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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. We don't do apps for admin. apps are for moderator and if you are deserving of a promotion higher, based on activity, how much you contribute, your abilities as a moderator, your decision making process, your ability to work with others etc. Closing thread.
  2. is this thread only for the maps you have made, or is it a tribute to all maps made for xG/with xG in mind/by a member?
  3. Chrono

    Warframe Clan?

    If you wanted to make even a megathread for it, you could use the MOBA (previously MMO) sub-forum or the Games and Consoles sub-forum and post your clan related info to join etc. in there.
  4. "Done" does 1 member not the others. xdddddddddddd also are donators not going to have ads blocked anymore? or are sponsor ads a different thing that nobody can get rid of?
  5. yes, gkoo i think it was ported the map with lithium back when lith got DM originally
  6. @Aegean Not that they come around anymore save for hiding but @Hidingmaster @Gkoo and @snakeboyeric worked on parabellum originally for CS:S and i dont remember who but one of them gave files to lithium i think to help port as well as @toob made the first map designed with suggestions from xG for the csgo server back in its OG days.
  7. donated just to kick penguin out of the "Top Donors"
  8. Not posting a status update on inactivity in hellos and goodbyes...
  9. peace be with you my friend.
  10. sm_csay and sm_csay are different? xddddd
  11. for clarity sake no, because then for older bans it says they were banned by Admin Deleted
  12. but the whole point of hub originally was to unify the donation system and have it be a single central donation thing. that way someone donates $20 they get $20 of credits they can use on whatever, instead of $20 donation and choose: $20 credits or $20 donation package for TF2 correct me if I am wrong in that, but to me it would make sense to merge everything into hub and give people what they already donated for. it would also clean up sourcebans if we can remove all those people that have "admin" because it just gives them different custom flags in it for TF2 donations (there are literally like 420 different sourceban power groups for it, donator, super donator, ultra donator, mod xyz admin xyz)
  13. i mean... silence owns and pays for everything, and the NFO account and servers that run all of our stuff are under silence's name. so he could technically do whatever the fuck he wants, silences "rank" in the community has never actually meant anything because he could over-rule anything if he wanted and do whatever he wanted. even back when aegean made the "co-leader over-turn" thing where he could undo anything silence did all silence had to say was "no" and nothing aegean would have undone would have been undone. catch my drift? he just doesn't because he knows that there are other minds who are more level headed/community friendly than him.
  14. Chrono


    -1 still perm'd, comes on TS less than I do. and that's hard to do, so there is no way to judge his maturity now compared to before if he isn't on at all. also tbh you should make this a ban protest first not a member sub, as technically if you are banned from any server of xg you should be banned on all. meaning technically you shouldn't be playing mc either since it is even easier to hack in it.
  15. it feels a little strong, you can skip half of the jumps once you get going a couple sections in as long as you dont suck absolute shit. only to be forced to stop whenever you have a corner, even though you basically come to a stop (W strafing) it's still really easy to build velocity on turns.
  16. 822 only shadowspy aegean rabid and silence have me beat that are still around AFAIK
  17. First to complete a series of tasks within (insert open world multiplayer game) on either a fresh save/server or something where previously playing is not that much of an advantage like GTA V. Example: GTA V beat (insert course map) with a better than average time last longer than 10 minutes with 5 stars (timer starts when you get 5th star, and must keep 5 stars whole time) without using armored vehicles or flying vehicles no armored kuruma/swat van/etc. and no explosives after reaching 5 stars must be recorded complete pacific standard on hard with more than 2/3 of the cash after finale etc
  18. team mystic is for bitch ass niggas. #TeamInstinct
  19. cancer thread here provided by the cancer lord himself.