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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. basing it off of evidence provided firewolf's order was to go to his bullet hole and freeze, literally none of you did it and you would all be considered rebels. the only thing in evidence that he did wrong was not stopping killing when someone got lr, and thus killing LR player. which at most is a slay since there is only 1 documented case. Provide real evidence of freekilling and he will be banned for now this is closed. make a new one if you have actual evidence.
  2. Closing this. you were told in the previous protest to wait another 30 days before you posted a new one, and failed to comply with that ruling, who's to say you will comply with the server rules, especially based off of your attitude shown in logs? Wait another 30 days from today before you post another ban protest.
  3. was promised an uploading spree. was never delivered. fuck you
  4. several of those messages in chat that were saying "spam" were me with a green name saying "you spammed for warden and it was passed, someone else give orders since you didn't give any before i passed it" "if cells open it will be a freeday" "dont open cells and someone else give orders or its a freeday" "ok thanks for opening the cells with no orders because you refuse to listen to me, it's a freeday" "FREEDAY" there was a large pause between your invalid orders and you actually opening the cells. in which there were numerous warnings.
  5. user was also server banned again today as he rage quit for massive disrespect and refusing to listen to me yet again. he had his mic down the entire pre-round and got warden after which immediately i passed, he then continues to give orders after i said he was no longer warden over mic and through admin chat. he then opened cells and i used admin chat to say it was a freeday since they (being CTs would not listen) and he mowed down about 3 or 4 people that ran out of cells. while it could be passed off as a misunderstanding, or not listening to the repetitive yelling in mic that it was a freeday and you were not warden, it was still a mass freekill and only having a month ct ban is very lenient, not to mention your other rule breaking.
  6. wait... if you banned him, he was in server or you banned him from ban disconnected players, which means you knew he left... im confused. r u dumb?
  7. all scrubs read updated rules about friendly fire day.
  8. it was never said to not be on couches (you must not have pressed mic maybe?) but couches are inside of the couchgame square and if they are not jumping on to the blue couch then it was freekills which is why i banned. Also as a side note, being on the bottom of cell ramp always has meant be on the ground at the base of the ramp or on the ramp at very bottom. Do not aim at their feet and shoot people not hovering off the ground. ever. not even on hitler days. closing thread
  9. demo 2 showed obvious mass freekilling, you said get into couchgame and they were inside on the blue couch, which does not need to jump to get onto. @Stevenn
  10. tbh i would kill atleast 2 of them if I was fed up with people rebelling all the time.
  11. neutral rn, haven't really seen you as much as other applicants.
  12. +1 good guy knows rules and decent rebel. a9 m8
  13. +1 a9 m8 cool guy, on a lot, decent rebeller, shit at sniping when i bhop to rebel when this nerd is ct
  14. Heres the story: Mobin was CT and had freekilled a couple times with slays from me, and I informed him to read the rules. a few rounds go by, he shoots me for being near him as CT on a free day, he gets slain again. next map, he sprays down myself and 3 other Ts that were bhopping towards him on vipinthemix while on an unofficial freeday because warden never gave orders, died, and then cells were opened. I informed everyone of the freeday via admin chat a few times as well as saying on mic repeatedly. this was prior to the guides section being launched (they were launched like 1-2 days later) so the original link to the rules still worked when you typed !rules in chat. as well as the MOTD still would properly load the rules on first joining. It was a mass freekill after several slays and warnings throughout the previous maps and recommendations to read the rules, as per our rules it is indeed a permanent ctban, and with the disregard of warnings to educate on the rules, I believe the ban should be staying on instead of an immediate reduction (he was only banned a couple days ago hiding... and that you should protest it in ~1 month and see where it stands based on your behavior in server.
  15. 5:49 PM - turdwig: yo. you can close my staff submission. i noticed i am actually pretty busy with school and my hours on csgo aren't going to get any higher 5:49 PM - turdwig: i'll reapply back in the summer if i get back into it
  16. what he said +1 literally always on surf
  17. Still agree with what I said, so +1 a:8 m:8
  18. CTs slaying themselves is a dick move but that's about it. as far as friendly fire day is concerned, there are 2 options. Warden says CTs may not participate (prior/start of FF day [before a CT gets killed by another]) and they may not participate at all Warden does not say anything/says CTs may participate What is not allowed is a warden saying: "CTs may not kill warden." or some other variation of it. Either all CTs are fair game including warden, or none of the CTs can participate.
  19. @Bleed can we make it so if I swap someone off CT that they can not rejoin the queue for at least 2 rounds after they were swapped? too many shitters type !guard right after I swap them off (when everyone is avoiding ct because they are so bad everyone rebels every round) and get 1st spot in queue and it's like I didn't even swap them.
  20. not to mention to all the haters, that he has been on CSGO too helping out with the scummers by making ban protests.
  21. what @xGShadowSpy said closed
  22. i don't see your ban anywhere... can you link it?
  23. gonna close this one, feel free to re-apply when you're a little more active to try and get the required vouches.