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  1. Like
    Forest reacted to doomofanubis in Happy Valentine's Day!   
  2. Winner
    Forest reacted to Forge in Happy Valentine's Day!   
    i've made a tutorial featuring @Nomulous @Forest @Rhododendron @kbraszzz @Hachi @ThePenguin

  3. Like
    Forest reacted to ShortJuan in Shortjuan - Counter-strike   
    Ok thanks for the help.
  4. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Offset - Counter-strike   
    XenoGamers is very strict in its policy against punishing players who choose to abuse their position in game as a CT; especially when it involves intentional mass freekilling. Not only is it disruptive to gameplay, but it can also deter players from wanting to continue playing in our Servers. We have rules in place to foster a fair game that is meant to be taken as a roleplay, for a lack of better words. Prison guards have rules that they must follow, and this includes not shooting up the prisoners just because they don't happen to like them.
    With that being said, if you are being harassed ingame and are genuinely taking offence, then I recommend contacting Staff who are on at the time to take action. However, I will remind you that this is merely a game and that anyone who talks smack against you holds no weight. It is your choice to personally take what they say to heart, but I would strongly suggest that you gain a tolerance level as this sort of thing is incredibly common anywhere and everywhere on the web; especially in a game that is intended for a Mature audience which involves "online features that may explose players to unrated user-generated content".
    You most likely won't get an immediate unban for intentionally mass freekilling, I can tell you that. It may be difficult to have your ban time lowered, but your best bet would be to show our Staff that you are level-headed and that it won't happen again by playing on the T side and demonstrating an improvement in behaviour or an improvement in xG's CS:GO Jailbreak rules. After this period of improvement, open up another Ban Protest and Staff will see then whether you are deserving of an unban from CT.
  5. Informative
    Forest reacted to ShortJuan in Shortjuan - Counter-strike   
    Ok so what I did was take warden they kept saying spam then after I gave orders and opened the cells they all ran out o i started shooting them then he killed me and I got pissed and left then got banned. My orders where "Whenever cell doors open and I say go, take a step and afk freeze". So when they didn't do the orders I unloaded.
  6. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Shortjuan - Counter-strike   
    user was also server banned again today as he rage quit for massive disrespect and refusing to listen to me yet again.
    he had his mic down the entire pre-round and got warden after which immediately i passed, he then continues to give orders after i said he was no longer warden over mic and through admin chat. he then opened cells and i used admin chat to say it was a freeday since they (being CTs would not listen) and he mowed down about 3 or 4 people that ran out of cells.
    while it could be passed off as a misunderstanding, or not listening to the repetitive yelling in mic that it was a freeday and you were not warden, it was still a mass freekill and only having a month ct ban is very lenient, not to mention your other rule breaking.
  7. Informative
    Forest reacted to Duke in Shortjuan - Counter-strike   
    Xeno Gamers
  8. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Duke in Shortjuan - Counter-strike   
    @Chrono for perspective on ban.
    Personally, if you were banned by a Higher-Up (which you were) it must have been for a valid reason. That being said, judging by your ban history, it looks like you could brush up a bit on the rules we have set in place for xG's CS:GO Jailbreak Server. To be honest, if you did mass freekill, you would have been permanently banned so either you did but were shown leniency, or you didn't but whatever you did warranted a lengthy CT ban time (will be waiting on Chrono for info). Whatever the case may be, I'd strongly recommend checking out the rules (which you can find Here) since it doesn't hurt. If the ban sticks, having a deeper understanding of the rules could save you from a permanent CT ban in the future. +/-0 until further notice
  9. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to AbrahamL in Abrahaml   
    In-Game Name:

    Abraham Lincoln Active Division:

    Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG:

    Yes Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Abraham Lincoln Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    since 2012 was a mod and shit Age:

    15 Reasons for Joining:

    Idk wanna be back
  10. Creative
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Happy Valentine's Day!   
  11. Creative
    Forest reacted to Goblins in Happy Valentine's Day!   
    Only thing that will be needed to show some love.
  12. Creative
    Forest reacted to ArminArmout in Happy Valentine's Day!   
    did i do it right XD
  13. Creative
    Forest reacted to Haruka in Happy Valentine's Day!   
  14. Informative
    Forest reacted to lilbleed in Stevenn #orangejuiceinmyglock - Counter-strike   
    I take ownership to this. I honestly didn't think i was breaking any rules due to the fact i see Wardens (including xG members) Use this command and kill people who are not standing on the bottom of cell ramp. Sorry for the inconvenience
  15. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Lithium in I Need Halp   
    You can't use the teamselect menu to join CT, you must use the !guard command.
  16. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Firewolf in Mobinblack - Counter-strike   
    I agree with forest, and for the prison break server particularly it is a smart idea to stay T until you are familiar with the rules as it can also help you learn them.
  17. Informative
    Forest reacted to mobinblack in Mass Killing And He Doesn't Care.   
    Hey sorry for bad quality guys was testing out recording setting and kinda forgot about it until the freekilling had already begun.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYLTPenHERw cause uploading on here did not work well
    and youtube messed up the quality so the killer was madsweet5000 ask firewolf or alot of other witnesses and they will say he freekilled
  18. Like
    Forest reacted to Hidingmaster in Mobinblack - Counter-strike   
    !rules was infact broken for a period, whether or not that's coinciding with the time he/she was banned.
    If so, a reduction to a day or week is more than sufficient. Even not i still think it should be reduced.
  19. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Turdwig - Counter-strike   
    5:49 PM - turdwig: yo. you can close my staff submission. i noticed i am actually pretty busy with school and my hours on csgo aren't going to get any higher
    5:49 PM - turdwig: i'll reapply back in the summer if i get back into it
  20. Informative
    Forest reacted to LeToucan in Website Bugs And Updates   
    @Rhododendron you can't create staff applications https://xenogamers.com/applications/7/respond/
    edit: you need to change the url on the subform to this https://xenogamers.com/applications/6/respond/
  21. Funny
    Forest reacted to Scootaloo in Please Give Mods Perm Permissions.   
    No idea why this is still open.
    Well, WAS. No idea why this WAS still open.
  22. Like
    Forest reacted to nutellasoswag in Nutellasoswag   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    nutella Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:35843525 Banned:

    No Previously a Member in xG:

    Yes Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    cool minute lol. recently ALOOOOOT Age:

    18. Further Information:

    Want to join the gang again and want to inspire people to follow the rules as CT and inspire them to rebel as T. Love the server, people and staff. Besides that hope I bring lots of love into Jailbreak and y'all +1 me <3
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from IAmLegend in Xg Member Privileges   
    Like in this particular instance? :^)
  24. Informative
    Forest reacted to LeToucan in Update Thread   
    Most updates will be posted in this thread. Some backend changes or cvar changes will not be posted.

    Removed debug printing in class
    Reverted open command to be admins only
    Fixed bug where the open command would not show the admin who would use it
    Damaging players will no longer have potential to spam console
    Grenades now have velocity when dropped (I think)
    Funcommands now require the reserved flag
    Tasers are automatically removed to prevent crashes. I'll look more into this this weekend.
    Fixed bug where the guard leave queue would fail to remove players from CT
    Markers are now red and animated.

  25. Agree
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in [ Suggestion ] New Forum Ratings   
    We already have way too many so I would want to replace only :( I COULD code a new method that lets you choose from a list, and we could have many more ratings, right now there's sorta better areas of the community that I could put such effort towards.