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  1. Thinking
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Goodbye For Now   
    saying reasons why you don't think someone should be staff as long as it is not in a disrespectful plain bashing/shit talk way is better on forums than private. You can accomplish so much more when your "dirty laundry" is aired publicly than private because when 1 person says something, others that feel similar then feel more open to air their thoughts and experiences on the matter. If you keep it private between the 2 of you, maybe it helps maybe it doesn't or maybe said individual is better around you so you have no reason to start complaining.
    Either way, he has every right to state his reasons for stepping down. Whether you like it or not because "that's my friend!" doesn't matter at all, it's his reason. The more immature one would be the person saying "take it to PM" yet coming back and making responses that I can summarize very simply to "that's my friend, bye felicia good riddance"
  2. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Vector in Goodbye For Now   
    saying reasons why you don't think someone should be staff as long as it is not in a disrespectful plain bashing/shit talk way is better on forums than private. You can accomplish so much more when your "dirty laundry" is aired publicly than private because when 1 person says something, others that feel similar then feel more open to air their thoughts and experiences on the matter. If you keep it private between the 2 of you, maybe it helps maybe it doesn't or maybe said individual is better around you so you have no reason to start complaining.
    Either way, he has every right to state his reasons for stepping down. Whether you like it or not because "that's my friend!" doesn't matter at all, it's his reason. The more immature one would be the person saying "take it to PM" yet coming back and making responses that I can summarize very simply to "that's my friend, bye felicia good riddance"
  3. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Goodbye For Now   
    saying reasons why you don't think someone should be staff as long as it is not in a disrespectful plain bashing/shit talk way is better on forums than private. You can accomplish so much more when your "dirty laundry" is aired publicly than private because when 1 person says something, others that feel similar then feel more open to air their thoughts and experiences on the matter. If you keep it private between the 2 of you, maybe it helps maybe it doesn't or maybe said individual is better around you so you have no reason to start complaining.
    Either way, he has every right to state his reasons for stepping down. Whether you like it or not because "that's my friend!" doesn't matter at all, it's his reason. The more immature one would be the person saying "take it to PM" yet coming back and making responses that I can summarize very simply to "that's my friend, bye felicia good riddance"
  4. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Rejects in Goodbye For Now   
    saying reasons why you don't think someone should be staff as long as it is not in a disrespectful plain bashing/shit talk way is better on forums than private. You can accomplish so much more when your "dirty laundry" is aired publicly than private because when 1 person says something, others that feel similar then feel more open to air their thoughts and experiences on the matter. If you keep it private between the 2 of you, maybe it helps maybe it doesn't or maybe said individual is better around you so you have no reason to start complaining.
    Either way, he has every right to state his reasons for stepping down. Whether you like it or not because "that's my friend!" doesn't matter at all, it's his reason. The more immature one would be the person saying "take it to PM" yet coming back and making responses that I can summarize very simply to "that's my friend, bye felicia good riddance"
  5. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Ms.Spooks in Goodbye For Now   
    saying reasons why you don't think someone should be staff as long as it is not in a disrespectful plain bashing/shit talk way is better on forums than private. You can accomplish so much more when your "dirty laundry" is aired publicly than private because when 1 person says something, others that feel similar then feel more open to air their thoughts and experiences on the matter. If you keep it private between the 2 of you, maybe it helps maybe it doesn't or maybe said individual is better around you so you have no reason to start complaining.
    Either way, he has every right to state his reasons for stepping down. Whether you like it or not because "that's my friend!" doesn't matter at all, it's his reason. The more immature one would be the person saying "take it to PM" yet coming back and making responses that I can summarize very simply to "that's my friend, bye felicia good riddance"
  6. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from TBOHB in A New Lease On Life.   
    Did you try setting it to wumbo?
  7. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in A New Lease On Life.   
    Did you try setting it to wumbo?
  8. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in Leaving For Good...   
    You can't just delete your post, it is here unless a higher up deletes it, and we don't just delete things because, we have generally liked keeping things to have as a sort of library/history of xG to look up past events or situations or even members by looking at old posts and seeing change/progress.
  9. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from TBOHB in Leaving For Good...   
    You can't just delete your post, it is here unless a higher up deletes it, and we don't just delete things because, we have generally liked keeping things to have as a sort of library/history of xG to look up past events or situations or even members by looking at old posts and seeing change/progress.
  10. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Leaving For Good...   
    You can't just delete your post, it is here unless a higher up deletes it, and we don't just delete things because, we have generally liked keeping things to have as a sort of library/history of xG to look up past events or situations or even members by looking at old posts and seeing change/progress.
  11. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from TBOHB in Payday 2 Is Free Right Now. Download It   
    You can still add it to your library via mobile I believe, for those that have PC issues.
  12. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from PiNoYPsYcHo in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few:
    Duckii from non member to Co Leader
    (all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood)
    Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL
  13. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Egossi in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few:
    Duckii from non member to Co Leader
    (all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood)
    Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL
  14. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few:
    Duckii from non member to Co Leader
    (all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood)
    Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Aegean in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few:
    Duckii from non member to Co Leader
    (all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood)
    Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL
  16. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few:
    Duckii from non member to Co Leader
    (all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood)
    Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL
  17. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from james8470 in *NEW GAME* BANNED! (not a real ban lol)   
    Banned for getting rid of the off topic section!
