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  1. Are You Insane
    jaygoki got a reaction from Rabid in Yearly or Bi-Annually Cs 1v1 tourny   
    ill be the one to show up that keeps saying "I'm just here to have fun" because i lost in the first round
  2. Funny
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Yearly or Bi-Annually Cs 1v1 tourny   
    ill be the one to show up that keeps saying "I'm just here to have fun" because i lost in the first round
  3. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Dannypicacho in Worst JB map?   
    alright for real though jb_stolenmix is the worst thing to happen to jb
  4. Smelly
    jaygoki reacted to Pepper in Yearly or Bi-Annually Cs 1v1 tourny   

  5. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Thorax_ in Typing for Garrett980838   
    Are we speaking in the third person now?
    In that case, TheSupremePatriot thinks this is silly.
  6. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Egossi in Owl   
    -1 had a streak going on with steven
  7. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Rhododendron in Halo 3 Online... Free?   
    I'll make some servers for it!
  8. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Aegean in Halo 3 Online... Free?   
  9. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Aegean in Halo 3 Online... Free?   
    Thoughts? I'm telling you right now if this update delivers and is smooth for most people to run, I will host community nights consistently with different forge maps. This is my childhood and I'm so excited!
  10. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Chrono in XenoGamers History   
    Late 2011 early 2012 were the good ol days imo
    Various reasons that I have posted in all these kinds of threads before, but back then everyone was pretty chill and didn't get incredibly salty over nonsensical shit. We were not a safe space. We had legends among us.
  11. Got It
    jaygoki reacted to Bone in Music Suggestions?   
    You may already listen to the bands I'm about to list, but I'm posting them here anyway since they're kinda related to a few you posted:
    And like Bonk said Killswitch Engage
  12. Friendly
    jaygoki reacted to Aegean in я не понимаю, почему им все еще жив   
    Eyy hope you have a good birthday man! Nice to see you around btw
  13. Winner
    jaygoki reacted to Aegean in Memory Lane   
    Duckii | Xeno Gamers Always a good chuckle from this one
  14. Feels Bad Man
    jaygoki reacted to Rabid in Memory Lane   
    Trigger warnings if you see a spoiler.
    I remember the days when cs:s had a zombie escape server and it was some of the most fun I had in this clan, Playing on the starwars map, my lord. fantastic.
    I remember when cs:s was first starting, and we had master rampage, trollface, and a few others as staff, and the first day stories came onto the server while us 3 were playing, and started rapping. sad shortly joined after and man, they were awesome dudes.
    I remember when stories got shipped off to Basic training and left xG :(
    I remember when sad stopped joining mumble. :(
    I remember when aram first joined the clan.
    I remember Guncest
    I remember when aram was a squeaker
    I remember when we left mumble and went to teamspeak
    I remember when Aegean joined the servers, and never talked.
    I remember when duckii reigned over this clan like the plague
    I remember when duckii jr vowed his love too her
    I remember hosting the first minecraft server for this clan and silence getting jealous and started an xG one.
    I remember getting kicked out of the clan. (a few times)
    I remember the clan having a Heroes of Newerth division and I ran it.
    I remember it dying and we pretended like it never happened.
    I remember monica
    I remember having a council meeting about getting council staff
    I remember Aegean getting staff for the first time
    I remember Aegean sporting a pink shirt and cowboy hat.
    I remember meeting rukibah for the first time.
    and he never talked, but when he did he'd call me a towel, he called me it a lot.
    I remember when cs:s had an eu server.
    I remember when cs:s had 60player pop that was maxed out
    Then 40
    Then 20
    I remember back when bombs weren't a thing in jailbreak and we had actual wardens and there were wardens that could contain 40 people, now we have wardens that can't handle 6.
    I remember when you could have fun on the servers wtihout being banned/kicked.
    I remember everything about this clan, this clan me home :(
  15. Sad
    jaygoki got a reaction from Chrono in Memory Lane   
    when people still recognized meowmix. there was a day he came on when i was still relevant and out of all of like 4 or 5 members i was the only one who knew him. made me sad
  16. Sad
    jaygoki got a reaction from Forest in Memory Lane   
    when people still recognized meowmix. there was a day he came on when i was still relevant and out of all of like 4 or 5 members i was the only one who knew him. made me sad
  17. Winner
    jaygoki reacted to Vexx in Leaving For Good...   
    You would know of all people that the community can be toxic, any community can be toxic at times. I remember there's even been times where I would say to myself when you would speak "Wow he turned into a real dick."
    Anyway, here's your chat history:

