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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. You do not have the required 50 posts on forums to be eligible to apply, let alone most of your last few days of posting have been multi-post and occasional grave digging threads from 2+months in order to "spam" your post requirement. Closing, please re-apply when you meet the requirements and have preferably not spammed to try to get to them.
  2. as in the other thread, please refrain from making multiple posts, you can quote multiple posts by pressing the quote button on the bottom right of each post and then when you go down to write your post, it allows you to insert multiple quotes.
  3. you can not use custom skins as a server side thing, it is bannable by ToS and gets your servers removed. also please refrain for making multiple posts in a row, you can either make 1 long post from the start or edit your post.
  4. sort of to add on to stevens trivia thing you could have a "trivia bot" that asks random questions could be csgo could be math could be geography etc. and only give credits if 3+ people !join the trivia, and give variable credits based on number. that would be the only way it would work IMO and do like 5 questions per time it goes and maybe every like 2 hours or so. I also don't think it would be a good idea to have on server either though.
  5. +1 he's very active on jailbreak and hasn't caused any issues that I have seen (when i had played with him.) and very friendly.
  6. Chrono

    Ow Div/forum Section?

    I don't understand why there would need to be one is my real thing. Prior to this thread, the last thread made about overwatch was exactly 1 month ago. on July 27. In Overwatch, What Rank Did You Guys Get Placed At And What Are You Now?
  7. Chrono

    Ow Div/forum Section?

    The point is that you were both arguing that the definition of MOBA doesn't fit OW. so I asked you to define TF2 as a barebones kind of structure. and the same for OW. as you can see. you used the same phrase to define them both, so as to return to my point of if it doesn't belong in MOBA in your opinion, then why not put it in TF2?
  8. Chrono

    Ow Div/forum Section?

    you would be hard pressed to not use a thesaurus to try to come up with a different classification.
  9. Chrono

    Ow Div/forum Section?

    If you want to argue about the exact classification of the game, then what do you classify TF2 as in a barebones sort of way. and then what would you classify OW as? you would be hard pressed to not use a thesaurus to try to come up with a different classification. You have 2 very easy options, use the MOBA board which is designated not just for League but also MMOs in general and any sort of large following game like OW that you can comfortably make posts and have discussion in. Or use the games and consoles board designated for any game/console (that doesn't already have a dedicated sub-forum) Again, there is no point in having a sub-forum dedicated to a single game that we don't/cant have servers in. rather it would be better to make a sub-forum that can share with many other games like it. and that already exists: MOBA, Games and Consoles.
  10. Chrono

    Ow Div/forum Section?

    You can use the MOBA board. MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. aka a game where 2 teams battle it out for objectives to determine a winner the MOBA forum section used to be MMO, then re-purposed for League, now re-purposed for any game that doesn't quite deserve it's own whole sub-forum (not a game we have servers in) but definitely doesn't need to be flooding general. TL;DR use MOBA and stop saying it doesn't belong in MOBA it deserves it's own thing. If you wanted to argue that it doesn't belong in MOBA then it would only make sense to put it in TF2 because it literally has the exact same objectives as TF2, exact same character select structure (you choose a character and he has a set "load-out" obviously with inventories slightly different now), and TF2 was stated in many interviews as a huge game that a lot of the OW developers played and used as a drawing point.
  11. [ATTACH]12418[/ATTACH] CONGRATULATIONS! Your Moderator Submission has been accepted! Please remember to be... -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1
  12. That is your steam profile number, your steam id is this: STEAM_0:0:48262863 you can get this a couple of ways, the simplest is in game typing status in console and copying it next to your name. otherwise you can copy your profile number or your community link (the profile link you make on steam) into websites such as Steam ID Finder and copying the steamid it gives you. likewise you can reverse search if you have a steamid to find a profile link.
  13. if he has 8% more than you, and you claim to be on from 2- 10 everyday, what does that say then? he's on from 2am- 10am? or you're not as active as you claim? dont base a vouch off of what you don't see. base it on what you do see. you said he has no activity because you dont see him, but then said he has more activity than you. make up your mind. pls
  14. Please re-apply in 30 days. Closed.
  15. Please re-apply in 30 days. Closed.
  16. Chrono


    Please re-apply in 30 days. Closed.
  17. @Bello @mrnutty12 @Goblins @Rejects Closing unless you guys want to add a vouch and change this otherwise please re-apply in 1 month (30 days).
  18. being here "long enough" is nowhere near a reason someone should be mod, someone could have been here 3 years but be immature/not a leader type person, so they wouldn't be very good with mod. When we take feedback from a mod submission and read over what members say about somebody, we're looking for things that they do that make them stand out to the members and things that maybe they don't do so well in the eyes of members and looking to see if they take feedback and work to improve or not.
  19. Y'all need to calm down. I literally was dank memeing.
  20. Closing thread, not unbanning. prove yourself a valuable addition to the servers by playing as T, prove it was an "honest" mistake and I held my breath typing that because what you described your self was what we would call a blatant and ridiculous mass freekill. study up rules, and play. please do not apply for a minimum of 30 days from this post.
  21. joined forums a year ago, servers were non-populated just shy of 1.5 years ago... how was it over a year, maybe 2? more like barely a year.
  22. you're just pants on head retarded. its open for community input and will be closed if the OP requests or if given a position, or its an old ass thread and we want to close it and tell them to re-apply later. there really is no time limit per say.