miss the times we trolled @Rabid since it was so easy. I'm sure you'll come on teamspeak once in a while but thanks for moderating the servers!
  11. Oh perfect, I'll get anything I need from Jaydow :D If anyone can send me voicecomms IF they find it funny then I'm happy to take them as well @Jaydow if you're recording the games, please only record game audio, nothing else
  12. Can someone record the games for me please? Even if it's only games you play, as long as you don't lag! I want to start working on our youtube channel, and if you guys think you can get highlights or funny moments (via voicecomms) feel free to send it to me.
  13. +1 I'm happy to let him play on our servers unless @Rejects or another higherup in Tf2 have a reason otherwise.
  14. @Jacob in mid lane
  15. Added a section for Reviews we believe are very well done.
  16. Yeah that sounds good to me
  17. Winners can get a custom badge as well
  18. I'm happy to give credits to winners, just lemme know what you think is a good reward.
  19. I'll make a post about it on the February update :)
  20. You're named after a 3d block game
  21. @MineCrack You mentioned how if anyone accepted an applicant without following the criteria above they would be an idiot, despite people telling you higherups issued the unspoken rule in the past and there has never been a formal announcement on if it is reverted or not, that's why I quoted you.
  22. If you read the entire thread apparently someone higher up changed it in the past that -1s dont negate +1s which some staff apparently followed till today, and also op post never talks about a certain number of -1s instantly closing applications so i dunno where you read that, or if he edited it out.