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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. @Blizzard it has already been confirmed that next major update will move along in generations, currently it is gen 1 only (Kanto aka blue and red) but next will include Johto (gold and silver) it is also location based pokemon. so yes you will have to go to different areas and during different times to find pokemon. if you're near a lake or an ocean, you're probably going to find a lot of water pokemon vs. my friend who was hiking around and happened to have cell+gps service and he caught a zapdos already. In hospitals people have been stating to have seen gengar and ghastly during all hours of the day, but more prevalent during the night as well as generally speaking around like parks etc or cemetaries at night you can almost guarantee to get a spawn for them. Wherever you think a certain kind of pokemon would probably be. it will most likely be on the "around here" tab. I live in california, so I have been finding a lot of pidgey, rat niggas, sandshrew, machop/choke (champ soon^tm), ekans, and doduo. however at work since we have lakes at disney i caught slowpoke omanyte dratini and goldeen. magikarp showed up and i was on the shuttle back to parking so it was too far away. you can also catch pokemon without standing right on top of them if they show up on the map you can click them and it brings you to the catching game.
  2. I could see an unban, but if so then rabid will probably be there and re-perm you if you pull some stupid shit like that again. and it wont be easy (is it easy now?) to get an unban again
  3. Chrono


    #Closed is going to make the biggest comeback in history
  4. to stop this from going any further I'm closing the thread. You're also not getting mod any time soon and I could go so far as to say that based solely on your responses in your own submission thread. however going off of past history it's even more prevalent. upgrade your attitude from matsi 1.5 to matsi 2.0 and you will have a better chance to get mod in the future.
  5. you respond to every post that is trying to tell you things you could work on where they literally say "im neutral right now but you tend to argue with anyone that disagrees with you, maybe work on that a little" with an argumentative response "I don't do that it's everyone else." if you want to blame everyone else and say you dont have problems you do you. but you will not get mod with that attitude and type of response everyone has problems get over it and face the fact you're not perfect. when you do, we might consider you for mod. leaving this open a little for the response expected
  6. No, you're not getting unbanned. Mona Pizza or bust.
  7. @jubens45 can we get this man a large pizza pie?
  8. -1 home schooled also needs to fix his sinus congestion issues if given staff before those are fixed people won't be able to tell what he is trying to say it will either be lost in the congestion, or too poorly written to understand.
  9. aren't you supposed to be perm'd?
  10. To give a very very very very very very very very very short and easy description of what happened, you commited a felony of cyber crime, which could have landed you in jail if silence pressed charges since you were 18+ at the original time of the act. why in the fuck would any sane person allow you around the community after? to restate what i said last time people who were perm'd for abuse of power they weren't supposed to have because of demotion stayed perm'd throughout ban protests, and you did something much worse (literally a federal offense) why would you get unbanned instead of them? -1 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999repeating
  11. Chrono


    -1 can be salty and yell, also rather rude to anyone and everyone. also membership is a person to person thing. not an account to account thing.
  12. Because free speech isn't allowed, if you don't update your status to be "@[51525:@Egossi]" you will be perm banned. xd
  13. to add to yours daaaaaamn daniel, at it again with them salty defensive arguing. doesn't look great when you literally just call someone salty. my experience: you think you know everything and argue a lot. you try to find loopholes in the rules you supposedly know, but if you did know them you would also see the rule that states: "Do not argue with admins" (yes it's an actual rule) yet you make it your goal to argue with any and all staff members
  14. literally not banned closed
  15. To go further on Lithium's "not a chance" There is a 0 tolerance policy in xg regarding cheating and scamming. i.e. the only way to be unbanned is the ridiculous challenge of mona pizza or whatever, and donating. but if your scam site is still up/you still scam you will literally be wasting money as if it is still there you will be re-banned.
  16. august was perm'd for it, nick was banned for a day but pushing his luck for a week at this point, i wasn't tabbed in at the time so i didn't really see what exactly happened in that situation and cant watch demo until after work tomorrow. whyfy is also super shit ct. none of them even bothered to pay attention to other CTs or admin warnings about rules though let alone read them over or even skim. so they are lucky they haven't all been perm'd yet.
  17. Chrono


    this thread has now developed into something worse than cancer. continue this idiotic arguing and you get forum bans.
  18. Chrono


  19. @Owl @Bleed @Lithium @xGShadowSpy @Duke from what i've been hearing is somewhere down some line that someone said if the T says cheating is allowed for any lr, that they can basically do whatever they want, i.e. shotgun war, cheating allowed, they can drop shotgun and grab ak... who/what happened and said this?
  20. using the map to kill someone because it teleports them into a laser on your lr isn't allowed, it never has been allowed, regardless of whoever came up with this "i can call cheating allowed on any lr and do anything" notion. that in itself is another debacle to be approached soon. as far as your being passed over on warden, in my experience when i do it to you, i was literally playing with rabid duke and orangejuice as CT on a few maps, and they were admittedly spamming pre-mic for warden so you wouldn't get it with the intention to pass, and you would still somehow get warden over them. and each possible time you would !days and press whatever number is cancer day, so rather at that time when they were spamming to avoid you spamming it, i would pass from you. there's never been an issue with warden hogs, if others dont want to take warden thats them, the issue is in spamming for warden.
  21. Chrono

    Forum Game #3

    why just bump it when there is no picture to find something in? you should have posted a pic.
  22. we had a le epic fun mg server, i probably still have a lot of older maps/updates from other mg servers