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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. Let someone with mod/admin in the steam group know you want to start a populate event, as well we could set one up to be every weekend if you pick a time you like that you can dedicate most weekends. Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers
  2. RIP Caleb, he fought For Honor, and died like a little bitch.
  3. Several posts continuing arguing in promo demo later, after aegean said to take it elsewhere
  4. Congrats to all This is honestly something that really gets at me, Digital was a really cool dude, and I genuinely enjoyed hanging out with him and all of you guys back in those days on tinychat. It's unfortunate to see such a young guy go out. RIP Buddy
  5. Gyazo - 8f5382d0d06c978c1bcf19352d5561e9.png
  6. Chrono

    Badges Megathread!

    You're a member of xG, not a member of xG TF2. You are free to play whatever games you want and enjoy any and all membership privileges that entail in our servers on those games. You're also free to make friends with anyone you want and potentially become staff in one or multiple divisions. Adding badges for where you are a "member" is counter productive to the goal of reducing the amount of segregation that is prevalent within our community.
  7. the only way to really get a MAC address for a ban like that is if you are the person in control of the client or game he is using. since you nor i nor aegean nor silence own or operate TF2 or steam, good luck getting that. as well as that sourcebans isn't something you can just add a mac address to ban someone. As far as dealing with the hacker goes, the only thing you can do is continue to ban him, at some point or another he will get bored of having to make a new steam acct. and re-spoof his IP to get back on some random server for him.
  8. Division: Minecraft In-Game Name: ChronosKnight Identity: xD Position: Administrator Time Active: Since psp and double ran the server Age: 22 Experience: Speaks for itself Donated: Yes Information: MC is a lot easier to jump in and police/play than CS when I'm on a short schedule with work etc. I'm not cancer like some former builder dudes etc. and don't make infinite spawners of dumb stuff. I'm a cool guy!
  9. VIP Chest the horse kit does not give you anything. it just eats your key
  10. Chrono

    Badges Megathread!

    Quality Shit-Poster Same pic as pinoy's post. Be voted as one of the top shit-posters of all time (only have like 5 spots.)
  11. You don't have to be a mod to help the server. Ban request is a section, as well as messaging other staff and asking them to get on because of (insert reason here) Someone who would lie in general to try to get unbanned is not someone I would trust with staff powers, let alone someone who would lie about something like you did.
  12. Chrono


    in 2 weeks. going to didney worl in florida with the fam. didney worl in california aint enough.
  13. Or staff should be on top of the wardens and keep pushing days along/getting rid of a warden when he is worse than cancer and will literally do FRLR every round even though there has to be variety. you could make it so !fire is only allowed if no staff on/staff with tags.
  14. If we didn't make a british rating when forest was in power, we aren't gonna make one for these lowly peasants.
  15. It was a 3 hour ban from the server, which has already expired. As an admin on the GMod division, shouldn't you also be following the rules to where it would be hard pressed to consider you were the one breaking them? Let alone not wearing tags at all according to your recent steam names and even impersonating @Vertex
  16. IMO gifting credits in game is just silly, it should be done through forums as it is a way more secure form of moving your credits around (crashes, database errors, etc. are more common on the server side due to potential hazards on maps or plugin conflicts.) and also can be a form of getting more players to come to the website and register their account and link steam.
  17. You also had a couple cases you should be perm'd for like mince but for some reason were not.
  18. It's actually a fairly nice memoir, and gives a good idea that xG isn't like other communities that come up and die right after, or constantly get new people that nobody knows. It's more of a place where everyone knows someone, and you can be here for a while and not feel like you're some sort of complete loser. It's an internet home, a lot of people I met here are people I have on snapchat etc. and talk to outside of xG and video games. Still waiting for @Cristo to hit me up IRL and go to Downtown Fullerton for some drinks since we live literally 15 minutes from each other even with red lights. But I know he's had some personal family things going on too.
  19. I was really bored one day, and I had only ever played GMOD and TF2 ballon race back when it was cool on v2 no castle walls. So I decided to try something new, I launched CSS which I owned for gmod textures way back (think '08 '09) and I joined the server one of the very few people I had on my friends list back then, it was a guy I used to play Darklands RP on gmod with and base with (back when it was actually worked on and played by og grill gamur/cod3r darkspider) named BlacknRussian (dont remember what he went by before/after that) and I just kind of stuck around after that and made a forum account to be a member after playing with Smoker back when he wasn't even a mod in the OG days. When rabid hadn't been banned a thousand times yet, when neteX had yet to be banned for the 2nd time, when CSGO was an unimaginable concept. It also helped that the only other game mode I played at the time was climb and since I was in the xG group because the public group was steam group banned by HG and the xG group auto invited new players, that I couldn't play the only other game mode i liked because the only good, non russian server for it on css then was HG. kind of just stuck around since, had some school issues and that prevented me with playing during school semesters, but other than that I stayed around as mod and then admin almost forever, became basically DL of gmod before charrax was ever a thought, then silence randomly fucked the server and took away access and abandoned the project at the time, "left" for about 2 weeks when I wanted to try to start my own GMOD darkrp server with my at the time friends who then black balled me and tried to steal my shit. came back, got mod back instantly, got admin back even faster, stayed there for a while and then spechluss did his thing and went crazy on CSGO servers. Offered to take over since poncher was doing double duty on CSS and CSGO which were both very populated since we were the 1st JB server (starbuck at the time had updated hosties for xG first before releasing it public due to the merger thing that happened) ended up getting server access and running it and managing minor issues while getting brian silence or the ever MIA starbuck to help with major issues saying "one day i'll learn to code" which never happened (life work school etc.) Dealt with the most retarded DM ever back when the concept of DM was first introduced (RIP to M A D C L) in the name of A51Nova @Bleed @ThePenguin and ended up replacing him and TChief with those 2 scrub lords bleed and penguin. CSGO would die and repopulate as school would come around so we didn't work on it much at the time, just kept a minimal staff that would return after school and leave when it began, updated maps and plugins no major changes. made sure we had the latest version of "Toobalot" on the server as the starting map for the dankest of car memes. Bleed was made a DL at this time. continued this cycle Snackbar came back and while there was a lot of controversy and fiasco about his sucking silences dick to become the position he got in such a short time and without even consulting the 2 DLs at the time (he would make his own version of promo/demo as a mod and include his own name on it and send it to silence to edit in/post and give him powers) the only thing I am thankful to him in his return to xg is he got CSGO populated again by dedicating a lot of his time to being on the server even when nobody else was. unfortunately he was no longer the fun chill dude he was before, he was more of a power hungry egomaniac. the rest is history. Thats how I started and where we are today.
  20. Gain 15-30 pounds, and start going to the gym regularly. Get a new job in a real restaurant instead of didney, or work both and have even less time for fun. Get a new-ish car since I haven't had one for almost a year now (april 11, 2016 RIP the purple people eater) Convince my girlfriend to let go of the traditional/old school idea of getting married before living together and get a cheapo apartment/condo w/ roomies Reclaim my rightful position of power as lord of xG and all of it's shit-posting. (with my forum/server powers and access back that it came with) Make xG not be a day car where people can't handle 1 small little jab without crying disrespect/triggered and make it their mission to get someone banned for giving them the real words that needed said. Make xG nut up and not cry when they're told to stop being salty they didn't get their way that they whined for
  21. What time did this tarp take place? Were you still in the cell area? Was it at 9:00, 8:00, 7:00 or other?