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  1. Friendly
    Forest reacted to Rabid in Well... Hey There.   
    I usually am able to glide along with a sentence pretty nicely but am having trouble starting this thread off. Cause i'm not really sure what i'll say, that being said i'll start it off with that.
    So.. Things i'll be discussing. My current stand with the clan, what happened and why I was unbanned. My apology to @Tekage and others I have offended in the past couple of weeks, even months I've been back.
    A quick statement before I begin this.
    I know there are alot of you that don't agree with what I say, and how i conduct my self, and how I behave, in a "safe forum" that should not be riddled with drama. Especially someone as "toxic" and as blatant I am with my constant disrespect, and that's okay every one is entitled to their opinion(s). If you don't see eye to eye with what I say in the rest of this thread, I'm sorry I couldn't make you change your mind about me.
    Moving forward.
    @Tekage ... ugh. Words.. man you know? What I've said to you and what I've done to you is completely unacceptable, I have been nothing but rude to you and for what reason? Cause of a video I saw you made on your thoughts of xG and why you are leaving? What right did I have to do that, I did not even know you, Nor do I even know you now. You seem like a pretty fine guy, and it was just me being me. Short tempered, angry, and a troll, for no apparent reason, and for that i truly am sorry for the things I've said and done to you without a reason. It was entirely unjust and unsanctioned for me to even begin to rag on you..
    And with that being said, I was giving one last chance by @Hidingmaster so with that being said a day long ban for what I've done to you for how many chances I have been given is not right, And I would like you, if okay by other community leaders. Is to pick a ban time for me, Let it be 1 week, 1 month, 1 year. I feel like you have earned that right, for going through the trouble of actually taking care of what I've done by creating a ban request on me, I only see it just. With that being said I would also like to send you the private conversation I had with @Hidingmaster explaining my self to him. To furthermore help with your decision. so @Tekage check your forum pm's when you finish up this thread.
    @Kypari .................................................................... Back to that statement i had earlier, "glide along with sentences" This is a hard one. I don't feel as if you deserves a full blown apology more so an explanation? f*ck it idk. What I said to you on steam, is pretty as "heartfelt" I can get with you, That being said there is a few more things i'd like to say to you.. There is some really really hurtful/toxic things I have said to you that has gone unnoticed let it be in the shoutbox or older threads. And for those I do apologize I should never be allowed to tell someone to off them self just cause they don't agree with what I've said, so kypari. I'm sorry.
    @Community leaders @Chrono @Nomulous
    Boys you are the backbone to this clan you're the glue that holds it in place. You are what keeps us running in a sanctioned manner. And I know myself alone with the forum sh*t that I pull is pretty hard to deal with knowing as I have been here a long time, and no one wants to be "that guy" that bans me since I'm pretty good friends with all of you. I'm sorry for how hard I can be to deal with, as I have came to this clan at a much earlier time, as some did you. Where the clan was not nearly as defensive and more so an open environment for people to troll and d*ck around, cause we were a smaller community. As the years passed xG grew, did it grow in a good way? or bad way? That's an unanswerable question. Yes cs:s is what this clan grew on what defined it as a clan,and is gone now, but it also grew exponentially in tf2 over the past couple of years, and is now self sustainable through ad money alone, with maybe a few hiccups here and there. Yes we have lost some great co-leaders along the way, @Aegean @Neo , But also found new ones and ones that have been loyal and as helpful as possible. So boys where am I going with this rant? Cheers to you for giving me the chances you do, and allowing me to stay in the place that defined my online personality back in 2010.
  2. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Osiris in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    While I do understand why he was banned, I don't find that a [permanent] ban on the spot was necessarily justified without prior notice. Vector's behaviour and attitude is certainly volatile and unacceptable, and I can see why so many are against his unban, but to jump the gun to a permanent ban seems excessive.
    With that said, I propose a compromise that I feel is fair to both parties; those for the unban and those against. I suggest that Vector be unbanned only from Forums for the time being while remaining permanently banned from Servers.
    During this period, Vector will have the opportunity to show the community that he can produce a community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks. With that said, Higher-Ups will need to monitor his behaviour and attitude. This is a crucial step. This will ensure that if he is not able to keep a calm air around him on Forums after being given a chance, then the only choice will be to permanently ban him. After a noticeable improvement in behaviour, an appeal for an unban from Servers can be made where the community will determine whether he is ready to represent XenoGamers on it's Servers.
