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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. I think this is our first review that's actually really well done.
  2. As far as I know @Lithium is working on a new server for CS:GO, and we have plans to release way more things into hub soon. I'll start helping with population as well once school isn't so heavy
  3. I never knew it changed or that there was an unspoken rule about it. +1 for the change, but definitely context matters in the -1's and +1's
  4. Locked. Congrats to everyone promoted.
  5. Why are you guys still posting about this in the promo/demo thread after I stated you all to drop it. I don't mind if it's constructive but that is NOT what is going on in this thread. This is a gaming community, you have 0 reason to be at each other's throats. At the end of the day, we are all members of the same community and arguing about semantics is uncalled for without context. Lets make some notes about some things so far: There is no "ban" quota in our community. If anyone deals with rulebreakers properly but there just isn't a lot of rulebreakers for his time on, does that mean he's a bad mod? What kind of logic is this, should he just start banning more people just so you're happy Aside from a few staple ban guidelines, we encourage staff to make their own judgments on bans as context is always important in every situation. I personally do my best to educate a rule breaker on what he did wrong before I throw out bans, so not only is he satisfied, but the rest of the server understands as well. Are you telling me I should ban more people when I do get on just so I look like I'm working properly? Required hours should NOT have stayed at 18 hours, everyone has their own lives and moderating/administrating servers is volunteer work basically, it's not "fun" to deal with rulebreakers and this is not a paid job. We give mod to people who deserve it, and we believe is a benefit to our community. Of course we do expect good activity, but we changed it specifically because having a set time on servers is not appealing for members who want to help out but feel like it's a job rather than a privilege. If he plays off hours which a few members have attested too, and actually moderates instead of just sitting in spec and doing nothing, what is the issue? Clearly he has other members and staff that vouch he's a good moderator. There are plenty of ways to have a meaningful and constructive discussion without assuming things or being disrespectful. Learn how to do that, or take it elsewhere.
  6. The thing is, this isn't an issue for CS:GO and Floppy is right that: Getting a little heads up about activity should not be a problem for staff to manage, Someone actively getting on for a period of time daily, especially on off hours and actually moderating is enough help. This is why we removed the 18 hour rule in the first place. Anyways, no reason to continue discussing this here, it's been sorted out and we will do our best to avoid mistakes like this in the future.
  7. I have full adobe suite, can you explain what you need from me? Either here or in a private conversation is fine
  8. Staff are discussing now, if they don't make a statement soon I will.
  9. @Floppy I wrote a message to all the higher ups to clarify, I saw Supremes comments in this thread as well so I'll let them clarify their reasoning or rectify their mistake.
  10. @Goblins I adjusted the text size but please don't insinuate that text size = how much we care about him or the situation. I did it strictly so it stands out from the congratulations message, no other intent behind it.
  11. The links are fine and can stay. Thanks for the additional links.
  12. Promotions TF2 @Skeletal from Member to Moderator Minecraft @Chrono from Member to Moderator @Egossi from Member to Moderator @Steven from Member to Moderator @Rabid from Moderator to Administrator @Klure from Moderator to Administrator Demotions Minecraft @jubens45 from Moderator to Member (Stepped Down) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible. New format next time, I promise!! I just want to say rest in peace to @Digitalhax who passed away last week. He was a member of our community a long time ago, and we give our condolences to his friends and family.
  13. I'm fine with whatever you guys decide, just understand that it can feel like a slippery slope if you start filtering out memes like lennies. People might question what else you might filter out in the future. Just my 2 cents
  14. Gonna make mockups and let people give opinions on it ! I'll have that done asap
  15. Aegean

    Badges Megathread!

    I like the badge, but I'll probably use it for something else
  16. Aegean


    Okay so I think the things we can add to this guide if we choose to do so are: A section for Bug reports for the respective divisions A section with a staff roster so they know who to direct their concerns too. (Including showing how to start a conversation with someone) A section leading to Protests (Member, Staff, Ban) A section for what shoutbox is for and where it is, All else fails, making a thread in the general thread Thoughts @Forest
  17. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know aside from forums I'm going to be a little less active on servers due to school + work. I do promise to get badges done asap, and continue to work on xG stuff as much as I can. If you guys need to reach me, messaging me via forums is much better than steam, and also if you have any suggestions for events, feel free to ask Rhodo or Bleed. That's pretty much it :) I'll still be making Promo / Demo and Feb Update will be out in a week or so!
  18. @Forest aka Coffee Lord yeah you do bring up good points, it's definitely not necessary but it's something to think about imo. I do like when other sections of the forum are used instead of everything being dumped into general (even though that is the point) but regardless you are right that having those areas as niche areas is good enough so that people can use it if necessary.
  19. Aegean


    Hey man I appreciate the post, always love getting thought out suggestions from you. I'm at work currently but I'll look indepth tonight and give you a response. I do agree with us needing an easier way for new registered users on the forums to know where they can direct their problems. I can make a guide and have it linked and shown in a way that is clear to new users.
  20. Adding on to that, perhaps having a day of the week/month where we specifically use a section of the thread that isn't so common wouldn't be a bad idea. Of course it would depend on the community but for example (music monday) where we just talk about music in that section and create a new thread every week. I would like to hear ideas from members/staff on how to increase traffic and activity on our other less used sections on the forums
  21. I understand the reasoning for it, the only issue I have is some sections would be omitted from this as (member protest) for example shouldn't ask for a new post lol. I personally don't think this is a big issue, but figuring out ways to generate conversation in other sections of the thread is not a bad idea
  22. Just show us one or two of his accounts and that'll be good enough, I'm actually curious as to see how much of a problem this is.