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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. I'll be done school at the end of April so I'm happy to help populate plus find staff for it once it's ready on a regular basis on top of setting up events for the server
  2. Gyazo - b96b2d279cbd40df7cccb3c018fb52ef.png Hmmmmm where did those 19 kills come from ? :thinking:
  3. You couldn't even play csgo until recently when your daddy bought you new parts for your pc, and people still don't want to pick you in 10 man's. You should stop talking before you embarrass yourself anymore than you already do daily on teamspeak
  4. Out of how many games :yawn::thinking: Thank you
  5. @MineCrack you're getting carried by klure again? Wow shocker
  6. Details will be out in 2 days, but we will not have a required amount of vouches anymore for membership, but still accept input from our members + staff on whether a player should become a member or not.
  7. Member applications will be changing in April!
    1. Jadow


      New Requirement: Memes needed
  8. Aegean

    Game Division

    You can start a discussion whenever you want if you want to revive our GMOD division. @Kypari and @YeEternalTuna, we will work on our current divisions FIRST before making a new division, you don't need to derail the conversation and ignore my statement that states what you guys are asking for anyways.
  9. The whole issue is people do not want to wait towards a month just for an answer, they just don't come on xG forums again and look for another communtiy who accepts them. Having a universal application process that accepts people into our community as long as they fit our certain requirements & if no member gives a good reason for someone to be denied a membership is what we want to strive for. If anyone becomes a member and we find out that they actually don't belong, we still have the section for member protests :) Our numbers dwindle as players on our servers try to join our community, don't get accepted within a good period of time, and then forget about us and join another community.
  10. Fixed, and also it is a small time frame but there will not be a vouch requirement anymore, just a requirement based on other things (i.e. server time, age, etc) If you look at other big gaming communities, this is how they structure their membership, and I think although our staff is one of the more strict (which I prefer), our membership process should be much more lenient to reflect a more open community.
  11. I already spoke to the higherups and told them to interact more with their mods/admins so they can get their input for promo/demo. If you guys didn't know, this can be my endorsement that all staff can give their input on nominations for promo/demo that might not be clear to them :)
  12. Hello Xeno Gamers! The Leprechauns are gone but we're back! What's New This Month? TF2 Staff Requirement has been reverted to a set time of 14 hours biweekly. The higherups decided that leaving it up to "be as active as you can" left too much gray area, and they believe that the staff prefer set hours as well as long as it's reasonable. Added the banners for News + Promo/demo, not final versions by any means so don't fret! What's Coming Up Soon? Membership Application Processes will be changed completely within the next 2 weeks once the final things are worked out. We will change it to 2 day applications where there is a 2 day window for people to voice their opinion (mainly to say if they are unfit to join xG) and if they qualify then they will be in. This change is from many people who join our servers finding xG too hard to join as some people who aren't very social can not get the required vouches to join our community or do not want to wait the few weeks - month just to hear if they got accepted or not. We do not want xG to feel like an exclusive club. This 2 day window will be crucial in keeping out people who shouldn't be in so members who want their voice heard should be checking forums daily. More details will be out in a post dedicated for it and will be open for discussion there.
  13. The reasoning of adding a banner on the top of the posts is because I want the home page to look nicer. It'll make sense once the news post is out in a few minutes.
  14. LOL I'm still testing things out, it is not the final promo/demo logo by any means, and you're more than welcome to create one :)
  15. I didn't realize xG was a font and not a custom logo rofl, I'm downloading the font and will remake the banner and update this one. The news post banner will be a little different
  16. Told you guys not too exciting, the banners are just me testing out the dimensions and will be worked on throughout the weeks to make it look really nice and unique.
  17. Promotions TF2 @Hiryunix from Member to Moderator Congratulations to the person who was promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to the single person who has newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM ID posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible. Newly accepted members will be included in Promo/Demos starting #171. Membership applications will be changing and explained in the March News thread.
  18. Aegean

    Game Division

    I paid for a month just as a trial period to see if there's enough attention, unfortunately without proper plugins it got griefed and had to be soft reset. I will consider terraria again in the future if another big update comes, but in the mean time I don't think I'll do terraria again without good reason.
  19. Aegean

    Game Division

    Why do you guys not read my posts? This happens everytime I start a thread lmao. This was just clearly to get the community talking and see where their interests are at.
  20. Aegean

    Game Division

    What you're suggesting seems to be more suited for an event that xG can have more than keeping it as a division per say, i appreciate the feedback though and planetside will definitely be considered
  21. Yeah our adult population is not a lot, but we definitely have quite a few! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  22. Aegean

    Game Division

    You are more than welcome to start those kinds of discussions in the proper sections on the forums, as the higherups always love to see feedback from our community. This thread is specifically meant for games outside our current divisions though!
  23. Provide some input! https://xenogamers.com/threads/41124/#post-287691
  24. Aegean

    Game Division

    Aside from the divisions we currently have, what would be a game that you guys would want a server for, even if it's just a month trial period? This will not take place right away, I just want to hear some opinions for the summer time after we work on repopulating some of our inactive divisions. Please provide reasons for your choices and any details that might be important (i.e specific game modes) Thanks!
  25. You're gonna be on the news REAL quick