    This will obviously require the co-operation of the community as well, including those who have had.. Turbulent times with Vector. Simply put, do not [intentionally] harass, instigate, or provoke him into slipping up. It isn't easy to make a change in attitude, so don't [try to] give the guy a hard time. At the very least, try to put aside your differences and give the guy a chance.
    To clarify, this is all just an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:
  3. Like
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in That Darn Comment Box   
    Yeah I'll fix it, but I'll just make it wrap around the text :3
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from ChickenPanda in That Darn Comment Box   
    For the love of god, change the functionality of the comment(s) box @Rhododendron . It clouds over text like you wouldn't believe, and makes it that much harder to read the content of any post. Isn't there a way in which you can minimize it so that it isn't displayed, much like how it used to be at one point? Mind you, if there already is a way and I'm an idiot, disregard this thread and tell me how.
    You'll notice that it's near impossible to read the underlying text behind the comment(s) box, even though it is transparent.
  5. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    While I do understand why he was banned, I don't find that a [permanent] ban on the spot was necessarily justified without prior notice. Vector's behaviour and attitude is certainly volatile and unacceptable, and I can see why so many are against his unban, but to jump the gun to a permanent ban seems excessive.
    With that said, I propose a compromise that I feel is fair to both parties; those for the unban and those against. I suggest that Vector be unbanned only from Forums for the time being while remaining permanently banned from Servers.
    During this period, Vector will have the opportunity to show the community that he can produce a community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks. With that said, Higher-Ups will need to monitor his behaviour and attitude. This is a crucial step. This will ensure that if he is not able to keep a calm air around him on Forums after being given a chance, then the only choice will be to permanently ban him. After a noticeable improvement in behaviour, an appeal for an unban from Servers can be made where the community will determine whether he is ready to represent XenoGamers on it's Servers.
    This will obviously require the co-operation of the community as well, including those who have had.. Turbulent times with Vector. Simply put, do not [intentionally] harass, instigate, or provoke him into slipping up. It isn't easy to make a change in attitude, so don't [try to] give the guy a hard time. At the very least, try to put aside your differences and give the guy a chance.
    To clarify, this is all just an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:
  6. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Rip @me   
    Is this legit. If so, that has got to be one of the best reasons I've seen for someone getting grounded.
  7. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Goblins in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    While I do understand why he was banned, I don't find that a [permanent] ban on the spot was necessarily justified without prior notice. Vector's behaviour and attitude is certainly volatile and unacceptable, and I can see why so many are against his unban, but to jump the gun to a permanent ban seems excessive.
    With that said, I propose a compromise that I feel is fair to both parties; those for the unban and those against. I suggest that Vector be unbanned only from Forums for the time being while remaining permanently banned from Servers.
    During this period, Vector will have the opportunity to show the community that he can produce a community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks. With that said, Higher-Ups will need to monitor his behaviour and attitude. This is a crucial step. This will ensure that if he is not able to keep a calm air around him on Forums after being given a chance, then the only choice will be to permanently ban him. After a noticeable improvement in behaviour, an appeal for an unban from Servers can be made where the community will determine whether he is ready to represent XenoGamers on it's Servers.
    This will obviously require the co-operation of the community as well, including those who have had.. Turbulent times with Vector. Simply put, do not [intentionally] harass, instigate, or provoke him into slipping up. It isn't easy to make a change in attitude, so don't [try to] give the guy a hard time. At the very least, try to put aside your differences and give the guy a chance.
    To clarify, this is all just an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:
  8. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in That Darn Comment Box   
    For the love of god, change the functionality of the comment(s) box @Rhododendron . It clouds over text like you wouldn't believe, and makes it that much harder to read the content of any post. Isn't there a way in which you can minimize it so that it isn't displayed, much like how it used to be at one point? Mind you, if there already is a way and I'm an idiot, disregard this thread and tell me how.
    You'll notice that it's near impossible to read the underlying text behind the comment(s) box, even though it is transparent.
  9. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Nomulous in Rip @me   
    Is this legit. If so, that has got to be one of the best reasons I've seen for someone getting grounded.
  10. Ding!
    Forest reacted to realBelloWaldi in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    I have the ultimate solution.
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Kypari]
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Rabid/ASock]
  11. Like
    Forest reacted to Haruka in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 Kypari has changed a lot recently. Honestly, All he had to do was just ignore Rabid with the comments they made; they could have been worse. I kinda see this kinda like Kitty's situation again. Retaliation and blaming the other party for their actions when this problem could have been avoided in a mature manner, or contact the CL's privately if it bothered him that much.
