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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. Dude chill, you can't come in posting every 20 minutes expecting an immediate answer, everyone has their own personal life and the current DL that was responding to you is from Germany. They will respond to you ASAP depending on their life schedule.
  2. General Server and Community Rules | Xeno Gamers "3. No cheating on our servers. This includes wall hacking, aim bots, transparent texture packs etc." Bans for hacking/cheating have always been permanent bans, and there is a 0 tolerance policy. TBH, having hacks on your computer in the first place shows intent to use them since you wouldn't need to have hacks if you didn't plan on using them.
  3. I also would say this is 100% up to silence. ( @Rhododendron ) I would like to say, and I am sure if you look up some of the ancient ban protests not just from duckii but many others, I have always had an issue with unbanning someone who has had multiple permanent or very long duration bans (not talking 1-2, i mean like 5- 10) just because yes, time can change a person but IMO there are instance where it truly does show a change in a persons attitude, personality, and behavior. and then there are the numerous instances we have documented of people changing "for a time" (Oscar, Lquidador to name a couple [there are several more I just don't have names off the top of my head]). It's definitely something you should be taking on a case by case basis and being very careful/thorough with. In the end, I still say it is all up to silence as legal issues were one of the major reasons you could go back and quote him as "never ever ever ever getting unbanned, no matter what"
  4. peace out fam
  5. My favorite class is the Demon Hunter, although I plan on playing the Necromancer for the new season. I've never played in season before, but it seems like a fun change of pace from my DH, and it seems super fun and the different styles between pet no pet or summon only seem cool. Currently paragon 250, and working towards building the unhallowed essence for my non seasonal DH to get through more greater rifts and make the money for other sets, so that I can get a little practice with the unhallowed set, and then start playing with others since that is what I will be starting out with when I make my DH as my 2nd seasonal. I only play Normal right now, since I just got back into it (I had never actually beat campaign as all the friends I played with would play w/o me and would outlevel me by 20-30 and already finish while I was in Act 2)
  6. With the Necromancer (Character only) Expansion having just recently came out, and Season 11 starting on July 20th I figured I may as well make a thread. This is a general Diablo 3 thread for things such as Favorite Classes Favorite Build on said class What Paragon level you have (or what level you are if you aren't 70) What your best time on highest rift level is [*]Hardcore or Normal [*]Do you plan to play the season/have you played seasons before [*]Thoughts on the Necromancer
  7. Chrono


    Pro tip, if you look at anyone's forum post and look right below their avatar and name, it shows their date they registered on the forums, and how many posts they have on forums.
  8. Chrono


    I'm not sure if you're trolling or legitimately think he is new around here... Either way this thread is a dank meme.
  9. Chrono


    Joshua Thompson?
  10. Chrono

    Next Raffle Poll

    Ori, make him spend the extra 10 cents
  11. saying reasons why you don't think someone should be staff as long as it is not in a disrespectful plain bashing/shit talk way is better on forums than private. You can accomplish so much more when your "dirty laundry" is aired publicly than private because when 1 person says something, others that feel similar then feel more open to air their thoughts and experiences on the matter. If you keep it private between the 2 of you, maybe it helps maybe it doesn't or maybe said individual is better around you so you have no reason to start complaining. Either way, he has every right to state his reasons for stepping down. Whether you like it or not because "that's my friend!" doesn't matter at all, it's his reason. The more immature one would be the person saying "take it to PM" yet coming back and making responses that I can summarize very simply to "that's my friend, bye felicia good riddance"
  12. Did you try setting it to wumbo?
  13. @[51525:@Egossi]
  14. You can't just delete your post, it is here unless a higher up deletes it, and we don't just delete things because, we have generally liked keeping things to have as a sort of library/history of xG to look up past events or situations or even members by looking at old posts and seeing change/progress.
  15. @[51525:@Egossi]
  16. You can still add it to your library via mobile I believe, for those that have PC issues.
  17. See: which was rated agree by Aegean, a Co-Leader
  18. You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few: Duckii from non member to Co Leader (all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood) Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL
  19. cool story my friend, enjoy your testing.
  20. Banned for getting rid of the off topic section!
  21. He's from the old days of CSGO. Sup dude
  22. All of you are banned for not posting in the proper thread. *NEW GAME* BANNED! (not a real ban lol)