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  1. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from SniperNoSniping in Selfie Sunday   
    Fresh in the morning
  2. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from JuannabeGod in An Idea For "!days"   
    No Collision would honestly be interesting to see, I'd like to see what the CTs and Ts do to work together against the other side. Though it'd have to be fine-tuned for things like CTs or Ts blocking entrances, among other things.
  3. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    I can understand that the overall week ban was due to poor knowledge of the rules as well as demonstrating a disrespectful behaviour toward Staff, but I still don't think the means justify the ends, seeing as how Owl himself stated that the demo doesn't demonstrate anyone technically freekilling. Why is Nick being singled out because of his ban history when there isn't any blatant evidence that he had freekilled in the first place? As Owl stated, he was banned before the thread (thereby leaving him to serve out the day ban) but then had his ban extended after this instance, so it must have had an influence on the week ban. The straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.
    In other words, he had a day ban prior, so that makes sense. However, he was involved in an incident that involved Ts being freekilled (albeit unknown to any of the Staff at the time, correct me if I'm wrong) but seeing as there was no recorded evidence of him actually killing freekilling, it shouldn't warrant an extension of a ban just because he might have freekilled. At this point, because of his past history, if, for example, he makes an honest mistake and freekills, he'll be punished more severely than anyone else even though the mistake could have been made by anyone which, to me, sounds biased in its own right.
    Now, I'm not saying that people shouldn't be punished for breaking the rules, we have a step-up system in place for a reason (warning > kick > ban > extended ban), but I'm just imploring Staff to have a bit of empathy. Put yourself in their shoes, for whatever the player did, does he/she really deserve that amount of ban time to begin with? Did he/she make an honest mistake, or was it obvious/blatant that they did not have prior knowledge of the consequences to their actions and therefore should be banned longer to learn from and understand their mistake(s)? I'm just asking that before dropping the ban hammer, you consider the context of the situation and act accordingly. I just don't think that it's fair when Nick had a day to better himself (however unlikely) and was given a week for something he might have done.
    I'm really hoping that Staff can reflect on this and don't just see it as someone defending a player with a ban history as with any other thread. I may not have been there for it, but that neutrality is what enables people like myself or anyone else to consider both sides of the story without giving a biased opinion or anything else of the sort.
  4. Like
    Forest got a reaction from NickImfatlowkey in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    I can understand that the overall week ban was due to poor knowledge of the rules as well as demonstrating a disrespectful behaviour toward Staff, but I still don't think the means justify the ends, seeing as how Owl himself stated that the demo doesn't demonstrate anyone technically freekilling. Why is Nick being singled out because of his ban history when there isn't any blatant evidence that he had freekilled in the first place? As Owl stated, he was banned before the thread (thereby leaving him to serve out the day ban) but then had his ban extended after this instance, so it must have had an influence on the week ban. The straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.
    In other words, he had a day ban prior, so that makes sense. However, he was involved in an incident that involved Ts being freekilled (albeit unknown to any of the Staff at the time, correct me if I'm wrong) but seeing as there was no recorded evidence of him actually killing freekilling, it shouldn't warrant an extension of a ban just because he might have freekilled. At this point, because of his past history, if, for example, he makes an honest mistake and freekills, he'll be punished more severely than anyone else even though the mistake could have been made by anyone which, to me, sounds biased in its own right.
    Now, I'm not saying that people shouldn't be punished for breaking the rules, we have a step-up system in place for a reason (warning > kick > ban > extended ban), but I'm just imploring Staff to have a bit of empathy. Put yourself in their shoes, for whatever the player did, does he/she really deserve that amount of ban time to begin with? Did he/she make an honest mistake, or was it obvious/blatant that they did not have prior knowledge of the consequences to their actions and therefore should be banned longer to learn from and understand their mistake(s)? I'm just asking that before dropping the ban hammer, you consider the context of the situation and act accordingly. I just don't think that it's fair when Nick had a day to better himself (however unlikely) and was given a week for something he might have done.
    I'm really hoping that Staff can reflect on this and don't just see it as someone defending a player with a ban history as with any other thread. I may not have been there for it, but that neutrality is what enables people like myself or anyone else to consider both sides of the story without giving a biased opinion or anything else of the sort.
  5. Informative