    Lets just hope he's not a 13 year old bikini model too. :(
  12. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    Kypari Staff's Steam ID:

    irrelevant Evidence:

    Criticism: Let It Flow | Page 3 | Xeno Gamers
    all posts and comments by him here: Asock - Forum | Xeno Gamers Further Information:

    The way I've always seen it is that when 2 people decide to argue, you stop the argument if possible. And to do that, you have to stop both, if you hold one back then the other is just gonna jump on the chained person. This idea has held true on the forums as well in many a situation before; when 2 individuals or parties are fighting an aggressive "shitstorm" I have always lived under the philosophy of either they both get banned equally, or neither gets banned and they apologize to each other and A) ignore each other or B) learn to play nice.
    It's a pretty sound strategy, because if they get into heated arguments like that, they are either people you really don't want around, because of their negative "toxic" attitudes.
    Now you may be saying "but Asock (rabid) is le epic troller." or "kypari is only offending this time" but you're only partly right, on both. Rabid has toned down. If anyone had seen the shit he used to do on the daily back in the old days, you would never want to be here. It also is not kypari's first offense. He also isn't the victim in this case; neither is Tekage. However there is a reason tekage isn't who this is about. That's because he handled this in a semi-respectable manner, didn't talk too much shit, and also didn't try to start the shit with rabid in the first place.
    Now you tell me. Is someone with this attitude worthy of being a staff member? Let alone even a member? Why isn't he banned for the same bming rabid was giving off?
    Popcorn and shit is welcome, but keep it to your self. I will personally be monitoring this thread to clean it of shit, don't think you will get away with anything.
  13. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Osiris in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    All y'all who don't have the mental capacity to give constructive criticism in this thread, gtfo. [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] requesting that all content that is not helpful (by way of feedback and/or constructive criticism) be removed. This includes any past content as well as any content posted in the future.
    Honestly, if you can't wrap your head around the following concepts, then you have no business in this thread and should do everyone the favour of not even posting (this applies to everyone in general). With that said, because of the nature of this thread, I would also like that any content within this thread not be used maliciously against anyone. This means for Ban Requests, Member Protests, etc. Reason being that most of the content in this thread is based on opinion and criticism, and therefore makes it an inadequate source of incriminating evidence, and should thereby not be used against anyone.

  14. Creative
    Forest reacted to Waimalu in Contest: New Rating Icons   
    Added your little shadows
  15. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Goblins in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    The sole point of this thread is to get things off of our chests. The only thing holding you back is the poor excuse of someone getting "salty." Do it while you can.
    edit: fixed spelling errors
  16. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Nu_13 in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Before I go on with this thread, let me assure you that the title has no reference to the "toxicity reform" that was posted yesterday (it is in relation to it, but not directly affiliated with it). I would also like to say ahead of time that this will be yet another rant that will most likely run quite a lengthy page. In fact, just looking back, it is one hell of a read.
    WARNING: This is an extremely long passage that may not interest many. It is in regards to "toxicity" or other forms of "harassment". I ask that if you will not read the whole passage, skip to the bottom bolded text.
    So. I couldn't help but notice this on-going "problem" of toxicity within xG. Seems to me that people are getting the idea that it's something that can simply be monitored and thereby eliminated easily. I'd just like to say that to accomplish a feat like that is ludicrous in its own right. To say "we're going to put a stop to toxicity" would be like saying "we're going to put a stop to [for example] Christianity." What I mean is that toxic or salty behaviour isn't something that can be suppressed over night, in a week, hell, in a year. It's like trying to suppress or eliminate an idea, or something else that is intangible. It just can't be done without re-writing everything and starting from the beginning.
    The fact of the matter is that once the toxicity has spread, it has been spread. There is no stopping it, xG is already permeating with it. Now I can see how this in itself looks terrible, and I can see why anyone in their right mind would want to stop it, but to throw down a law that tries to "eliminate" it is physically impossible.
    What constitutes toxicity? Is it when I say "fuck you, no one loves you", or is it the simple matter of commenting "scrub" on someone's post? The shit is immeasurable. At this point in time, the line between disliking someone to the point of trying to get them banned and actually banning those who rightfully deserve it has been spread so thin that there is no clear distinction anymore, it's all grey. I can get why there is this sudden desire to want to weed out the "bad eggs" in xG, but I honestly don't think this is the proper way to do it. Laying down sanctions will only result in a stronger segregation among Members and will ultimately deliver even more reports of "toxicity", and I'm talking about any sort of "harassment" or "instigations".
