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  1. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Haruka in Xg Hearthstone Cards   
    @Bleed @Tsuchikure
  2. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Tsuchikure in Game Giveaway Ideas + Prize Enclosed   
    how about we settle it over a nice fun game of Board Game Online
  3. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Bach in Peace.   
  4. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Game Giveaway Ideas + Prize Enclosed   
    we should do a drawing, that you only get entered in if you write a 5 paragraph minimum essay about forest fires, and it has to be an informative essay informing us on

    what they are
    what are common causes to starting them
    what goes in to fighting forest fires
    what are some notable ones
    what is the backlash that a forest fire can cause (besides de-forestation, mudslides and extenction of different wildlife and insects in some areas because of either death to fire or lack of adequate living space that includes everything they need to survive)
    what it does to the human population immediately surrounding it, and nearby

  5. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to ChickenPanda in Game Giveaway Ideas + Prize Enclosed   
    Play a big ass game of Cards Against Humanity. Top 3 get the prizes. :^)
    Or you could do a thing where people refer others to our website to promote our servers. Whoever gets most refers, yadda yadda yadda. This would help the clan grow and give the servers funding.
    I'd prefer cards ;D
  6. Creative
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Forest in Game Giveaway Ideas + Prize Enclosed   
    Have a CSGO deathmatch sorta thing. It shouldn't be too hard to set up with the help of CSGO higherups. Do 3 games, and whoever places in the top 3 each game(9 total, unless someone places more than once) go to their own game in the end to determine prize winners from that top 3. Just an idea(not that I can participate anyway).
  7. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Ohstopyou in Apologies..   
    I thought the whole point was to accept or decline his apology. gg.
  8. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in Bye   
    I think Prius still holds that, he like... joined xG, got promoted to co leader or something to work on HUB, stole all the files and left to start a new clan with some other people all within like 2 weeks....
  9. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in Who   
  10. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Apologies..   
    That's it, time to derail the thread.
    ^Basically what half the people in this thread are saying, except it's translated into the age they're acting.
    Alright, jokes aside, let's start this
    I don't know Egossi.
    In the past I've seen him post on the forums, and I may have posted on some threads, but that's it.
    He (allegedly) broke the rules to get the first week ban. He could have(or maybe he did, I don't know) made a ban protest. If that didn't work, wait the week, it's not like it's a year.
    After the week ban, he continued to evade the ban, repeatedly. While he could have just made more protests in the future, but no he continued to break the rules. Whether or not you think he should be banned or not for that is irrelevant
    All of you shouldn't be bashing him. I know you don't like him, but he's not here to become your best friend, he's apologizing, to make an attempt to atone for his past offenses.
    Yes, he could be doing this to make people feel bad for him to get an unban, BUT you don't know that, so don't jump to conclusions, like the three year olds you're all acting like.
    All I can say is this: You don't want him unbanned? Good. Post that on his ban protest If he makes one. Not on his apology thread. You don't like him? Ok, we didn't need to know whether you liked him or not, and that's not why he's here.
    All the answers this thread needs is a "Thanks for the apology" or a "Hey what's up" if you're a friend. If you aren't posting that. You have no reason to post. Nobody even respond to this post, either comment on it or pm me if it's such a problem.
  11. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Apologies..   
    That's it, time to derail the thread.
    ^Basically what half the people in this thread are saying, except it's translated into the age they're acting.
    Alright, jokes aside, let's start this
    I don't know Egossi.
    In the past I've seen him post on the forums, and I may have posted on some threads, but that's it.
    He (allegedly) broke the rules to get the first week ban. He could have(or maybe he did, I don't know) made a ban protest. If that didn't work, wait the week, it's not like it's a year.
    After the week ban, he continued to evade the ban, repeatedly. While he could have just made more protests in the future, but no he continued to break the rules. Whether or not you think he should be banned or not for that is irrelevant
    All of you shouldn't be bashing him. I know you don't like him, but he's not here to become your best friend, he's apologizing, to make an attempt to atone for his past offenses.
    Yes, he could be doing this to make people feel bad for him to get an unban, BUT you don't know that, so don't jump to conclusions, like the three year olds you're all acting like.