    Ironic you throw "toxic" around.
    See you.
  18. RIP
    jaygoki reacted to Egossi in Apology To Rabid   
    I am so so sorry for what I did, @Rabid, and I urge you to hear me out. Even though you never want to hear from me again I feel I owe you an explanation as to whatever happened. Yes, a lot of the last few status updates were about you, but that's BECAUSE I didn't want to lose a friend and I was afraid it was happening and at the same time hoping that you realized what you meant to me. Obviously, I screwed that up.
    Yes, the spams were baseless and something you shouldn't have cared about. Yes, the fight never happened. I never did hit @jubens45 for shit talking you behind your back, and yes he never did call you that. Why I made these up is something I will never understand. All I know is that I've never done ANYTHING so wrong in my life and the consequence is that I have to suffer. I proved myself to be the biggest dick-headed, loser this world has ever seen and you have every right not to want to hear from me again.
    What I did is beyond all belief of anyone sane, for I crossed the line of trust and left along in its wake the destruction of honesty, faith and everything else that constitutes friendship. Now I cannot even begin to hope for your forgiveness, though I will always seek it. Believe me, I plead with you when I tell you that not an iota of my friendship was fake or forced.
    I will ALWAYS consider you a close friend of mine, even though you don't consider me to be yours. And you are justified in doing so.. for I deserve nothing better. And I NEVER started any rumours� no matter how much you try to believe that I did. And even though I know you will not believe me, I can only hope that someday you will see what I mean.
    No, I did not spam you to make myself sound cool, it was part of the attempt to get back what I feared I was losing and I know now that I actually hastened it. You have NO idea how much I regret my actions of that day. I know @Schpetzel MIGHT have told you a long time back "don't trust him, he'll eventually lead to something bad." And you may have ignored him, saying nothing like that is ever going to happen. And I cannot tell you how much it pains me to have broken your trust, how much it rips me from the inside to have been such an absolute dog. And if he didn't, I'm still so so sorry.
    I am NOT two faced. You know that. Its just that I made a mistake for which I sincerely seek redemption. I swear to you that I will NEVER again repeat what I have done and I ask you for a second chance to prove myself. You really have no idea how much I valued your friendship. Now I only hope that you will someday see what my hands have done to me for I will never be able to forgive myself for what I did and I cannot even start to explain the regret I feel for having done so. And just remember that if you EVER need a hand that you can count on and can't find one, mine will always be extended. PLEASE don't hate me for this, and always remember that if I am granted your forgiveness, I will NEVER EVER spam you on Steam ever again.
  19. Funny
    jaygoki got a reaction from ThunderLimes in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
  20. Funny
    jaygoki got a reaction from Thorax_ in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
  21. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to TinyPanda in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    Sour Skittles are the bomb.com man
  22. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to virr in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    i don't have a favorite
  23. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Tatost in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
  24. RIP
    jaygoki reacted to james8470 in Tip: Get Any Steam Game 10%-20% Off   
    Well this was a stupid idea. :unsure: :S
    Thanks for pointing this out Aegean.
    Counting the cut steam takes, you'll only save 2.4% of a 200$ purchase.
    Who would go out of their way that badly just to save 4-5$?

  25. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to realBelloWaldi in Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21jtcaroihm   
    haha suuuuhdude!!