    For Christ's sake, this is the internet. We're a gaming community that has over 10,000 Members with someone new making a new account almost every day. The internet isn't a pretty place, we're all maskless figures that can say or project whatever we want without fear of prosecution or judgement. The fact is, it is a shitty, toxic, salty, hateful online world. We all [should] know the risks of getting involved in an online community, we all [should] know there will be plenty of sarcasm, trolls, people whose sole purpose is to see the world burn. Now, I'm not saying that everyone should just take a chill pill and ignore everything, that would just be irresponsible. All I'm saying is this:
    Whether that be in monitoring behaviour to prevent shit storms, or whether it be tolerating a certain amount of bullshit. By the end of the day, we will have all been subjected to (or have witnessed) some form of "online hate", and I'll bet that 90% of that hate can't even be recalled. You know why? Because chances are, you weren't bothered enough for it to have any sort of ill-effect on you. If that's the case, why are the forums any different? Someone rated your post "Boring"? Who the hell cares, it's their opinion. Someone commented on your post saying that you're stupid for having that opinion? Tough shit, because chances are that person has expressed an opinion that someone else had thought the same thing.
    Opinions, anything and everything said by someone is merely an opinion. It isn't a state of fact. The choice is yours to react to what someone says about you or what they say about your opinion. This is one of the many commonly misunderstood things that goes on in the online world. An opinion is not toxicity. Nor is it grounds for a punishment. If you see acts of verbal abuse between two people, would you label them as being "toxic" to each other? The answer is no. They're having conflicting interests and opinions. They are arguing. The appropriate course of action will be to address what the problem is and see if a solution can be worked out that will satisfy both ends. This is important.
    However, your over-the-top harassment is on a whole 'nother level. This is the kind of stuff that falls under the category of "toxicity". When one Member (or even a group) are maliciously and intentionally harassing several other people, then it becomes a problem. In this situation, it isn't a case of arguing, it's a case of "our group's beliefs are better than yours, and therefore you're wrong and are scum of the earth". This is where things get skewed around here. Things start to de-rail and the wrong values are then enforced. It becomes difficult to determine what side is right from wrong. When it gets to this point, it is almost too late to address the problem because it has so deeply rooted itself within the minds of few too many Members.
    Almost every problem that ever surfaces will have arisen from a conflict between two people. Remember when I mentioned the whole "conflicting interests and opinions"? This is what it stems from. If left untreated, it will grow like a cancer. Soon friends of Person A will back Person A's beliefs, then friends of Person B will back Person B's beliefs, or worse when a group will back one and no one is there to back the other.
    I'm going to wrap this up, because this is one long-arse looking post. All I'm getting at is that things aren't so black/white in terms of "toxicity". You can't expect to just throw down punishments for it and be done with it, that just simply won't work out.
    To finish up, I'm going to open the floor to any open criticisms at all within this thread. If there is any sort of problem/beef/hate that you would like to vent at all, let it out, and I guarantee and promise that I will not react hostile, I will respect your opinion, and maybe even consider changes within myself in reflection of it. I welcome any and all things @Tsuchikure ;)
    I would also like to make this thread one that anyone may feel free to express any opinion or criticism of anyone else who posts. Again, anyone who posts in this thread opens the door to possible criticisms (from others) and should expect it.With that said, do not post with the intention of verbally abusing or harassing someone, constructive criticism is the best kind of criticism.

    - Dat guy, Forest
  17. Creative
    Forest reacted to Marceline in Drawings And Shiz Once Again   
    These top three were recently made and the other three were made in 7th or 8th grade

    @Goblin @Ohstopyou @Swift @Waimalu @whoeverelse

  18. Optimistic
    Forest got a reaction from Nomulous in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Before I go on with this thread, let me assure you that the title has no reference to the "toxicity reform" that was posted yesterday (it is in relation to it, but not directly affiliated with it). I would also like to say ahead of time that this will be yet another rant that will most likely run quite a lengthy page. In fact, just looking back, it is one hell of a read.
    WARNING: This is an extremely long passage that may not interest many. It is in regards to "toxicity" or other forms of "harassment". I ask that if you will not read the whole passage, skip to the bottom bolded text.