  18. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in A Little Game...?   
    All of you are banned for not posting in the proper thread.
    *NEW GAME* BANNED! (not a real ban lol)
  19. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in The Xg Shadow Government (exposed)   
    I've used xG in teaching people at work how to not be bitches
  20. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from shwash in The Xg Shadow Government (exposed)   
    I've used xG in teaching people at work how to not be bitches
  21. RIP
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in The Xg Shadow Government (exposed)   
    For my online activity to work without having to set up a time for them to call me... For their online chat support to let you sit there with it and wait for a CS Rep, instead of timing out after being open and "inactive" for 2 minutes because unlike blizzard where it has the chat window open and prompts you to let them know you are still waiting it is just a loading bar that won't even ask if you are still waiting. For e-mail responses to come back within a few days, not a few weeks. For support to just plain not be shit.
    pls forest tell your support bitches to work even though you aren't CS
  22. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in Discord   
    anyhting below 350 is trash
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Aegean in Sigh, Another Topic About Discord   
    To prevent you from having to go back to read the other threads, which you clearly knew about.
    Security issues, teamspeak runs with a solid set up that has been tested over numerous years and contains some top notch security for voip/text communication, Discord is still in terms of these kinds of programs... brand new.
    As seen with skype and other programs it is a very common thing to attempt to use them as a means of stealing people's information. Teamspeak already has solid protection and encryption that is doubled up on with our server using it's own protection because it is hosted on the same box as some of the servers we run.
    User Friendliness, literally the same thing. instead of having constant tabs where you are able to switch servers with the click of a button, you have to... oh wait, you can do the same exact thing in teamspeak. You can even private message users on teamspeak servers as well, the only user friendly note discord has over TS that I can see is that you can PM people without having to be in their server.
    Stating that nobody uses TS anymore is pretty bold, I haven't looked at official numbers but from what I can see, small communities hover around discord as it is free to set up and they don't have to rent a server. these are typically communities that form on a free forum site and play games that they don't buy servers on or can't. they just group up a lot. and then on the other end, large communities like a few subreddits due to the fact that again, it is free... from a free forum style website... meanwhile if you go to most large server hosting communities/clans you see things like TS Mumble and Ventrillo. 3 very long standing voip programs.
  24. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Egossi in Sigh, Another Topic About Discord   
    To prevent you from having to go back to read the other threads, which you clearly knew about.
    Security issues, teamspeak runs with a solid set up that has been tested over numerous years and contains some top notch security for voip/text communication, Discord is still in terms of these kinds of programs... brand new.
    As seen with skype and other programs it is a very common thing to attempt to use them as a means of stealing people's information. Teamspeak already has solid protection and encryption that is doubled up on with our server using it's own protection because it is hosted on the same box as some of the servers we run.
    User Friendliness, literally the same thing. instead of having constant tabs where you are able to switch servers with the click of a button, you have to... oh wait, you can do the same exact thing in teamspeak. You can even private message users on teamspeak servers as well, the only user friendly note discord has over TS that I can see is that you can PM people without having to be in their server.
    Stating that nobody uses TS anymore is pretty bold, I haven't looked at official numbers but from what I can see, small communities hover around discord as it is free to set up and they don't have to rent a server. these are typically communities that form on a free forum site and play games that they don't buy servers on or can't. they just group up a lot. and then on the other end, large communities like a few subreddits due to the fact that again, it is free... from a free forum style website... meanwhile if you go to most large server hosting communities/clans you see things like TS Mumble and Ventrillo. 3 very long standing voip programs.
  25. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Shadower in Sigh, Another Topic About Discord   
    To prevent you from having to go back to read the other threads, which you clearly knew about.
    Security issues, teamspeak runs with a solid set up that has been tested over numerous years and contains some top notch security for voip/text communication, Discord is still in terms of these kinds of programs... brand new.
    As seen with skype and other programs it is a very common thing to attempt to use them as a means of stealing people's information. Teamspeak already has solid protection and encryption that is doubled up on with our server using it's own protection because it is hosted on the same box as some of the servers we run.
    User Friendliness, literally the same thing. instead of having constant tabs where you are able to switch servers with the click of a button, you have to... oh wait, you can do the same exact thing in teamspeak. You can even private message users on teamspeak servers as well, the only user friendly note discord has over TS that I can see is that you can PM people without having to be in their server.
    Stating that nobody uses TS anymore is pretty bold, I haven't looked at official numbers but from what I can see, small communities hover around discord as it is free to set up and they don't have to rent a server. these are typically communities that form on a free forum site and play games that they don't buy servers on or can't. they just group up a lot. and then on the other end, large communities like a few subreddits due to the fact that again, it is free... from a free forum style website... meanwhile if you go to most large server hosting communities/clans you see things like TS Mumble and Ventrillo. 3 very long standing voip programs.