    All I can say is this: You don't want him unbanned? Good. Post that on his ban protest If he makes one. Not on his apology thread. You don't like him? Ok, we didn't need to know whether you liked him or not, and that's not why he's here.
    All the answers this thread needs is a "Thanks for the apology" or a "Hey what's up" if you're a friend. If you aren't posting that. You have no reason to post. Nobody even respond to this post, either comment on it or pm me if it's such a problem.
  12. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Dethman in Apologies..   
    That's it, time to derail the thread.
    ^Basically what half the people in this thread are saying, except it's translated into the age they're acting.
    Alright, jokes aside, let's start this
    I don't know Egossi.
    In the past I've seen him post on the forums, and I may have posted on some threads, but that's it.
    He (allegedly) broke the rules to get the first week ban. He could have(or maybe he did, I don't know) made a ban protest. If that didn't work, wait the week, it's not like it's a year.
    After the week ban, he continued to evade the ban, repeatedly. While he could have just made more protests in the future, but no he continued to break the rules. Whether or not you think he should be banned or not for that is irrelevant
    All of you shouldn't be bashing him. I know you don't like him, but he's not here to become your best friend, he's apologizing, to make an attempt to atone for his past offenses.
    Yes, he could be doing this to make people feel bad for him to get an unban, BUT you don't know that, so don't jump to conclusions, like the three year olds you're all acting like.
    All I can say is this: You don't want him unbanned? Good. Post that on his ban protest If he makes one. Not on his apology thread. You don't like him? Ok, we didn't need to know whether you liked him or not, and that's not why he's here.
    All the answers this thread needs is a "Thanks for the apology" or a "Hey what's up" if you're a friend. If you aren't posting that. You have no reason to post. Nobody even respond to this post, either comment on it or pm me if it's such a problem.
  13. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Ghosty in Apologies..   
    That's it, time to derail the thread.
    ^Basically what half the people in this thread are saying, except it's translated into the age they're acting.
    Alright, jokes aside, let's start this
    I don't know Egossi.
    In the past I've seen him post on the forums, and I may have posted on some threads, but that's it.
    He (allegedly) broke the rules to get the first week ban. He could have(or maybe he did, I don't know) made a ban protest. If that didn't work, wait the week, it's not like it's a year.
    After the week ban, he continued to evade the ban, repeatedly. While he could have just made more protests in the future, but no he continued to break the rules. Whether or not you think he should be banned or not for that is irrelevant
    All of you shouldn't be bashing him. I know you don't like him, but he's not here to become your best friend, he's apologizing, to make an attempt to atone for his past offenses.
    Yes, he could be doing this to make people feel bad for him to get an unban, BUT you don't know that, so don't jump to conclusions, like the three year olds you're all acting like.
    All I can say is this: You don't want him unbanned? Good. Post that on his ban protest If he makes one. Not on his apology thread. You don't like him? Ok, we didn't need to know whether you liked him or not, and that's not why he's here.
    All the answers this thread needs is a "Thanks for the apology" or a "Hey what's up" if you're a friend. If you aren't posting that. You have no reason to post. Nobody even respond to this post, either comment on it or pm me if it's such a problem.
  14. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Egossi in Apologies..   
    That's it, time to derail the thread.
    ^Basically what half the people in this thread are saying, except it's translated into the age they're acting.
    Alright, jokes aside, let's start this
    I don't know Egossi.
    In the past I've seen him post on the forums, and I may have posted on some threads, but that's it.
    He (allegedly) broke the rules to get the first week ban. He could have(or maybe he did, I don't know) made a ban protest. If that didn't work, wait the week, it's not like it's a year.
    After the week ban, he continued to evade the ban, repeatedly. While he could have just made more protests in the future, but no he continued to break the rules. Whether or not you think he should be banned or not for that is irrelevant
    All of you shouldn't be bashing him. I know you don't like him, but he's not here to become your best friend, he's apologizing, to make an attempt to atone for his past offenses.
    Yes, he could be doing this to make people feel bad for him to get an unban, BUT you don't know that, so don't jump to conclusions, like the three year olds you're all acting like.
    All I can say is this: You don't want him unbanned? Good. Post that on his ban protest If he makes one. Not on his apology thread. You don't like him? Ok, we didn't need to know whether you liked him or not, and that's not why he's here.