    So. I couldn't help but notice this on-going "problem" of toxicity within xG. Seems to me that people are getting the idea that it's something that can simply be monitored and thereby eliminated easily. I'd just like to say that to accomplish a feat like that is ludicrous in its own right. To say "we're going to put a stop to toxicity" would be like saying "we're going to put a stop to [for example] Christianity." What I mean is that toxic or salty behaviour isn't something that can be suppressed over night, in a week, hell, in a year. It's like trying to suppress or eliminate an idea, or something else that is intangible. It just can't be done without re-writing everything and starting from the beginning.
    The fact of the matter is that once the toxicity has spread, it has been spread. There is no stopping it, xG is already permeating with it. Now I can see how this in itself looks terrible, and I can see why anyone in their right mind would want to stop it, but to throw down a law that tries to "eliminate" it is physically impossible.
    What constitutes toxicity? Is it when I say "fuck you, no one loves you", or is it the simple matter of commenting "scrub" on someone's post? The shit is immeasurable. At this point in time, the line between disliking someone to the point of trying to get them banned and actually banning those who rightfully deserve it has been spread so thin that there is no clear distinction anymore, it's all grey. I can get why there is this sudden desire to want to weed out the "bad eggs" in xG, but I honestly don't think this is the proper way to do it. Laying down sanctions will only result in a stronger segregation among Members and will ultimately deliver even more reports of "toxicity", and I'm talking about any sort of "harassment" or "instigations".
    For Christ's sake, this is the internet. We're a gaming community that has over 10,000 Members with someone new making a new account almost every day. The internet isn't a pretty place, we're all maskless figures that can say or project whatever we want without fear of prosecution or judgement. The fact is, it is a shitty, toxic, salty, hateful online world. We all [should] know the risks of getting involved in an online community, we all [should] know there will be plenty of sarcasm, trolls, people whose sole purpose is to see the world burn. Now, I'm not saying that everyone should just take a chill pill and ignore everything, that would just be irresponsible. All I'm saying is this:
    Whether that be in monitoring behaviour to prevent shit storms, or whether it be tolerating a certain amount of bullshit. By the end of the day, we will have all been subjected to (or have witnessed) some form of "online hate", and I'll bet that 90% of that hate can't even be recalled. You know why? Because chances are, you weren't bothered enough for it to have any sort of ill-effect on you. If that's the case, why are the forums any different? Someone rated your post "Boring"? Who the hell cares, it's their opinion. Someone commented on your post saying that you're stupid for having that opinion? Tough shit, because chances are that person has expressed an opinion that someone else had thought the same thing.
    Opinions, anything and everything said by someone is merely an opinion. It isn't a state of fact. The choice is yours to react to what someone says about you or what they say about your opinion. This is one of the many commonly misunderstood things that goes on in the online world. An opinion is not toxicity. Nor is it grounds for a punishment. If you see acts of verbal abuse between two people, would you label them as being "toxic" to each other? The answer is no. They're having conflicting interests and opinions. They are arguing. The appropriate course of action will be to address what the problem is and see if a solution can be worked out that will satisfy both ends. This is important.
    However, your over-the-top harassment is on a whole 'nother level. This is the kind of stuff that falls under the category of "toxicity". When one Member (or even a group) are maliciously and intentionally harassing several other people, then it becomes a problem. In this situation, it isn't a case of arguing, it's a case of "our group's beliefs are better than yours, and therefore you're wrong and are scum of the earth". This is where things get skewed around here. Things start to de-rail and the wrong values are then enforced. It becomes difficult to determine what side is right from wrong. When it gets to this point, it is almost too late to address the problem because it has so deeply rooted itself within the minds of few too many Members.
    Almost every problem that ever surfaces will have arisen from a conflict between two people. Remember when I mentioned the whole "conflicting interests and opinions"? This is what it stems from. If left untreated, it will grow like a cancer. Soon friends of Person A will back Person A's beliefs, then friends of Person B will back Person B's beliefs, or worse when a group will back one and no one is there to back the other.
    I'm going to wrap this up, because this is one long-arse looking post. All I'm getting at is that things aren't so black/white in terms of "toxicity". You can't expect to just throw down punishments for it and be done with it, that just simply won't work out.
