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Reputation Activity

  1. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Sudoku is the proper spelling of the popular japanese puzzle game. sedoku is not a world in any language.
    Seppuku is the ancient samurai tradition of slicing ones stomach open and removing your own guts.
    On the internet, Sudoku is someone telling you to commit seppuku while also mocking you by calling you stupid by spelling it differently.
  2. Friendly
    Chrono got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Sudoku is the proper spelling of the popular japanese puzzle game. sedoku is not a world in any language.
    Seppuku is the ancient samurai tradition of slicing ones stomach open and removing your own guts.
    On the internet, Sudoku is someone telling you to commit seppuku while also mocking you by calling you stupid by spelling it differently.
  3. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Goblin in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Sudoku is the proper spelling of the popular japanese puzzle game. sedoku is not a world in any language.
    Seppuku is the ancient samurai tradition of slicing ones stomach open and removing your own guts.
    On the internet, Sudoku is someone telling you to commit seppuku while also mocking you by calling you stupid by spelling it differently.
  4. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Sudoku is the proper spelling of the popular japanese puzzle game. sedoku is not a world in any language.
    Seppuku is the ancient samurai tradition of slicing ones stomach open and removing your own guts.
    On the internet, Sudoku is someone telling you to commit seppuku while also mocking you by calling you stupid by spelling it differently.
  5. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Pepper in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    still only highlighting the 1 part that semi-directly involves you. ;)
    atleast i can count on one of the CLs to be consistent.
    Go back to the parts about double jeopardy, retroactive bans, and that according to my trusted anonymous vigilante source, the involved parties in the convo were "CLs, Nomulous, TF2 DMs/DLs, and Dethman" which most notably comprises people who don't play tf2 much but have been known to have some issues with people (vector, iggy) in a one on one state, and TF2 staff that get "trolled by vector all the time" please show me how there is no bias at all in the party that was discussing banning him along with others who lightly bm compared to what you make it out to be.
    Note: jurors are cross-interviewed, just check out the people you want to give an un-biased opinion first. go to sources outside the immediate confines of xG, ask old co leaders to give some god damn god opinions instead of people that are salty over some bm they get when another feels they could do the job better.
    Note2: this is an open criticism thread, dont take it like a personal attack and get defensive when i state CLs in general are going about something wrong IMO instead look at it and give feedback on all the points
  6. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    still only highlighting the 1 part that semi-directly involves you. ;)
    atleast i can count on one of the CLs to be consistent.
    Go back to the parts about double jeopardy, retroactive bans, and that according to my trusted anonymous vigilante source, the involved parties in the convo were "CLs, Nomulous, TF2 DMs/DLs, and Dethman" which most notably comprises people who don't play tf2 much but have been known to have some issues with people (vector, iggy) in a one on one state, and TF2 staff that get "trolled by vector all the time" please show me how there is no bias at all in the party that was discussing banning him along with others who lightly bm compared to what you make it out to be.
    Note: jurors are cross-interviewed, just check out the people you want to give an un-biased opinion first. go to sources outside the immediate confines of xG, ask old co leaders to give some god damn god opinions instead of people that are salty over some bm they get when another feels they could do the job better.
    Note2: this is an open criticism thread, dont take it like a personal attack and get defensive when i state CLs in general are going about something wrong IMO instead look at it and give feedback on all the points
  7. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Osiris in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I publicly do not support any of those bans in "toxicity"
    Before the weeaboos and furries and bronies and mexicans get at me for again stating my disapproval let it be known it is not just because I am chill with vector I protest his ban. Hell other than the recent perm you gave him, I probably have the most ban time given out vs. him. I do not support any of the bans, here is my reason.

    they are all retroactive bans (taken from things that have happened much in the past.)
    they are all double jeopardy bans (they are banned now for things they were previously tried for, and either acquitted or banned at their individual times)
    none of them compare to other trolls (no major offense towards rabid) but people like rabid and neteX were much worse than any of them ever could dream of. you know what happened to neteX? he got banned from servers and forums. it wasn't until he DoS'd xg that he got teamspeak banned. why are these people banned on TS? it's meant as a public grounds for all people to just talk and relax, very rarely is anyone ever banned on there. it's saved for special offenders (cont.)
    They aren't special offenders, they are light BMers. they dont actually troll (by definition target a person or group and go out of their way to harass them.) they have some salty attitudes and get angry quick, not actually troll. they don't do anything worthy of real bans especially from TS. the only real ban on the list i saw was @Bach for the hacking thing, while i disagree that he wasn't banned based on our rules that he shouldn't have, i see the good intention behind it. (note: batman has good intentions about being a vigilante but the police hunted him/technically are supposed to arrest him even in current comics where he works with commisioner gordon; they don't because he helps a lot)
    the "higher ups" involved in the conversation already have very very strong biased opinions towards the individuals in question. there was no way in hell you were going to receive a fair punishment when they are your only source of discussion.

