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  1. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Pepper in I Just Don't Understand.   
    Im sick of seeing all of this drama. Its honestly really exhausting to read all this shit and see the immaturity that is spreading through the community like a wildfire. It needs to stop and somebody needs to do something about it. Forest fires dont go out by pissing on them. takes a group effort to stop one.
  2. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in I Just Don't Understand.   
    But seriously the problem is that there is no communication anymore. There are people doing things behind each others backs. Dethman in the chat i had with him was that he wanted me permed again but he also mentioned rabid and a few others. The problem is that now everyone is too damn sensitive (talking about myself). @diabeetus himself wrote in his goodbye thread that now there are higher ups that are gunning me down so i get permed for petty things. This also scares me that the moment because if @DrLee leaves i am going to be permed and have zero say in it. And the same goes to rabid and these "other people" dethman talked about. People hold grudges here that it's so bad people are being banned and permed for such small reasons. And what's worst? this clan is so fucked up that we just recently banned a guy for child pornography, and not shady ban but the guy actually posts child pornography. Don't just say "oh well if you don't like it, just leave" That's not the point. if you people keep going on like this, xG is gonna fucking die and at this point i wouldn't be surprised. the fact we have obvious bias and people speaking behind each other backs (see @Ohstopyou perming me again for no reason and not telling me or the other CLs.). I ask for an explanation for his actions but of course he doesn't acknowledge. HE said so himself in teamspeak. He even said to me that he doesn't read my comments and believes i won't change in my ban protest. The higher up situation is so bad that i don't see a recovery.
  3. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in Cya   
    we lose another good one :(. to bad people thought you were nothing but a bias guy who still had a hard on for Counter Strike. Good luck in everything bro.
    "Vector - lol dude you are absolutely fucked. There are people gunning to get you permed over some pretty minor things."
    i've known this for months but i'm not going anywhere ;) we still got our puppet masters
    @Chrono @Tsuchikure @ThePenguin @Bleed @DrLee
  4. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Egossi in Hi, I Like Potatoes. (dear God! My First Post! It's Scary!)   
    Welcome to the worst part of xG: its forums
  5. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from jaygoki in Let's Fix Some Things   
    +1, but it should be 3 CoLeaders, rather than 2, that way there can be a tie breaker. And, if there is ever a case where one co leader is "acting up" the other two can vote him off, rather than it being one others choice(or silences, but I don't even think he's active anymore). Another thing, when xG had co leaders, they were given powers on all servers higher than that of DLs. They should have no server powers, this way they can focus on the community, not administrating a server. But I do think they should have teamspeak powers above everyone else.Co Leaders shouldn't be able to decide who gets promoted or demoted, but should look over the list, to make sure there are no bias or unfair changes in rank.
    Co Leaders also shouldn't be forced to be active in all divisions(but it should be highly encouraged, especially for community nights, division re-openings/startups, etc.). If you take a Co Leader who hates tf2 and tell him he has to be active on it, he won't take it seriously anyway. When we had co leaders, they never had to be active on the servers, and it worked fine. Server related issues should be solved by the DLs and DMs.
    CoLeaders SHOULD be somewhat active on teamspeak though, so that they can be contacted easier
    xG was functioning way better when we had Co Leaders(It worked for years). I honestly think Community Leaders were made to make things look more democratic(which in the end didn't work anyway since in 99% of the threads I see it's only the CLs that have the final say in anything, rather than the community).
    Also, for CoLeader I nominate @Forest (I'm being serious), @Hidingmaster , and maybe @Nomulous (not sure of his forum/TS activity, but he's all I could think of as a third CoLeader).
    (EDIT: Maybe even @Chrono but I thought I saw a post somewhere saying he was inactive)
    Of course, I'm sure it would be silences decision, but they just seem to be the best fit.
  6. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Tsuchikure in Let's Fix Some Things   
    And then there's still the fact that there's a certain channel (*cough* bigga's *cough*) STILL missing after years from deletion from a non-channel owner.
    But realsies, I dunno what to say. There's not enough communication with the CLs, and the fact that the number of them is dropping is not helping.
    I do not agree with too many higher up powers since it would be difficult to pick them out unless they're all from TF2, but we all know 95% of TF2 is too immature to even handle mod, and the higher up staff of CS:GO don't even trust most with (official) mod since it's been newly released. Silence won't be of much help since he's on basically once a week now. stillnohub
  7. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Not sure why we would let silence choose them, saying he doesn't deal with them on a daily business. It should be left for the members to decide.