    Forest reacted to Matsi in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    I don't think the demo was why his ban was extended, rather it was because he's had 2 prior day bans and continued to break rules, and when he's slayed he argues with he staff with comments like telling Chrono to go read the rules... if I remember right he also calls staff names but don't quote me 100% on that...
    In the ban request I had posted the demo and the 3 people I saw kill anyone due to it happening while the staff were not really paying attention to everything that happened, I saw that he and whyfy had killed the entire team while no valid order was given for the round, it's possible he killed them for going in the vent. I believe he commented that he had recorded it, unless that was in reference to something else.
    Pretty sure Owl specifically said in the ban request that you could not see WHY anyone was killed and so no punishments were given other than those that already had been, which was to august for causing the massacre...
    I think he should spend the time to learn the rules and to stop arguing and being disrespectful so much when people are trying to tell him he's doing something wrong
  6. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    Continuing with my previous post and provided with the information above, it looks like you were given multiple opportunities to improve on your general knowledge regarding Server rules as well as refraining from mic spamming to get Warden.
    That being said, I still don't think mic spamming equates to an increased ban length of a week. However, provided that the ban time is nearly up, there's really no reason to cut it short now as it means a longer time to further your knowledge on the Server rules to prevent any future mishaps. It isn't hard to wait your turn for Warden, if no one calls it then you have an opportunity to take it. If you are ever uncertain about a rule, than brush up on it before performing an action regarding or in relation to said-rule.
    I'd also like to inquire about the whole demo incident. Did any Staff on at the time (Chrono/orangejuice) personally witness the offending player (Nick) supposedly freekilling the 3 Ts in the demo? The reason I ask is that I personally don't believe that the kill feed should ever be used to determine whether someone is freekilling or not as the Ts who are killed could very well have been rebelling (IE. Warden instructs Ts to be KoS [invalid] however Ts were supposed to be frozen and begin fleeing).
  7. Informative
    Forest reacted to Duke in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    if this was ur first or even 2nd ban i might agree with forest but u've been ct banned 4 times, including this one. and @Forest spamming for warden doesnt equate to mic spamming mic to get server banned. he only has to spam for a short time to get warden which is why he got ct banned.
  8. Like
    Forest got a reaction from NitNat in Spooky Scary Horrifically Terrifying Creepy Movies   
    Would also recommend "Crimson Peak" to those who prefer a more.. Emotional, horror movie for a lack of better words (think "Mama", after all it is a work of Guillermo del Toro). While it has a some-what mediocre plot, it's very macabre and the atmosphere of it is pretty great.
  9. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Thetrueunlocated - Counter-strike   
    To go further on Lithium's "not a chance"
    There is a 0 tolerance policy in xg regarding cheating and scamming. i.e. the only way to be unbanned is the ridiculous challenge of mona pizza or whatever, and donating. but if your scam site is still up/you still scam you will literally be wasting money as if it is still there you will be re-banned.
  10. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in What Genre Of Music Do You Like? ( Poll )   
    I don't personally really have a favourite. It all just depends on the mood I'm in or what activity I'm doing at the time. But I can tell you that I do not like kpop, jpop, or any alternatives to those. I also dislike country and am not a fan of rap or hip-hop.
  11. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Duke in Thetrueunlocated - Counter-strike   
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥/[csgo-kings][trade Bot #2]
    doesn't matter if you didn't scam on the servers you're still a proven scammer -1
  12. Like
    Forest reacted to Tomahawk in Spooky Scary Horrifically Terrifying Creepy Movies   
    Saw the Spanish dub in Spanish class last year. Was not disappointed
  13. Like
    Forest reacted to Goblin in Spooky Scary Horrifically Terrifying Creepy Movies   
    Here's a couple I can reccomend as classics you should watch. Some are scary, some are disturbing, some are just unsettling, and some you just have to watch.
    •Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    •The Ring
    •The Grudge
    •The Thing
  14. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from gryfons in Ksplayer1337   
    Why are you all derailing the hell out of this thread. It's a Member Submission, not a thread in General where you can spam replies that are either irrelevant or non-contributory. If the guy wants to bump and flood his own thread, let him. The only damage being done here is being done to himself, by himself.
    That being said, judging by his behaviour in this thread alone, he either isn't taking the application process seriously enough or he's just incredibly eager to get in. Either way, it isn't influencing your reputation in any positive way @KSPlayer1337 (as demonstrated by the amount of negative replies generated here) so you may want to reconsider posting a "bump" in the foreseeable future; though it already looks like you've toned it down, so kudos :coffee:
    A: ?/10
    M: ?/10
    D: +/-0 Not enough to go on to properly vouch for or against.
  15. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Ksplayer1337   
