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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Drinking at some local small pub and then party at a friend's place
  2. Discussing some big changes with the higherups before posting the March update, stay tuned!
  3. Who cares if the other gaming communities don't have successful facebook/twitter presences, that isn't a reason to just not work on Facebook/Twitter. It's also not counter intuitive because it reaches another audience of people that might not know of our community, thus why Silence has paid for ads in the past. Finding people to join xG simply from voice of mouth or from people inviting their friends isn't the 100% fool proof plan. I told you Hannah and Supreme both volunteered to work on our social media, this isn't taking time away from Silence, Bleed or anyone who does anything to benefit the servers backend wise, and they didn't volunteer because they HAD to do something, they wanted to work on those specific platforms. We never said we wouldn't work on youtube, but you're implying that Hannah + Supreme must do one or the other, you're not understanding that this is a volunteer position and that they started working on these platforms (from literally nothing) less than 6 months ago, Hannah less than 2 months. You don't know the value of a strong social media following, or you think it's hopeless to try. I already told you, we are not losing "time" or "efforts" from people who are willing to work on these platforms for free, because they personally want to experiment and learn things themselves. What are we losing by letting them give suggestions and try to work on these platforms? Aside from your comments that suggest they should not bother, there's nothing negative. If our social media follows the lead of the other gaming communities and never gets popular, then so be it. Do you not read what's previously in the conversation? Look at previous posts, where you can see I agreed with Goblins about not adding the feed onto the forums unless we start having content on our social media that is different then that on the forums.
  4. What resources are we putting into our social media websites? Nothing. We have 2 volunteers on both platforms who not only offered to work on them but want to work on them, and see if they can learn anything while doing so, which is a win/win on both ends because they had 0 activity on them beforehand anyways. Your "waste of time" implies the time spent could be used to better servers another way, but the people working on the social media platforms aren't also making plugins for us so your logic is flawed. Why would we deny people on trying to help us out on social media which as you said are dead? I don't even care if it doesn't get major progress for a year, things don't automatically have to be a success for it to be worth it. Last thing, Silence has put thousands of dollars into this community to try to constantly improve it, if he had your mindset, xG wouldn't even be up because "what's the point?".
  5. Welcome my good sir, if you want to discuss about your design project (if you haven't already spoken to a higher up) feel free to start a private conversation with me via forums :)
  6. Welcome to the forums!
  7. @MineCrack I don't care if it's been dead lmao, the whole point of working on it is trying to learn how to increase traffic which comes from experimenting. If we took your way of thinking into account, why bother try anything? You always tend to shut down anything from the start with nothing valuable to add in the process.
  8. For your post at the time being adding feeds that don't add anything extra is a valid criticism, I think once we have more posts on our social media + doing giveaways dedicated for the specific social media platform will be a good time to add feeds to the website. I agree with @Tatost on his suggestion for the change of the buttons to be somewhere more visible or to have more clarity at the very least.
  9. It would give incentive Gyazo - b293dc49240e37f1b1e07240c8b12af2.png This is the most recent post on our FB, it's getting worked on and clearly suggesting changes to help increase traffic does not warrant a "something nobody is gonna use anyways". Everything starts somewhere, and you're just being negative for the sake of being negative.
  10. Aegean

    Hub Shop Icons

    It would be great if you do make them, if we do like them I'm more than happy to pay you for your time :) Feel free to start a convo with me if you have any questions or want feedback
  11. I'm happy to provide rewards if we do set up something and there's a ton of interest!
  12. https://xenogamers.com/threads/41039/ Promo/demo is out!
  13. Promotions TF2 @Vector from Moderator to Administrator @Vexx from Administrator to Division Manager Demotions TF2 @BlankuChan from Division Manager to Member (Stepped Down) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  14. I'll talk to supermaddud about setting up an event for the server this month. Rewards will include credits and a custom badge!
  15. Staff Chat and Higher Up Chat added in the shout box, click on the + on the shoutbox to join the chats!
  16. I disagree with the weapons for reasons that @MineCrack pointed out, everything else I do agree to a certain extent that people should be a little more understanding. For example, most of us are shit players aside from the xG big dogs, so when we do questionable plays, freaking out and going WHAT ARE YOU DOING on the mic doesn't make us play better. It's easier to just tell us what to do for next time and why. Also, this is for the shit players, not all criticism is insulting. If someone tells you how to play the round better, don't freak out on them and insult them just because they are trying to improve your game sense.
  17. someone buy bello this http://store.steampowered.com/app/431240/
  18. Most of the Staff are busy with school, Silence is working towards ways to populate the CS:GO servers and is working with Bleed as well. Things are gonna be pretty slow until end of april when people's schools start ending unfortunately. Gonna try to get the attention of @Lithium @virr @Bleed to see if they have any comments to give to Charles about surf
  19. Aegean

    Green Text

    >My name is PinoyPsycho >I get outjungled by silvers bro >Diamond 5 is where I belong >I also look like wukong >I wish I could climb higher >Better chance of me freezing on fire
  20. https://xenogamers.com/threads/40865
  21. Aegean

    Green Text

    >Poor little EU thinks he got me, >Lucky for me, Jacob's my buddy, >Twice the player, that's easy to see >Good luck with poems, you ugly swede
  22. I asked @NitNat for minecraft banners, which was made by Virr in the end. If she's interested in making a new FB cover she's more than welcome
  23. Aegean

    Green Text

    >Pizza man steps into the dojo >this is not gold, so you have no luck >Better luck of Ash catching ho-oh >stick to minecraft you beta cuck
  24. Aegean

    Green Text

    >There once was a man named Virr >Who wished he played like our Klure >Too bad you're EU >Jacob's better than you >Your neckbeard looks like dog fur
  25. Aegean

    Green Text

    >EU wants poems >Haiku is what he shall get >Jacob is better