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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. I've used xG in teaching people at work how to not be bitches
  2. If you're not first, you're last.
  3. For my online activity to work without having to set up a time for them to call me... For their online chat support to let you sit there with it and wait for a CS Rep, instead of timing out after being open and "inactive" for 2 minutes because unlike blizzard where it has the chat window open and prompts you to let them know you are still waiting it is just a loading bar that won't even ask if you are still waiting. For e-mail responses to come back within a few days, not a few weeks. For support to just plain not be shit. pls forest tell your support bitches to work even though you aren't CS
  4. Chrono


    anyhting below 350 is trash
  5. To prevent you from having to go back to read the other threads, which you clearly knew about. Security issues, teamspeak runs with a solid set up that has been tested over numerous years and contains some top notch security for voip/text communication, Discord is still in terms of these kinds of programs... brand new. As seen with skype and other programs it is a very common thing to attempt to use them as a means of stealing people's information. Teamspeak already has solid protection and encryption that is doubled up on with our server using it's own protection because it is hosted on the same box as some of the servers we run. User Friendliness, literally the same thing. instead of having constant tabs where you are able to switch servers with the click of a button, you have to... oh wait, you can do the same exact thing in teamspeak. You can even private message users on teamspeak servers as well, the only user friendly note discord has over TS that I can see is that you can PM people without having to be in their server. Stating that nobody uses TS anymore is pretty bold, I haven't looked at official numbers but from what I can see, small communities hover around discord as it is free to set up and they don't have to rent a server. these are typically communities that form on a free forum site and play games that they don't buy servers on or can't. they just group up a lot. and then on the other end, large communities like a few subreddits due to the fact that again, it is free... from a free forum style website... meanwhile if you go to most large server hosting communities/clans you see things like TS Mumble and Ventrillo. 3 very long standing voip programs.
  6. Chrono

    Ragnarok Online

    Game Name: Ragnarok Online Platform: PC Time Spent: Years, my first experience on a private server was around 2004 Do you recommend? Yes What you rate the game: 8 Initial Thoughts: At first it can be overwhelming and you may not have much of an idea of what to do as it does not have the constant quest systems that WoW does, and may feel more grindy. Has more of a PvP/PvM focus as opposed to a story focus. (there is story if you want it, just not forced down your throat) Pros: Easy to get into/install Fast paced action oriented Looks have held up to the test of time So many different styles you can play Cons: Grindy Gear is hard to come by let alone get upgraded to be "top tier" Economy can surge pricing on items making it hard to get decent gear Final Thoughts: It is a fun MMO to pick up and play, depending on how invested you find yourself you could be playing in large scale guild vs guild combat (War of Emperium) to control castles. I highly suggest finding a good private server to play on as the official version of the game itself has several features that hinder free to play players. Good resources for finding a top private server with varying experience/drop rates are voting sites and RateMyServer.Net :: RO Database & Server Reviews personally I play on low rate servers as those are more of the intended feel of playing the game, and have the best/strongest communities. mid-high rate servers have a lot of players that go just to test out new builds because they can get any item without trying. Some images: Currently I play on the server TalonRO.
  7. Chrono

    Quotes/mimicry Game

    Tree or EZKill? ""I'm not british!"
  8. Chrono


    Is this some satanic ritual to bring @DarkWolf6052 back?
  9. Out of curiosity, is there any reason why sv_pure is not on the servers? or at least some servers where skins that would be deemed an unfair advantage are, such as freak fortress? for example, a custom skin for sniper that puts a big laser on the 100% accuracy no scope meme squad rifles
  10. Honestly, having someone who knows how to add/remove plugins and "maintain" the server has not worked in the past on any attempt. Not just MC but CS, GMOD, TF2 as well. With CS GMOD and TF2 you can get away with it a lot longer because most of the work for servers comes down to a few major plugins that are highly maintained by an active modding base. But for MC there is so much to do since it may as well be open source, where modding is encouraged by the developers, and customization is the selling point of the game. You need someone who not only can drag and drop plugins and configure the setups, but someone who can actually create and actually customize. Regular staff are one thing (me being an inactive MC staff member [and an inactive staff in general, holla at csgo]) that honestly are not necessary right now, in such a small community of players that go on it, there are no major issues that would arise unless suddenly one of you becomes a black sheep to the others. The problem that lies in MC and our servers is that we have never really had someone for any division really that has been dedicated to developing them on the basis that silence does (except for you @doublebuttass bb), and he just doesn't really have time for it anymore. (nomulous was super dedicated to developing TF2 but only lasted as long as my interest in a hot new game lasts before I go back to the usuals, or stop playing games entirely for a while.)
  11. Since nobody wanted to make this after my more than suggestive post in the Game Division thread, here is the thread in the sub-forum that it belongs in for @virr @Vertex and all who want to talk about TTT, the not having a TTT server, and your download times. My opinions on the matter: If it is a good quality server, you will have players that come to it. no matter the download time If you have all custom items (not including maps) available in a workshop pack, you can offer the option of downloading things ahead of time/cutting down the time necessary HTML MOTDs are a huge part of GMOD loading and you can have them interactively link you to the afforementioned workshop pack Maps should only be downloaded from the server and not in a map pack since you only need the map to download you currently play and as I said TTT maps are tiny. all this talk about download times and "optimizing download speeds" is a literal joke. most users who play internet based pc video games will have above average internet, not the national average internet speed from all active internet subscriptions including grandma's dog who uses the new "Apple Bark Commands^tm" (that's sarcasm by the way) TTT is a base game mode included in GMOD. The core server files are literally already installed for you. Maps are small, rounds are short, keeping everyone having fun as quickly as possible once populated Moderating TTT is literally a walk in the park, the base logs with the base TTT are so good a child can effectively moderate. If there are "fundamental issues with a server based on the patchy work of someone learning how to run a server" then you should wipe the server and not make those "fundamental issues", in turn saving you the time of trying to work out someone elses code/setup because it will be exponentially harder/longer. tagging @Aegean so he sees this and can keep it on topic and semi civil since I am literally working 12hrs/day 6days a weeks right now. I get that we're all adults and we have lives. but when a year ago it was "close to done" it should have already been done by now.
  12. Chrono

