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Posts posted by Semper

  1. the server died when we started adding shitty maps, the server should have been goldenrodcity 24/7 in my eyes, I still play it late at night with a friend who lives in Australia, we usually just chill on the server at like 2-4 AM EST, I would play on it more but everytime the server gets populated we switch it to mountsilver or one of the other forgetful maps. Goldenrod City is the only map suited for Poketrade.

  2. as we add new maps to the server, maps like this and echidna should be removed, we play them less and less and we only really go to them so we can just rtv 5 mins later to go to the next map, i don't think this is a map people enjoy playing on for more than 10 mins, regardless of whatever team you're on, or how well you're doing as a sniper, this map is a snooze fest, while maps like aquatic, bunker, and rogue-port are much more fast paced and enjoyable to play on, because all classes are playable and viable.

  3. there honestly isn't much to explain, its visibly unappealing to look at overall and the only interesting part of the map just turns into a engineer nest, not to mention some people who didn't download the map right cant join due to the maps poor design and causing errors and crashing tf2, "model inline error 22" or something along those lines


    I wouldn't be losing any sleep if this map gets removed, if not removed atleast make it a rule not to build in the krusty krab area, as it pretty much becomes body blocking, and engineer nests just like old school poketrade goldenrod maps.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Kypari said:

    +1 Long history with xG and experienced, mature and active

    xG made up most of my 6th-8th grade years, Started in CSS, then Transferred to TF2 after duckiijr who was a longtime friend at the time showed me the game and I fell in love with it(my brother also told me to play aswell)

  5. +1 more active than 70% of the staff as is, controversial, and understands how to joke around, perfect for xG, Rise Up Gamers. I just wanna see where this goes tbh, 2019 is gonna be lit.

  6. 2 hours ago, Tekage said:

    Semper is a good lad who I know would do a great job. My only concern is how long they'll stay staff, especially considering what has been explained in this post.

    I see no harm in promoting them; even if they decide it's not for them after a week +1

    I do plan on playing on the servers atleast 14+ hours a week, since tf2 is my life.


    7 hours ago, Precious said:

    Hello hello Semper boi. :3

    Semper is super chill, friendly towards most, is very active, and knows/follows the rules well. Honestly I was hoping he would apply, I think he would be a great moderator and a good addition to the staff roster. Plus, who doesn't love red pandas?

    +1 from me ?

    Hello Precious boi, thank you for the kind words, red pandas are pretty awesome, just ask @Caleb956

    • Division
      Team Fortress 2
    • In-Game Name
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    • Time Active on Servers
      Since 2011
    • Information

      Seg told me to @SegFault I think I was mod for like a week in 2012 and decided it wasnt for me, but apparently the tf2 division is in need of active staff currently, I'm applying to keep things up to par since there seems to be a decline in activity in general for the whole division with the holidays, lack of content from valve, and many other things.

      Not sure what to expect, hopefully I have the playtime for it with all thats been going on irl lol.

      I guess some other notes is I've been admin for other communities over the years prior to me rejoining this year, so I have knowledge of Sourcebans, Admin Menu, Etc.

      Bottom line is, xG needs some staff, not sure what I can bring to the table other than just being on and disciplining rule breakers.

  7. Im a little late to the answer, but as someone who has been here since the beginning of xG and discovering what furries were because of xG myself back when I was 13(I turn 21 tomorrow)there will always be issues within the community on this stuff, there really isnt a correct answer either, other than just be yourself.

    Dont be afraid to reach out to others about how you feel though, if of course this isn't a troll post.