    I feel as if the CL system was a good idea, take individuals from higher ups in different divisions, mix them together and get differing opinions, require votes etc. however when you take the opinions of only a select sample that all share common interest/ground, it will be very very very very very very very very very biased when situations like that arise, you should be looking to a real jury. and outside source of opinion who is not effected by it (i.e. if you want to "discuss" perming someone from TF2 because he BMs tf2 staff, you should look to individuals from CS:S CS:GO etc. who don't give a rats ass about tf2 to look over any real evidence instead of testimonials/opinions and then take action on a real jury and their thoughts)
    that's my thoughts on the recent development, i tried talking to a couple CLs earlier, and they thought i was saying bans are for pussies blah blah blah, instead of listening.
  8. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Paying For Steam Community Mods?   
    Steam Workshop Now Supporting Paid Creations
    essentially a workshop creator can mark their content for purchase instead of freely available, only on games enabled (currently only skyrim)
    i think it should just be a donate button, if you like it donate so the guy can make more cool shit. it should be a visible thing what they are donating for so they know what type of stuff does better instead of this pay2hf
  9. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from StarmiX in Paying For Steam Community Mods?   
    Steam Workshop Now Supporting Paid Creations
    essentially a workshop creator can mark their content for purchase instead of freely available, only on games enabled (currently only skyrim)
    i think it should just be a donate button, if you like it donate so the guy can make more cool shit. it should be a visible thing what they are donating for so they know what type of stuff does better instead of this pay2hf
  10. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I publicly do not support any of those bans in "toxicity"
    Before the weeaboos and furries and bronies and mexicans get at me for again stating my disapproval let it be known it is not just because I am chill with vector I protest his ban. Hell other than the recent perm you gave him, I probably have the most ban time given out vs. him. I do not support any of the bans, here is my reason.

    they are all retroactive bans (taken from things that have happened much in the past.)
    they are all double jeopardy bans (they are banned now for things they were previously tried for, and either acquitted or banned at their individual times)
    none of them compare to other trolls (no major offense towards rabid) but people like rabid and neteX were much worse than any of them ever could dream of. you know what happened to neteX? he got banned from servers and forums. it wasn't until he DoS'd xg that he got teamspeak banned. why are these people banned on TS? it's meant as a public grounds for all people to just talk and relax, very rarely is anyone ever banned on there. it's saved for special offenders (cont.)
    They aren't special offenders, they are light BMers. they dont actually troll (by definition target a person or group and go out of their way to harass them.) they have some salty attitudes and get angry quick, not actually troll. they don't do anything worthy of real bans especially from TS. the only real ban on the list i saw was @Bach for the hacking thing, while i disagree that he wasn't banned based on our rules that he shouldn't have, i see the good intention behind it. (note: batman has good intentions about being a vigilante but the police hunted him/technically are supposed to arrest him even in current comics where he works with commisioner gordon; they don't because he helps a lot)
    the "higher ups" involved in the conversation already have very very strong biased opinions towards the individuals in question. there was no way in hell you were going to receive a fair punishment when they are your only source of discussion.

    I feel as if the CL system was a good idea, take individuals from higher ups in different divisions, mix them together and get differing opinions, require votes etc. however when you take the opinions of only a select sample that all share common interest/ground, it will be very very very very very very very very very biased when situations like that arise, you should be looking to a real jury. and outside source of opinion who is not effected by it (i.e. if you want to "discuss" perming someone from TF2 because he BMs tf2 staff, you should look to individuals from CS:S CS:GO etc. who don't give a rats ass about tf2 to look over any real evidence instead of testimonials/opinions and then take action on a real jury and their thoughts)
    that's my thoughts on the recent development, i tried talking to a couple CLs earlier, and they thought i was saying bans are for pussies blah blah blah, instead of listening.
  11. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I publicly do not support any of those bans in "toxicity"
    Before the weeaboos and furries and bronies and mexicans get at me for again stating my disapproval let it be known it is not just because I am chill with vector I protest his ban. Hell other than the recent perm you gave him, I probably have the most ban time given out vs. him. I do not support any of the bans, here is my reason.

    they are all retroactive bans (taken from things that have happened much in the past.)
    they are all double jeopardy bans (they are banned now for things they were previously tried for, and either acquitted or banned at their individual times)
    none of them compare to other trolls (no major offense towards rabid) but people like rabid and neteX were much worse than any of them ever could dream of. you know what happened to neteX? he got banned from servers and forums. it wasn't until he DoS'd xg that he got teamspeak banned. why are these people banned on TS? it's meant as a public grounds for all people to just talk and relax, very rarely is anyone ever banned on there. it's saved for special offenders (cont.)
    They aren't special offenders, they are light BMers. they dont actually troll (by definition target a person or group and go out of their way to harass them.) they have some salty attitudes and get angry quick, not actually troll. they don't do anything worthy of real bans especially from TS. the only real ban on the list i saw was @Bach for the hacking thing, while i disagree that he wasn't banned based on our rules that he shouldn't have, i see the good intention behind it. (note: batman has good intentions about being a vigilante but the police hunted him/technically are supposed to arrest him even in current comics where he works with commisioner gordon; they don't because he helps a lot)
    the "higher ups" involved in the conversation already have very very strong biased opinions towards the individuals in question. there was no way in hell you were going to receive a fair punishment when they are your only source of discussion.