    To finish up, I'm going to open the floor to any open criticisms at all within this thread. If there is any sort of problem/beef/hate that you would like to vent at all, let it out, and I guarantee and promise that I will not react hostile, I will respect your opinion, and maybe even consider changes within myself in reflection of it. I welcome any and all things @Tsuchikure ;)
    I would also like to make this thread one that anyone may feel free to express any opinion or criticism of anyone else who posts. Again, anyone who posts in this thread opens the door to possible criticisms (from others) and should expect it.With that said, do not post with the intention of verbally abusing or harassing someone, constructive criticism is the best kind of criticism.

    - Dat guy, Forest
  19. Informative
    Forest reacted to Scootaloo in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    It makes me all warm and giddy to see that nobody really seems to have any issues with me. That's good, I suppose.
    I, on the flip side, don't really have any issues with any of you either. Always been pretty straightforward with my problems if they ever popped up. I'm one of those personalities that knows when shit needs to be done, and is quick to please once I'm sure everything that NEEDS to be handled has been handled.
    If I were to come up with an issue that I do currently have, I think it's with moderation as a whole. There are times when we can assess a situation on a server and let things just play out while everyone is being dumb and having fun. Such examples are when a server is full of xG members and we are just having a hayday, being stupid and annoying and just basically having a good time with one another. HOWEVER, while we have been known to get a bit carried away, I think we need to learn when we've hit our limit. Sure, it's important to have fun with each other on the servers, but we also must maintain a level of professionalism and control. At the end of the day, our staff isn't here to have fun, but to ensure the server rules are being administered so our patrons are having fun.
    My number one goal as of now is to ensure that ALL of our staff know the ins and outs of our rules and can correctly enforce those rules when the time comes to enforce them. I don't necessarily want to turn into a rules Nazi, but I do want our staff to be able to discern the difference between subtle nuances that are coming about from everyone having a good time and people who are actually breaking the rules.
    The biggest instance that comes to mind is the recent events that perspired that involved Moosty and myself in the TGH servers. Moosty was allowing light mic spam and another member basically jumped down his throat for it. Should Moosty have asked the rule breakers to stop? Yes. (And he did.) But from another user's point of view, it had gone on for far too long and he wasn't happy about the length of time that it took Moosty to act upon the offenders.
    It's stuff like this that I want to mainly focus on. Not necessarily being the "No Fun Allowed" clan, but knowing the times when the rules should be rigorously enforced and when it's okay to slack a little. We definitely don't want to be so extreme one direction over the other, but we definitely do need to be able to put our foots down when necessary.
    That's all I got. You guys are great. Thanks for keeping things so civil.
  20. Optimistic
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Haven't checked back in a while. It's good to see everyone belting out their opinions and criticisms all around. Hopefully those of you who are treating this thread seriously are feeling a little better with getting things off of your chest :coffee:
    And just to re-cap:
    Any content within this thread should not be taken in an offensive manner as it is intended that the criticism be constructive in some way. Obviously this applies to those who, again, treat the thread seriously and not to those who are simply posting to get a rise out of people. With that said, I implore you not to take any information that applies to you personally. Take everything/anything said with a grain of salt, not entirely to heart.
  21. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
  22. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Vaporeon in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Before I go on with this thread, let me assure you that the title has no reference to the "toxicity reform" that was posted yesterday (it is in relation to it, but not directly affiliated with it). I would also like to say ahead of time that this will be yet another rant that will most likely run quite a lengthy page. In fact, just looking back, it is one hell of a read.
    WARNING: This is an extremely long passage that may not interest many. It is in regards to "toxicity" or other forms of "harassment". I ask that if you will not read the whole passage, skip to the bottom bolded text.
    So. I couldn't help but notice this on-going "problem" of toxicity within xG. Seems to me that people are getting the idea that it's something that can simply be monitored and thereby eliminated easily. I'd just like to say that to accomplish a feat like that is ludicrous in its own right. To say "we're going to put a stop to toxicity" would be like saying "we're going to put a stop to [for example] Christianity." What I mean is that toxic or salty behaviour isn't something that can be suppressed over night, in a week, hell, in a year. It's like trying to suppress or eliminate an idea, or something else that is intangible. It just can't be done without re-writing everything and starting from the beginning.
    The fact of the matter is that once the toxicity has spread, it has been spread. There is no stopping it, xG is already permeating with it. Now I can see how this in itself looks terrible, and I can see why anyone in their right mind would want to stop it, but to throw down a law that tries to "eliminate" it is physically impossible.