    All the answers this thread needs is a "Thanks for the apology" or a "Hey what's up" if you're a friend. If you aren't posting that. You have no reason to post. Nobody even respond to this post, either comment on it or pm me if it's such a problem.
  15. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Caleb956 in Apologies..   
    That's it, time to derail the thread.
    ^Basically what half the people in this thread are saying, except it's translated into the age they're acting.
    Alright, jokes aside, let's start this
    I don't know Egossi.
    In the past I've seen him post on the forums, and I may have posted on some threads, but that's it.
    He (allegedly) broke the rules to get the first week ban. He could have(or maybe he did, I don't know) made a ban protest. If that didn't work, wait the week, it's not like it's a year.
    After the week ban, he continued to evade the ban, repeatedly. While he could have just made more protests in the future, but no he continued to break the rules. Whether or not you think he should be banned or not for that is irrelevant
    All of you shouldn't be bashing him. I know you don't like him, but he's not here to become your best friend, he's apologizing, to make an attempt to atone for his past offenses.
    Yes, he could be doing this to make people feel bad for him to get an unban, BUT you don't know that, so don't jump to conclusions, like the three year olds you're all acting like.
    All I can say is this: You don't want him unbanned? Good. Post that on his ban protest If he makes one. Not on his apology thread. You don't like him? Ok, we didn't need to know whether you liked him or not, and that's not why he's here.
    All the answers this thread needs is a "Thanks for the apology" or a "Hey what's up" if you're a friend. If you aren't posting that. You have no reason to post. Nobody even respond to this post, either comment on it or pm me if it's such a problem.
  16. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Whyte in Apologies..   
    Also Bello wouldn't you agree that your biased as well as my fiends? I mean your biased to liking Egossi, while they don't due to past conflation, the only thing I'm reading off is the apology, and how it looks fake, I'm completely Nuetral to the situation as i've had no prior conflict with Egossi, Your honestly just proving my point when you decided to "dislike my post" or whatever, it just makes it seem even more clear that Egossi hasn't matured from what he used to be.
  17. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in Apologies..   
    Oh look. Another apology thread. Someone who evaded ban multiple times, disrespected multiple people, abusing Donator multiple times and lying about it to get unbanned, threatened me after he told me he was sorry for abusing Donator and understood why his ban was justified. Hello @neteX, @towliethewizard, @Lollerskater, @Duplolas, @DuckiiJr, and 100 other people who did the same.
    I can't play with the Tf2 kiddos for awhile so my opinion doesn't really matter but good luck trying to get the forgiveness of these people
  18. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in netex wants peace   
    neteX,I was one one the VERY, VERY, VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY few people who supported you, the majority of xG at the time trolled you and you got in trouble for it, then again, there were more times where you trolled instead of them,a decent amount more, so you get banned for trolling, time passes, you get get unbanned for scrim, then you tell some kid your going to "melt ur modem kid" if i remember the words said correctly, and some people DO change over time, but it hasn't been long, its only january and you last got banned like summer,and you got unbanned then because people THOUGHT you may have changed, and then you get banned. -1, maybe in a while, you can get unbanned.
  19. Informative
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Xerses in Scribbles N Stuff   
    I like them both. Only critique is that there's a bit much shadow under the head of the 2nd picture, and it's shaded a little dark.
    Still better than anything I could draw though.
  20. Drunk
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Anyone Else Play The Hearthstone App?   
    It's a pretty fun strategy card game, with different classes etc., if you're into those things. Post your username if you do play it. If you don't, you should try and get it.
  21. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to The_Unlit_Torch in Anyone Else Play The Hearthstone App?   
    "The Hearthstone App"
    You know, you could just say Hearthstone. Anyways, I play it, and @Ghosty does too.
    EDIT: I forgot to add my battletag: RobotNijn#2181. I'll ask Ghosty if he wants to add his later.
  22. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Goblin in Too Many Fucking People To Name - Teamspeak   
    Wow I'm gone for one day and I miss a bunch of faggotry.
  23. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Marceline in Too Many Fucking People To Name - Teamspeak   
    just :I
  24. Sad
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DrLee in Sup   
    Sorry, CSS isn't here right now, please leave a message after the beep. Chances are we won't get back to you.
  25. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in ...   
    tf2 kids will never know what real fun is.