    I feel as if the CL system was a good idea, take individuals from higher ups in different divisions, mix them together and get differing opinions, require votes etc. however when you take the opinions of only a select sample that all share common interest/ground, it will be very very very very very very very very very biased when situations like that arise, you should be looking to a real jury. and outside source of opinion who is not effected by it (i.e. if you want to "discuss" perming someone from TF2 because he BMs tf2 staff, you should look to individuals from CS:S CS:GO etc. who don't give a rats ass about tf2 to look over any real evidence instead of testimonials/opinions and then take action on a real jury and their thoughts)
    that's my thoughts on the recent development, i tried talking to a couple CLs earlier, and they thought i was saying bans are for pussies blah blah blah, instead of listening.
  12. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DrLee in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I publicly do not support any of those bans in "toxicity"
    Before the weeaboos and furries and bronies and mexicans get at me for again stating my disapproval let it be known it is not just because I am chill with vector I protest his ban. Hell other than the recent perm you gave him, I probably have the most ban time given out vs. him. I do not support any of the bans, here is my reason.

    they are all retroactive bans (taken from things that have happened much in the past.)
    they are all double jeopardy bans (they are banned now for things they were previously tried for, and either acquitted or banned at their individual times)
    none of them compare to other trolls (no major offense towards rabid) but people like rabid and neteX were much worse than any of them ever could dream of. you know what happened to neteX? he got banned from servers and forums. it wasn't until he DoS'd xg that he got teamspeak banned. why are these people banned on TS? it's meant as a public grounds for all people to just talk and relax, very rarely is anyone ever banned on there. it's saved for special offenders (cont.)
    They aren't special offenders, they are light BMers. they dont actually troll (by definition target a person or group and go out of their way to harass them.) they have some salty attitudes and get angry quick, not actually troll. they don't do anything worthy of real bans especially from TS. the only real ban on the list i saw was @Bach for the hacking thing, while i disagree that he wasn't banned based on our rules that he shouldn't have, i see the good intention behind it. (note: batman has good intentions about being a vigilante but the police hunted him/technically are supposed to arrest him even in current comics where he works with commisioner gordon; they don't because he helps a lot)
    the "higher ups" involved in the conversation already have very very strong biased opinions towards the individuals in question. there was no way in hell you were going to receive a fair punishment when they are your only source of discussion.

    I feel as if the CL system was a good idea, take individuals from higher ups in different divisions, mix them together and get differing opinions, require votes etc. however when you take the opinions of only a select sample that all share common interest/ground, it will be very very very very very very very very very biased when situations like that arise, you should be looking to a real jury. and outside source of opinion who is not effected by it (i.e. if you want to "discuss" perming someone from TF2 because he BMs tf2 staff, you should look to individuals from CS:S CS:GO etc. who don't give a rats ass about tf2 to look over any real evidence instead of testimonials/opinions and then take action on a real jury and their thoughts)
    that's my thoughts on the recent development, i tried talking to a couple CLs earlier, and they thought i was saying bans are for pussies blah blah blah, instead of listening.
  13. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  14. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DrLee in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    why are they forum banned for a year? was it really the dog pics? if so nobody learned a lesson in how to ban properly from my banning spree
  15. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  16. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  17. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from diabeetus in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  18. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Rejects in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  19. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Haruka in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  20. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Time To Move On   
    come over here baby gurl and i sign you in, and also get you shit faced.
  21. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Le Epik Fun Games Giveaway 2.0   
    warriorsfurry and barm only real subs, gg kiddos.
  22. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DrLee in New Member Submission Guidelines   
    +1 -1 works when the people that post a +1 or -1 aren't idiots about it. some people follow proper format and give good informative posts about how they feel person x would be as a member but most dont. there needs to be a forced change in the attitude of how people see it. just a general yes or no vote wouldn't work. people need to be forced to actually think about how the person would be as a member before their opinion can count and there should be a set number of legitimate vouches.
  23. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from LeToucan in Change The F Bomb Censor   
    do you idiots know why we censor it? because you use profanity every other 1/4 sentence you post. and part of google's adsense program rules is that our website may not contain excessive profanity or they will revoke access.
  24. Not Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Swift in Change The F Bomb Censor   
    do you idiots know why we censor it? because you use profanity every other 1/4 sentence you post. and part of google's adsense program rules is that our website may not contain excessive profanity or they will revoke access.
  25. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Hi Every Body,i'm Back!   
    thanks for tag bitch @Bach