  8. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Dethman in Let's Fix Some Things   
    When I said server related issues I meant ban protests and member protests too. Someone from tf2 can get in trouble for something related to tf2, yet somehow it always ends up with the community leaders and not the DLs or DMs. They should only be involved in cases where it effects the whole clan, or a case where the DLs and DMs can not come to a conclusion. And yes, a lot of things I said are things the CLs should be doing, but most of them don't seem like they're being done.
  9. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to SloppierKitty7 in Animation Programs   
    for 3d Animation you can use SFM (source film maker) witch is free and is good if you want to use tf2 maps for backgrounds but getting custom models into it can be a bit of a pain but most of the tutorials of steam are pretty good for new users if you dont want you use sfm you can use MMD (MikuMikuDance) witch is also free and good for physics but it was made in japan so most of the tutorials are in Japaneses if you want to do 2d animation you can use adobe flash witch you need to pay for and it is very hard to use if you want a free 2d animation program there is Pencil 2D i have never used it but it look parity good its a lot like flash or you can use Synfig Studio with is the same as in i have not used it so i cant comment on it
  10. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from citizen_ in Dolan Trump, Citizen, Etc - Team Fortress 2   
  11. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Tsuchikure in Chats I Have Had With Jpie   
    9:29 PM - Miya: A17 PM - DarkWolf6052: Megarobin got DM, I'm reverting the server back, he can work on all my work himself.
    good times :')
  12. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Ohstopyou in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    First of all, I don't think I made a mistake. If you take the time and compare his shots to the other aimbotter, you'll see the similarity. Second of all, he's been banned in the past for BM (I was not aware of this until I was told literally 10 minutes ago), so therefore this other evidence is still valid.
    Also, not a perma for bm bullshit. He said "I'm into transvestite suicide" after bm-ing a "tranny".
  13. Creative
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DemonicDisaster in Another One Already?   
    No one really cares about my shit art but oh well! :U
    Another pic for @Popcorn !~
    Even though Toothpaste isn't colored in this one, she still looks good, right? ;w;
    I need to practice drawing her with and without the scarf!

  14. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    My main concern with this is that y'all aren't looking at the reason he was banned, but rather looking for additional reasons to justify a wrong. I don't have the ability to watch the demo, but if it is only 15 seconds and without any consistent evidence then the perm was wrong and should be removed.
    We shouldn't be seeking out wrongdoings to help justify a decision on an unrelated offense.
  15. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Good MP3 File Download Sites?   
    :Old Man:
    May want to take a look at what year this thread was made m8.
  16. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Osiris in Forest - Counter-strike   
    Since I can't edit my post,
    Because, all in all, he's a pretty cool guy
    Overall opinion: has a mic. Owns a computer
    On a serious matter, Forest haas always been one of the "problem solvers" of xG, he would always be the one(as well as others) to offer a resolution if there's an argument, flame war etc. He's active on the forums, and he also has prior experience.
  17. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Insane in Why I Came Back, Again, But Not Really + More (i Guess)   
    SNIPES i missed u :D come back to me bby.
    and dont worry about the how toxic the forums will get just laugh at the stupidity of some ppl and let it roll over :3
    or u can come to Insane and I will take you under my wing.
  18. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in I'm Back!   
    It doubles as a quarter! Heads/Tails :P
  19. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblin in I'm Back!   
    I may not be a furry, but I still think that's a nice zippo.
  20. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Hi, I Like Potatoes. (dear God! My First Post! It's Scary!)   
    Welcome to the worst part of xG: its forums
  21. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblin in Hi, I Like Potatoes. (dear God! My First Post! It's Scary!)   
    Welcome to the worst part of xG: its forums
  22. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Hi, I Like Potatoes. (dear God! My First Post! It's Scary!)   
    Welcome to the worst part of xG: its forums
  23. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Dethman in Hi, I Like Potatoes. (dear God! My First Post! It's Scary!)   
    Welcome to the worst part of xG: its forums
  24. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblins in Hi, I Like Potatoes. (dear God! My First Post! It's Scary!)   
    Welcome to the worst part of xG: its forums
  25. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Kypari in Hi, I Like Potatoes. (dear God! My First Post! It's Scary!)   
    Welcome to the worst part of xG: its forums