    What constitutes toxicity? Is it when I say "fuck you, no one loves you", or is it the simple matter of commenting "scrub" on someone's post? The shit is immeasurable. At this point in time, the line between disliking someone to the point of trying to get them banned and actually banning those who rightfully deserve it has been spread so thin that there is no clear distinction anymore, it's all grey. I can get why there is this sudden desire to want to weed out the "bad eggs" in xG, but I honestly don't think this is the proper way to do it. Laying down sanctions will only result in a stronger segregation among Members and will ultimately deliver even more reports of "toxicity", and I'm talking about any sort of "harassment" or "instigations".
    For Christ's sake, this is the internet. We're a gaming community that has over 10,000 Members with someone new making a new account almost every day. The internet isn't a pretty place, we're all maskless figures that can say or project whatever we want without fear of prosecution or judgement. The fact is, it is a shitty, toxic, salty, hateful online world. We all [should] know the risks of getting involved in an online community, we all [should] know there will be plenty of sarcasm, trolls, people whose sole purpose is to see the world burn. Now, I'm not saying that everyone should just take a chill pill and ignore everything, that would just be irresponsible. All I'm saying is this:
    Whether that be in monitoring behaviour to prevent shit storms, or whether it be tolerating a certain amount of bullshit. By the end of the day, we will have all been subjected to (or have witnessed) some form of "online hate", and I'll bet that 90% of that hate can't even be recalled. You know why? Because chances are, you weren't bothered enough for it to have any sort of ill-effect on you. If that's the case, why are the forums any different? Someone rated your post "Boring"? Who the hell cares, it's their opinion. Someone commented on your post saying that you're stupid for having that opinion? Tough shit, because chances are that person has expressed an opinion that someone else had thought the same thing.
    Opinions, anything and everything said by someone is merely an opinion. It isn't a state of fact. The choice is yours to react to what someone says about you or what they say about your opinion. This is one of the many commonly misunderstood things that goes on in the online world. An opinion is not toxicity. Nor is it grounds for a punishment. If you see acts of verbal abuse between two people, would you label them as being "toxic" to each other? The answer is no. They're having conflicting interests and opinions. They are arguing. The appropriate course of action will be to address what the problem is and see if a solution can be worked out that will satisfy both ends. This is important.
    However, your over-the-top harassment is on a whole 'nother level. This is the kind of stuff that falls under the category of "toxicity". When one Member (or even a group) are maliciously and intentionally harassing several other people, then it becomes a problem. In this situation, it isn't a case of arguing, it's a case of "our group's beliefs are better than yours, and therefore you're wrong and are scum of the earth". This is where things get skewed around here. Things start to de-rail and the wrong values are then enforced. It becomes difficult to determine what side is right from wrong. When it gets to this point, it is almost too late to address the problem because it has so deeply rooted itself within the minds of few too many Members.
    Almost every problem that ever surfaces will have arisen from a conflict between two people. Remember when I mentioned the whole "conflicting interests and opinions"? This is what it stems from. If left untreated, it will grow like a cancer. Soon friends of Person A will back Person A's beliefs, then friends of Person B will back Person B's beliefs, or worse when a group will back one and no one is there to back the other.
    I'm going to wrap this up, because this is one long-arse looking post. All I'm getting at is that things aren't so black/white in terms of "toxicity". You can't expect to just throw down punishments for it and be done with it, that just simply won't work out.
    To finish up, I'm going to open the floor to any open criticisms at all within this thread. If there is any sort of problem/beef/hate that you would like to vent at all, let it out, and I guarantee and promise that I will not react hostile, I will respect your opinion, and maybe even consider changes within myself in reflection of it. I welcome any and all things @Tsuchikure ;)
    I would also like to make this thread one that anyone may feel free to express any opinion or criticism of anyone else who posts. Again, anyone who posts in this thread opens the door to possible criticisms (from others) and should expect it.With that said, do not post with the intention of verbally abusing or harassing someone, constructive criticism is the best kind of criticism.

    - Dat guy, Forest
  23. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in The Censorship System   
    Can ass at least be removed, come on. How are people supposed to take posts seriously if a common word like "assume" becomes, well, that.
  24. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in The Censorship System   
    Can ass at least be removed, come on. How are people supposed to take posts seriously if a common word like "assume" becomes, well, that.
  25. Disagree
    Forest reacted to Dethman in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    WOW, our only CL is doing something. @Community Leader