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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. If you want to post a review for any game (Any platform as long as it's a real game that others might have played), you must use this format. If you want your review to be seen by our xG Curator Page, your review must be detailed and have a lot of thought in it. If we decide to use your review, we will redirect our curator page to your review directly. On top of that, reviews that get accepted or liked by the community will get bonus credits and a custom badge! If there's anything you feel should be added to the format, or if you have any questions feel free to post here. Title of your thread should only be the full name of the game (If it's early access, add that beside the title with [ ] ) Example: The Forest [Early Access] Game Name: Platform: Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it) Do you recommend? Y/N What you rate the game: (1 to 10) Initial Thoughts: Gameplay and Story: Backstory: Pros: (At least 2 reasons) Cons: (At least 2 reasons) Final Thoughts:
  2. I'll give a brief history of my time with xG. One day I'll write a really long version of it. I got CS:S in 2010, and I decided to play on the community servers like my friend always did in high school where he surfed all the time. I had no understanding of how surf worked, so I roamed from Zombie Escape to Jailbreak servers. HG back then (dunno about now) made it so T's couldn't talk ever, so I joined xG where T's actually had time to talk. I met @Rabid @Rhododendron and a bunch of others who either left or got banned (shoutout to the 2010-2011 gang) and this was a server I would spend late nights on almost every single day. The server was always active late at night, and we played for so many hours non-stop. I must say, the community was so fun back then, and I got asked to be an admin level 2 when I signed up on the forums due to always messaging silence whenever rule breakers were on. I figure it was easier to just let me take care of the server since I spent so much time on the servers (back when we didn't have moderators and had 3 levels of admins instead). I was part of the reason @all chat wasn't enabled for lower level staff since I alongside other staff would use it for everything lol. Anyways things were going good, I got promoted to Division leader of CS:S at the time, and shortly after co-leader. We were in the process of integrating to CS:GO which is what brought the whole Cyanide Gaming swatting me. For context, we used a jailbreak map from gamebanana that was made from a Cyanide member, and as we were really popular, our servers were a hit compared to theirs. They asked me to take the map down as the map was for their server, and I told them I'm happy to take it down for them (As we had other maps in our rotation and their map wasn't dependent on our success.) Anyways, Silence + Starbuck (Co-leader and developer at the time) both agreed to not take it down as it is a public map, and there's nothing wrong with us taking it. They started threatening our members with threats of DDoS on teamspeak, and so I banned the user with the reason "Faggot". Big mistake. They called me on my cellphone, spoofed my mom's phone number and started threatening me, as they didn't believe that a co-leader wouldn't be able to remove a map (I didn't have any access to anything aside from forums, kinda similar to now but I have way more freedom and can get access to things I personally work on) so they gave me a time limit to swat me. I didn't know what swatting was back in 2012 (I was 17 at the time) so I just hung up on them. A little back and forth later, I eventually get police get called to my old location, and then they follow up to my mom's house, and then they call my dad's house and come to my dad's and ask me what's going on. Apparently these guys spoofed my number from Skype or a Google service and called my local police saying I have a hostage, made a gunshot noise and hung up on them. I left xG shortly after, returned for a bit under the alias Link before some conflict with the higherups at the time which led to my decision to leave and only rejoin recently after patching things up with Silence/Rhodo. I'm happy to be back as I've been with xG on and off since near its birth, and it's like my second home. I was always upset when I was gone to see xG going downhill from members not giving a shit but complaining with 0 resolutions, and with how good our staff are this time around, xG is only going to keep getting better and better. Random Tidbits: Rabid got banned so many times, and whenever he got unbanned I got blamed for it (despite being one of the few to never vouch for him in the past) We banned a pedophile A guy named Soiarn (aka soysauce) was awful I hate duplolas Arthman (ex minecraft div leader/french guy) got gangbanged in Minecraft PVP arena by Ruki, Rabid and myself, and claimed he never cheated. We eventually killed him after pinning him to a corner of a pond with 3 people just shooting him with arrows, and got his diamond armor with +5 enchants with 4-6 seperate enchants on each item. He had an Enderman farm built in the End (this was a day into the server, and he had built it with oscar with Creative mode) Klure used to be Hudson Jr.
  3. Aegean

    Csgo Scrims

    I agree with @MinerTeddy and @virr, usually what happens is because we do fat man out, people like Virr, Grant and a few others offer to sit out just because they know they will be picked if it's fatman out despite people waiting for so long.
  4. I remember <3 @KingJ @BillyMays @trifdign @Mad_Scientist @SKYDADDY @JimenyCrickets
  5. Aegean


    Take care pham, enjoy didno woorl
  6. Minecraft is almost ready!!! Hypeeee
    1. Jadow


      whoo i haven't done anything for the past week i'm contributing so much :P whoo great computer whooo getting fixed today if i don't suck at plugging wires
    2. Thorax_


      Valve Time* :P
    3. Aegean


      It is almost ready! literally just some playtesting and adding floating text left I believe
  7. Aegean


