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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. Now this is the story all about how Pokemon's life got flipped turned upside down. I'd like to take a minute just scroll right here and I'll tell you all how he became the dankest last meme of 2016. on avalanche, some guy named Godz gives me from 420 to 4 to do my LR by and I was like nah fam you can't do that. I was not tagged up at the time and acted undercover as Childish Memebeno. I told him not to, as I was trying to decide where to start my LR (I was going to rebel by the way so I was bhopping away at first then I stood there for a second to just allahu ackbar it and he killed me, he was swiftly CT banned for 1 day) but that is all irrelevant to this ban protest anyway. For the next several rounds retr0 aka this person aka pokemon master would repeatedly call me a badmin and abuser and that I needed to read the rules even after I told him that the rules did not allow you to kill LR on purpose for any reason, via mic and I muted a dozen times over 4 maps and gave warnings each time. when he was muted he would spam it in chat both regular and normal. on the final map I gave him a "final warning" and he continued to spam his new bind that said "xG-Rep Retr0 : UNBAN GODZ YOU BADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and #GodzForCT aso I banned him for a day. After the ban the players there held a self imposed moment of silence for him, at the end someone said "Wait, it was only a day ban? : ("
  2. Ay, you wanna fight me foo? Meet me at didney. I'll show you my true form.
  3. RIP to the OG Nigga, Maybe I'll get active when I don't have a job xdddd
  4. Filthy foreigners using day first, you're lucky you caught your mistake and edited it. Otherwise my good friend The Donald would have shown you his right to build a wall.
  5. FC25E-QB2YI-4V273 AXYOS
  6. You honestly think that's instigating something? It's a simple observation that literally anyone can make if they followed the recent tf2 drama, the person that both of them wanted to get DM did not get it, and instead people they don't necessarily like did. so now they are starting shit in the promo demo thread. Observations do not necessarily mean starting shit
  7. If you have never seen him on the server how can you vouch for his maturity? Please re-think your post and get back to us.
  8. fuck you buddy Ban changed to 6 Months, will expire mid February (2 more months). Closed.
  9. @Stickz Also just so you know, We generally do not unban with the "little brother" excuse, while there is potential it may be true it is impossible to tell and more often than not someone lying just to get unbanned after they make a mistake. If stickz wants to give you another chance though it is up to him.
  10. towny is the obvious choice for a fresh MC server, and later down the line you could change it to a multi-world and have towny be the standard option, then have another option be factions etc. maybe even throwing in a minigames queue via chat command.
  11. Also see what I put in my post above. unobtainable does not mean that the plugins cannot be grabbed, just not something capable of being done at the moment.
  12. A lot of the issue with darkrp it's too easy to farm money when nobody is there (yes you could put in a plugin that doesn't allow money printers being purchased without 4+ people on, but then you just grab 3 friends and go on when nobody else is there and afk farm money while you play other games/watch netflix) there will never be enough dedicated staff to deal with the rule breaking if/when it gets populated that can watch almost literally everything and abstain from playing, not to mention the favoritism that happens when a staff member is actually playing darkrp and builds a base with his friends that can at that point do no wrong. It's too easy for a moderate sized group of friends to get together and buy out/ own large portions of maps and basically control an entire section (see Detroit Gang @Rabid @Bleed @BleedsBrother @Aegean @DeathGod etc.) hordeing large amounts of money and controlling the "key jobs" such as gun dealer, thief, mob boss, etc. With the ease of getting vast amounts of money guns etc. either have to cost a literal fuck ton of cash making early game impossible without being a large group that pools money together, or constantly reset server money. TTT on the other hand has literally none of those downfalls, the largest issue is having staff able to see what happens but for a good amount of it the TTT logs are very well done for vanilla TTT and it's pretty easy to see almost everything happening since maps are relatively small.
  13. Happy Birthday @Cristo enjoy your day. Stay beautiful.
  14. I'm assuming that @Aegean is giving the credits out not an auto system, so there are ways that Forum admins can check it's not just someone making alt accounts. Also I think that it would be a good idea for anyone dumb enough to try that to get blacklisted from future things such as raffles.