    Game Division

    Quite frankly, the talk in this thread between @virr and @Vertex should be taken to a thread in the GMOD Discussion, and it shouldn't be gigantic posts about download time and what is more optimizing/better. The debating that should be happening is about TTT and when/why it is/isn't coming. IMO if there were fundamental issues with the server setup causing this big of a delay, it isn't hard to wipe and start over and do it "right" from the start. including the facts Virr already mentioned, as well as my post in the thread he originally linked. TTT is a standard part of GMOD nowadays, The maps are tiny for your guys' download speed debate, and while the statistics claim an average of like 6-15 mbits in the US that accounts for all users with active internet plans/subscriptions like old ladies who live with a hospice nurse. whereas the average player of an internet based pc game is going to be on the higher end of that/much above average.
  13. I already have a vacation planned for September staying in the US, but after that in the next year I plan on starting to do a lot of world travelling. This thread is requesting all you international folk to state some things that hopefully can help me plan some fun vacation/travels. Please state the following: What country you are from (if applicable/you want to, your state/city/province) and just briefly list out your major tourist-y things that happen where you are from. What time of year/season would be in your opinion the best time to visit your country/locale Any local festivals/fairs that would typically happen annually, and when they are that you would recommend stopping by to see/experience Any good sight seeing areas outside of the tourist traps (hiking areas, cliff sides, hills, lakes, etc.) How the day/night life are Good restaurants/food stands that are a must stop at (my gf and I love food and trying local cuisines) (If of legal drinking age in your country) any good bars/pubs that you would recommend visiting My personal list for those planning on coming to the US: Southern California (Anaheim area, think Disneyland) Obviously the major tourist things to do in SoCal at least are Disneyland, Hollywood (star walk, celebrity bus, clubs/bars, Universal Studios), Six Flags (Amusement park with all thrill rides, no kids shit.) It's basically always summer here, so I would recommend coming during fall/spring if possible while school is still in session/starting to avoid major crowds (closing time for theme parks etc. does go down to an earlier time, but you will be able to experience everything a lot faster) If coming around spring time, the greek church across the street from me hosts the OC greek fair which lets you try all sorts of locally made products and traditional greek food. Personally I would recommend camping/hiking and that doesn't just apply to SoCal, but to the rest of the US as well. There are really nice national parks/forests that do get a lot of international travelers coming to camp and enjoy nature such as Yosemite National Park in Northern California with amazing views, and with the recent rains the falls should be back to a great picture to keep Zion National Park in Utah which is one of the larger areas in all of the US and hosts spectacular hikes ranging from easy/short 1-2 mile hikes round trip, to medium 4-5 mile hikes round trip, to intense 8-12 mile hikes one way resulting in 16-24 round trip but with some of the most amazing views you can find in nature. Grand Canyon NP, which is pretty self explanatory, the hike down is relaxing and you just have to worry about not going too fast. The trip up is intense and takes the majority of your hike. [*]Day life is pretty chill, most travelers/people off spend the days at theme parks like disney. [*]Night life can range from nothing to bat shit crazy, notable areas are West Hollywood with all the gay bars/clubs, and then downtown fullerton with the not gay bars/clubs [*]Most restaurants you will find here are chains, if you want the good food as you go down the streets if you see a hole in the wall looking place, it will have some of the best food you will find. [*]good bars/pubs see above about night life. most are good but they will be packed. Tagging some foreigners: @virr @Egossi @Ruby_da_Cherry @Aegean @Forest @Rejects I'm personally going to use this thread to start planning some of my trips, and maybe it will be a good resource for some of you guys that may plan on travelling in the future, this is not just for outside of US homies to post in either, in US are more than welcome to post about their local areas for others planning to travel in/to the US
  14. Chrono