    Why are you all derailing the hell out of this thread. It's a Member Submission, not a thread in General where you can spam replies that are either irrelevant or non-contributory. If the guy wants to bump and flood his own thread, let him. The only damage being done here is being done to himself, by himself.
    That being said, judging by his behaviour in this thread alone, he either isn't taking the application process seriously enough or he's just incredibly eager to get in. Either way, it isn't influencing your reputation in any positive way @KSPlayer1337 (as demonstrated by the amount of negative replies generated here) so you may want to reconsider posting a "bump" in the foreseeable future; though it already looks like you've toned it down, so kudos :coffee:
    A: ?/10
    M: ?/10
    D: +/-0 Not enough to go on to properly vouch for or against.
  16. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Ksplayer1337   
    Why are you all derailing the hell out of this thread. It's a Member Submission, not a thread in General where you can spam replies that are either irrelevant or non-contributory. If the guy wants to bump and flood his own thread, let him. The only damage being done here is being done to himself, by himself.
    That being said, judging by his behaviour in this thread alone, he either isn't taking the application process seriously enough or he's just incredibly eager to get in. Either way, it isn't influencing your reputation in any positive way @KSPlayer1337 (as demonstrated by the amount of negative replies generated here) so you may want to reconsider posting a "bump" in the foreseeable future; though it already looks like you've toned it down, so kudos :coffee:
    A: ?/10
    M: ?/10
    D: +/-0 Not enough to go on to properly vouch for or against.
  17. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Ksplayer1337   
    Why are you all derailing the hell out of this thread. It's a Member Submission, not a thread in General where you can spam replies that are either irrelevant or non-contributory. If the guy wants to bump and flood his own thread, let him. The only damage being done here is being done to himself, by himself.
    That being said, judging by his behaviour in this thread alone, he either isn't taking the application process seriously enough or he's just incredibly eager to get in. Either way, it isn't influencing your reputation in any positive way @KSPlayer1337 (as demonstrated by the amount of negative replies generated here) so you may want to reconsider posting a "bump" in the foreseeable future; though it already looks like you've toned it down, so kudos :coffee:
    A: ?/10
    M: ?/10
    D: +/-0 Not enough to go on to properly vouch for or against.
  18. Like
    Forest got a reaction from NitNat in Spooky Scary Horrifically Terrifying Creepy Movies   
    Nice list! I've seen em' all aside from "Hush" which I'll probably check out since it's on Netflix.
    Here are a few other worthy mentions for other horroresque movie-goers:
    Mama - Personally have always loved Guillermo del Toro's work and I was actually surprised at the direction this movie took
    Sinister - While jumpscare heavy, it does carry a disturbing and unsettling premise; definitely not for those who find kids creepy enough in movies like "Children of the Corn"
    Dead Silence - While this movie may not be eerie to some, I absolutely despise dolls/puppets in any shape or form, so this one definitely succeeded in freaking me out.
  19. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Do Not Read, Unless...   
  20. Agree
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Spooky Scary Horrifically Terrifying Creepy Movies   
    Bone Tomahawk was pretty good, although I prefer more of an atmospheric horror film than jump scares.
  21. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in So What's With Some People Abusing Their Powers Lately?   
    All personal opinion:
    You shouldn't use powers to give/gain an advantage in any given situation, regardless of what is going on; that includes giving an advantage to a player who already has one to begin with (IE. Last Blue/CT).
    I don't know what goes on in TF2, so I may not have a say in the matter, but my impression of Staff Members (this applies to all Divisions) is that they are to treat every situation in a respectable manner and should know when to use their powers. It shouldn't be a back-and-forth of "he was a smart-ass to me, therefore I should be one to him with my powers". Staff should be calm and collected by handling situations in a way that asserts their position without giving off a "haha, I have powers and you don't" vibe. I get that some people want to set an example, but slapping the hell out of someone isn't a step in the right direction. If anything it just provokes them into acting out further and inevitably escalating the situation. If they slip up, punish them accordingly. If they're just being a smart ass, then by all means go right ahead and be a smart ass right back; but keep your powers out of it.
  22. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Tomahawk in Do Not Read, Unless...   
    If you listen closely you can hear the oldfaaags
  23. RIP
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Do Not Read, Unless...   
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Nu_13 in Do Not Read, Unless...   
  25. Informative
    Forest reacted to PvtSoldier in Matsi   
    Member's Name:

    Matsi Member's Steam ID:

    Don't know how to look that up Information:

    Lol, I really don't feel like writing a paragraph so I'll make it quick:
    Rules broken:
    Trolling and being proud of it, also being a fake admin:

    "Do you like my fake admin?"

    Constantly typing with his troll chat-colors.
    Don't know if it's worth mentioning but take a look at this. Consider that he was typing that in all chat.