  15. I went on undercover with the name "I LOST MY EYES", at which I saw several instances of minor rule breaking but was not punishing right away on some of the smaller stuff because I didn't want to reveal right away that I was a staff member. map changed to avalanche. After a couple rounds of hearing brady tell others how the rules work and that they need to slay themselves for this or that, and at one point when I was warden I killed a guy that went in vent. He then proceeded to yell over mic as soon as talking was enabled "Why did you kill him?!" at least like 10 times after I told him that I killed him for rebelling. he would then tell me that I had to say why I killed him or I would get banned by an admin. and that it's just how the server works and that a new person wouldn't understand, and how he could get an admin on at any time to ban me. eventually some other T told him I killed the guy for going in vents somewhere between his mic spam/disrespect calling me a stupid cuck. after that we had a war day the next round where someone was killed before war day was called for breaking vent, by me. he kept telling me to "slay you stupid cuck" over mic until I repeatedly soothed his sorrows over the loss of his fallen comrade who rebelled before war day was called by our warden. War day proceeds, he tells me I can't shoot outside or open the doors to look out, only defend the inside and close the doors to cabin on avalanche because I'm a CT. eventually I killed all but 1 T who was complaining about being stuck in the 1v100 cage in cells the whole time asking his fellow Ts to let him out. (nobody did) and so after the last guy who kept dodging around the door died I left to go see he was indeed stuck, and so I killed him, with my admin auto sniper picked up off of a dead T because I wasn't about to reveal my admin by slaying him. next round. mic is allowed and brady spams that I need to slay and that I was going to get banned by @virr who we was going to call on to the server. telling me repeatedly I was a stupid ignorant cuck, and that he can call me a stupid cuck all he want's because that along with disrespect aren't real rules. I proceeded to tell them to go to my marker a few times while jumping was restricted, they froze on it as ordered and then threw a smoke, I shot at the chest/head area of people who were jumping up out of the smoke and he then proceeded to tell me I was getting banned for free-shooting as well. after the end of the round I asked him if he was actually getting an admin on or not and he said "No, i'm going to wait until you really piss me off" I asked him if an admin was on what would happen, he said I would be banned, and I told him no, probably he would be banned for constantly saying over mic without stopping that I was a stupid cuck. he said again "no" and that he could say that all he wants becuase it wasn't against the rules. so I told him that I would get an admin on for him. proceed to change my name back to xG:DM Lifter typed out "Hi, I'm an admin!" and then banned him for 6 hours for disrespect and spam. @Brady1780 I banned you after repeatedly informing you of how disrespect and trolling are indeed things that could get you banned, and why I left the war day area, yet you continued to call me a stupid cuck, please refrain from this kind of behavior, as well as the kind of behavior you exhibited by bullying someone who appeared at first glance to be a new player on the server with threats to have him banned, and saying that "it's just how this server works, and if you can't get by on it, then you will just get eaten alive." It deters new players from wanting to stick around on our servers, and is frankly not a kind of attitude that we would like around them at all. consider this a very firm warning about trolling and being disrespectful.
  16. yo bach, why do you come back every once in a while, without playing the servers and make a mod sub? you know in ~2 months with minimal increase in activity you're just going to make another step down thread...
  17. Can we just vote the scrim memesters get the team? lol
  18. Yo nerd, stream of consciousness is a good journal writing tool, not a good posting tool. thankfully it is understandable. You want it so that last CT has a laser precise negev with unlimited ammo, and more health but moves slower? while giving him a speed buff with his knife out? speed buff as in regular LCT speed? I don't even know if that is possible/legal but to me it sounds like an even harder to kill lastct because a good chunk of people i play with already knife only.
  19. Steam ID Finder your Steam id is the version of your identity that says: STEAM_x:x:xxxxxxxx that is your community URL that can be changed. STEAM_0:1:54599372 is yours.
  20. It literally has not been over a year. you joined forums at end of march/ beginning of april 2016 and you were banned July 2016 which is just slightly over 3 months of being here (you could presume slightly longer because you probably played on the servers before forums, but your toxicity all started with when you tried to become active within the forums/TS) it is now the end of October 2016 which is exactly 6 months and 1 day since you joined the forums. your previous ban protest was in september 1 month ago where you correctly stated that it was 4-5 months. that thread was also closed. here is the reason: We do not tolerate scripting/hacking on xG servers, as such there is a very firm permanent ban policy which is only negated through special circumstance (aside from not actually scripting and an adming being wrong in it with their video evidence/multiple admin witnesses. which is not your case) The only way for you to be unbanned is to go here: Want To Get Unbanned? and follow the instructions. This thread is now closed. also: your old account on forums is not deleted or banned, you just need to use the proper password with the username: Complex