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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. pro tip, just because you see a ban request and you feel as a staff member that the player should be banned because of any evidence, don't do it in game just because you have the ability to. Ban requests are to be handled by the Division's managers and leaders so as to avoid any hasty bans without 100% context and to keep it all running smoothly. @Bonk
  2. or you could just not use slurs in any way whatsoever. you may think they are funny jokes, and others may not. IMO armin did the right thing in muting you for things like those (granted i cant see the images they are errors for me, but moosty said they were used in a joking manner implying there were indeed slurs.) just that a smaller mute should have been issued for a first time mute.
  3. +1 is active on TS and JB and is attentive to following the rules. a8m8
  4. also on parabellum @Lithium could you push out the glass on window to armory to remove this ledge? http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/392176123656553712/E85E079FECECE00B26F75F8D0D4CB0228C668831/ several times now i see CTs jump off the top and land there when they hear vent break, and spray down the vent exit.
  5. +1 next weekend. out of town this weekend.
  6. Chrono

    12 Days Of Xgmas

    can I add to the prize? but they have to do something similar. Another version of 12 days, but based on a game that you really enjoy. i.e. 12 days of Siege-mas for R6 Siege etc. and I will put $10 towards any steam game, or rito points for them.
  7. given gkoo/snakeboy's permission, you could start making additions to parabellum/edits. for example, you could actually put a button randomly on a wall you can press that does absolutely nothing... or you could add a surf, you could put a nice decorated area designed specifically for war day etc.
  8. Chrono

    Xg Secret Santa (read) 18+

    I'm interested, but there is a definite cautious tone towards my interest, knowing certain individuals who are older than 18 but have the maturity of <12yr olds.
  9. +1 would ban again given the opportunity.
  10. while I love you rabid, I personally haven't seen you on the JB server (granted my odd schedule last week because of having to train people threw me off the server all week long) to be able to give a + or - vouch, so i'm at a 0. I also want you to know that I would have to verify a very legitimate change in attitude has been made towards players that are particularly in the general groups you find not likable by yourself. (furries/bronies/etc.) given your known attitudes towards people who publicly display their fetish/interests.
  11. @Bonk if you have to leave then leave just because you are the only mod on the server doesn't mean you can't leave for your real life until someone else gets on. just message somebody and be like "yo i gotta go, no other staff on server dawg" put a message in all chat like "@remember to record demos if people are breaking rules to post them on forums along with screenshots!" then f10, enter, and go about life. as much as we would like to be able to have staff on at all times, obviously that wont be the case, and you should never feel obligated to stay on alone and make yourself late for things etc. because other staff are being rude to you in steam chat, when you ask them to take your place. also if they really are being rude in steam chat like that and queueing instead of helping (multiple times) let us know, we can talk to them too.
  12. I'm not a great surfer but I can get through some medium stages. willing to learn how to surf better though to help.
  13. @Owl we never removed the immature rule for warden? Just made it more up to mod discretion in that if they are doing fine as warden and don't absolutely annoy the world with a literal squeaking voice its cool. if they cant warden just ban them from it. @Bonk i feel ya dawg on the server having staff and passing it up, or scrimming instead of populating/helping... but also look on the other side of things in that when CS:S was in its peak, it was actually pretty common to see 1 mod on the server with 63 members and randoms all just chilling playing JB. while I don't want to say get over it you can do it alone, I also don't want to sacrifice taking time in choosing who gets mod, so we can keep our staff roster in tip top shape with nothing but the best.
  14. also not a lot of people hang out in the dedicated rooms for games (we should try to change that...) so just scroll down more to the "community channels" section and look for familiar names.
  15. i mean technically under the rules that would be a perm CT ban, slay or not. there were 4 Ts killed by you and another T (Myself) killed by another CT. reason I only made it a week is because it was a mistake that anyone could make, and you genuinely do want to be a part of the community and acknowledge your mistakes. unfortunately the rules are there for a reason, and we cant just let people slide with less than minimal punishment for breaking them. IMO a week is a nice relaxed time to become a master rebel. @Lithium @Bleed @Snackbar I would personally close this but since I was the banning admin, I shouldn't be the one to do it. unless you guys deem it reasonable to unban.
  16. +1 was a nice person to play with on the server
  17. just because someone does something and doesn't get slain/banned for it does not mean its ok. for example: (assuming i was a random non rule reading player let alone a staff member) my friends and I could get on when no staff/nobody are on and do what we want and we may or may not get punished depending on if someone is on that records a demo and then posts a ban request on us. or: there are only 3 people on and instead of playing actual rounds they are cool with just messing around and they play shot for shot with mp9s from armory. doesnt mean it is ok to do whenever you want and staff can and will require you to play by the rules in that situation.
  18. pretty sure it wasnt 3 years tbh
  19. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.
  20. the person that wants to ban and block people for potentially spoiling fallout with troll statements posts spoilers. ggnore boys nice hypocrisy
  21. while the acceptance was 1, done without proper vouches, and 2 done through age restriction rules, you were given member by snackbar who was talked to shortly after that about accepting people with the proper amount of legitimate vouches and within our age limits, we're not just gonna take it away, but for future reference and anyone else we dont just waive rules like that.