    Game Division

    in all honesty, we should consider working on our current divisions before we expand them anymore. (ironic coming from me, the least active staff member of all [personal/work reasons]) but before we go into making new one hit/one month divisions, we should make our current ones thrive. not to sound like "that old dude" but back in the day on CS:S alone, our JB server hit 64/64 every weekend (f/sat/sun) for the majority of the day no matter the time of year. yeah, during school activity dropped low, but you could still hop on css and see atleast 10 people at any point in the day. hell the whole "late night jailbreak" that is on CS:GO with "more lax rules, and different lastCT/LR options" is a thing because that's how it was back in CS:S late at night when myself, a few other staff members, and several regulars used to play with a few randoms who would join at that time (roughly between the hours of 11pm - 5am at which point some euro/east coasters would start playing and start out the "regular day"). (a lot of the randoms that joined from "late night jailbreak" went on to be very well respected members (tree, deathgod, to name a few) and we have some xG legends that were a part of that fun time (smoker is the first to pop into mind for old fags). our TF2 servers used to be close to server cap, and TF2 JB didn't even exist at the time. it was things like trade, payload, death run, vsh. not just 1 server, but all of them. You used to be able to hop on to CS:S or TF2 at any time in the day, sort by players, and you would see us right up there with HG on CS:S, and No Heroes and all the other majorly populated/funded TF2 communities. IMO we should spend more time/effort focusing into actively populating our current server base, and learning to have fun with everyone and not be rule/ban whores on the servers so we get people who want to come back because they had fun while still maintaining a mostly civil place. We also should work on properly advertising our MC server with potentially paid ads on the MC voting sites and increasing the unique traits all our servers have over others (our own custom jailbreak plugin on CS:S that we could work on getting going better for TF2?)
  15. Chrono

    Sports Ball

    only real sport is baseball, all others are sub-par. Texas Rangers.
  16. This game was made for beer though, also do the empty bottles in my recycle pile count? xddd I don't have time to go to bevmo anymore to refill that stuff i rely on things bought for me currently.
  17. We should have an adult only scrim xddd with an update of this: GitHub - scarpentier/SeriousDrunkenCsGo: Counter-Strike GO: The Drinking Game
  18. There are currently so many inconsistencies with member subs as it is anyway, it needs a whole re-do. As to the forum thing, I think it should have been treated like a TF2 app regardless of him putting it as that is the only server he plays on. Forum is something more for those that do not play on any division of xg, they just hang out with us for whatever reason (play other games, met on tinychat, etc.) imo
  19. As a new note to tack on to my post, as clearly myself nor others seem to have really seen/known about that (I didn't and I would presume aegean/virr didn't as they were talking about vouch requirement in the afformentioned member app.) it would seem this post is a moot point since even counting the -1, he reached the 5 +1 necessary which also included a DM, DL, or CL in Virr's vouch.
  20. For those not paying attention: A while back OhStopYou said that -1 on a member app did not count because he claims he "heard it from higher ups" (who knows where he heard it, or if he made it up. yolo.), however prior to that everyone that was a Division Leader (and then DM/DL after it was decided to "split" the responsibilities) had always operated under the pretext that if there was a -1 on an application, that it would count as long as it posed actual context to why they were giving a -1, same with a +1 (hence why forest made the whole thing with activity and maturity ratings to give a simple short note of why you gave your vouch.) At this point there was a medium sized thread in the admin discussion that was confused on this topic, as far as I remember, if current DM/DL/CL/C wanted to, they could go back and screenshot the thread in there where it was "discussed" and essentially verified that yes all vouches count be it +1 or -1 as long as they have proper context therefore a simple post containing this: "+1" or "-1" would mean literally nothing, only posts that followed the format "+1 A: X M: X" or in sentence/descriptive form counted. This then continued Business as Usual until now where this thread was made because Silence, being the monster that he is, does what he wants really regardless of what the community says/thinks as long as it is something he wants to do (very hard to change his mind.) decided to accept this member submission, after receiving 6 +1 vouches and 1 -1 vouch. totaling out at 5 +1 vouches, for a forum application which previous precedent, Hanney had applied under and was accepted with 6 +1 vouches. however in the case of Hanney, the only game she plays with xG is League of Legends and then whatever meme of the month game is next, she does not play on any of xG's official divisions where we control servers, and instead operated mostly on teamspeak. IMO this should have been treated as said in the thread in question, as a TF2 member submission and follow those vouch requirements, since squid is 99% a TF2 player, it is unknown to me if he actually plays on the other divs/games but his previous submission was from TF2 (until the day comes where you just generically apply for xG which is what it should be at this point with the blending of divisions that has taken place more-so recently.) Obviously he is now a member, and I am not condoning revoking his membership after the fact, but merely to review the case and set a future precedent.
  21. It's kind of up to the person that closes the application to accept it honestly. I had always read over the -1s and if they were troll posts/no context provided ignored it in my tally, but if there was context to it or a reason then I counted it. and that's how my fellow CSGOers and old CSSers did it. I didn't know that it was ever any other way where -1 was ignored or -1 was taken as a reason to close an app.