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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. you had been breaking rules and I had been trying to explain them as you broke them to you, you kept asking how to get a negev and when you did you sprayed it at a rebel and killed the 2 stacked near him that were not rebels.
  2. I sure wish that my skins & guns would properly load no matter what team I was on, like when I pick up that fancy m4a1-s as a rebel and i get a shitty no skin m4a4 instead of my ST M4A1-S Basilisk to be slaughtering all the shit CTs. and we should add the r8 m8 to the gr8 b8 of h8 on the maps, gr8.
  3. stalkers are master race. learn to force field split enemy tangos. dark templar are mostly trash unless you can sneak them in i.e. hide the dark shrine. high templar are mostly trash unless facing a shit tier bio only terran, zerg are too fast for HT to do any real damage. archon is a god vs. the slow moving mech bitches, but they cost a lot of resources to create and limit your army to protecting the archon's slow movement.
  4. Dropbox - ba_jail_blackout_csgo_v2.bsp Dropbox - ba_jail_blackout_csgo_v2.nav Dropbox - ba_jail_blackout_csgo.bsp Dropbox - ba_jail_blackout_csgo.nav
  5. There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning. using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun") banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls") breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it) All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff. @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  6. unbanned, but if you troll like that again, you stay banned. also, its a membership by invite only group and they probably joined at your request since you have to be friends with them. so just letting you know, i see stupid shit like that again it gets put back. and you were mic spamming like them as well infact you were one of the first ones i muted.
  7. who says we're low on staff? got to be something else going for ya there
  8. -1 literally just got a working computer, and you said internet is iffy at the moment... wait until you've been active on servers for a couple weeks then make another one. we didn't just restart the division today so we don't need to make people staff just because they previously were. (not saying you were bad, you were good, just need some decent consistent activity.) @Snackbar @Lithium @otherDL
  9. @PlaysWithSquirrels how do you want to run it? Winner report, hash out time to do matches within own bracket? as long as it doesn't take more than like 3 days total (giving each round time for the players to pick a timeframe that works.) only thing i want is it to be draft pick and tournament 1v1 rules: first tower, first kill, or 100cs. leaving whether it is on howling abyss or SR mid lane up to you. also make bracket random on who is vs who. if there are byes because people dont fill spots with legitimate interest, please make it random seed for those.
  10. $25 RP to winner, $10 to 2nd place. I'll front prize. Pls make bracket with those 100% interested in playing, not fill names with cozyboys just because. p.s. im in. 16th works for me.
  11. Chrono


    10/10 would ban again (i think i saw this same thing a couple weeks ago.)
  12. neutral stance RN. currently I see mostly good behavior but some negative behavior. I think you could improve just your general sense of things and understanding of how a moderating team works in that sometimes you have gotten frustrated with staff over not acting on your report when we did not witness with our own eyes what took place.
  13. Here for the show... Also, while people may know someone's info, it is considerably rude to give it out to others without consent of the individual, or partake in any of that interaction. It may also be against many local (county) statutes and state/federal regulations.
  14. Chrono

    World Of Warcraft

    chicken sucks at wow guilds. he made one on horde moon-guard and then never played past level 40 and left me for dead. if you want to do PUG raids and have a max level toon on alliance, hit me up. I'll start getting back into it and finish out my lock. rn, i'm (mostly) H BRF geared, and looking to work more on my lock/other toons
  15. there is a thing called recording demos. people say "this guy keeps mass freekilling!" but dont take a demo of any of the times he "keeps" freekilling... all you do is type record (insert name here) and post a ban request guarantee there will be a ban within 24 hours if you do.
  16. Chrono


    Who turned out the lights?
  17. he's still a member. probably just got removed in confusion, since he left the minecraft server and at the time we also didn't have a working MC div. (i would know, i was the one who talked with him about it.)