    Just letting you know that we listen to the comments of our member's vouches because THEY are the ones who have experience with the individuals who want to be a member of our community. It's like Louis CK says, if someone calls you an asshole you can't just say you're not, you have to take into account their point of view to why they think you're an asshole. Regardless, best of luck on getting vouches and if you do feel like you're someone who deserves to be a member of our community, then you shouldn't feel threatened on a single negative vouch, especially when they state that they can revouch for you if they feel you deserve it.
  8. I think you can use the v9 on the mobile site if I'm not mistaken, I'm sure rhodo will fix all the mobile issues before pushing both versions to v10
  9. I agree that any title was to extend past the limit that it should appear with “ ... “ showing there is more text, just so it doesn't break mobile. Just a heads up, silence isn't updating the dark style yet, so you should be on v10 light theme just so you know anything broken is broken on the current version.
  10. What would stop the T's !firing a warden while the other CT has no mic or doesn't want to warden, wouldn't they just make it freedays constantly if staff is off? What would be your ways to combat the abuse when there is 8ish people on? Or is this going to be something implemented only if server has 12+?
  11. it was just a suggestion, as you guys are the ones who actually have to deal with it I don't mind keeping it as it is, and have no strong feelings either way.
  12. My suggestion for abusing call admin, would be instead of a full day ban for the first time, for it to be changed to 1 hour > 1 day > 1 week accordingly. I don't think silence is a good response to someone abusing call admin, and a 1 hour ban will let people come back the same day and instead of potentially not come back the day after. If he continues his call admin bs, then just ban him for a day and he probably won't come back on 24 hours later just to get banned again.
  13. https://xenogamers.com/threads/40191/
  14. As you guys can see, we have implemented badges. Badges Examples of badges that will be made: Moneybags (Going to cost a LOT of credits) Community night event winners (Minecraft Hunger Games, Town of Salem, Brawlhalla) Lifetime Sponsor Trivia Master (For masters of trivia) Facebook Screenshot of the Month Winners To suggest a badge, you must give me A name How do people get it The image/gif for it
  15. We don't need your steam Id for minecraft Mod ;)
  16. Congrats to everyone who got promoted, and thanks bleed for Promo Demo !
  17. https://xenogamers.com/threads/40158/#post-279300
  18. Hello Xeno Gamers! Different format for this update, it's going to be a big one! What's New This Month? TF2 staff activity adequacy will be determined by higher ups instead of having a specific hour requirement. It is hard to be accurate and can be discouraging to members who wish to be staff if they see such a set requirement. In other words, be active if you can be as TF2 staff, but you no longer need to aim for a "minimum 18 hours" on our servers. Facebook Screenshots of the month will be increased from 800/1000 credits to 2000 credits a month. You can also earn other things such as custom badges for screenshots so make sure you enter! Xeno Gamers Facebook | 2017 Changes 2 new raffles! Shadow Daggers | Urban Masked (Well Worn) | Xeno Gamers and 10 TF2 Keys | Xeno Gamers! Special thanks to @JuannabeGod for providing the knife for the giveaway! What's Coming Up This Month? Minecraft! It's been a long time coming and I believe a rushed project is a bad one, and the server is almost ready. Just want to give a special shout out to @Klure @MineCrack @jubens45 @SuperMaddud @Owl @Pepper @Hanney @Jaydow for all their hard work so far, I promise it's gonna be worth the wait! Custom Badges are now implemented to xG! We can customize them completely, and can only be earned. The badges that will be made are for community night winners (Hunger Games, Town of Salem, Brawlhalla etc) and for other unique individuals (for example trivia masters). I will have a thread dedicated on ideas for badges soon. xG Curator Page will be implemented this month. The full layout will be finished, and available to all members to review games/software. Any reviews done really well will be featured on the xG curator page, a locked section on the forums and be given credits accordingly. The reviews on the forums will also not be limited to steam games. Banners for News Updates + Promotions/Demotions. The banners will not be big, and should give some nice flair to our homepage. I will get the exact dimensions and make a post about how people can contribute if they'd like! Expect this in the next few weeks. What's Coming Up Later In The Year? Youtube will start getting attention once I have all my software from school! It will be open to the community for content and that will be expanded on later in the year! Social Media Presence will be worked on throughout the year with giveaways and community activity. If you have any ideas on improving our Facebook or Twitter, be sure to message @TheSupremePatriot or @Hanney! More Events and Tournaments! I just want to clarify that higher ups are not the only ones who can organize these. If you have an idea for the community, take some initiative and set it up! If it's a success we can even give you credits for organizing it. Sponsor-only benefits are going to be looked at and worked on throughout the year. If you want to look at what we have so far for sponsors, check it out here Sponsorship And The Reward Tiers
  19. Okay the conversation about Gmod, @Vertex and @DoctorGringo has been moved to a private conversation among higher ups and staff of Gmod, if there's anything you guys would like to add to the ban protest feel free, if not you should close this thread and anything related to the division itself can be discussed openly on the forums in the Gmod divison.
  20. Aegean


    [MEDIA=imgur]a/gK8kt[/MEDIA] These are 3 games thank you.
  21. This is the official thread to suggest ideas or ask questions regarding Sponsorship tiers and rewards!
  22. Welcome to xG! Hope you enjoy your stay and best of luck on becoming a Member :)
  23. Message @Rhododendron for any help with the xG bot :D
  24. I'm glad @BullseyeX, thanks for staying to help with moderating the servers!