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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    2016 winner here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJQhDkpT5aY
  2. Because in this instance it's a picture of Laura and Duke and at the time were the two biggest stars in their respective genders. Duke loves the ladies so some dirty magazenes that dont show too much is fine. Also there are no full frontal nudity mags in the map. Most porn in maps are hidden from the general and are only accessible most of the time through secrets and administrative powers. Why do people do it? Who knows. Also -1 duke town is great. I don't give a fuck if it's small or others don't like it. I like it and I like duke and have liked it ever since I first played it.
  3. Vector


    and spectate camera they can use to see it. We aren't breaking any rules but it still disrespectful to your group and in the end a detriment. We can't stop other servers from using but using this map you guys are encouraging this behavior whether it be intentional or not. HOWEVER we can't edit the map because that's why Playboy was the other guy who got shit on for it because it is against the rules. So you guys would look terrible doing it. I think it's sad as well but in the end that's not the problem, the damage is done and if 8bit ever releases the map without the disrespectful message then you guys should use it.
  4. No need to thank me guys, the xG Vigilante is here.
  5. Vector


    What YOU see could be different to what the general public thinks, especially if a well known map maker says we are thieves regardless of it's the truth or not. Tf2 is full of dumb people that will eat that shit up, would you want to play on a server where the people allegidly stole stuff from people (AKA Jiggly's)? What? That doesn't make much sense, this guy is outright specifically insulting xG because of an incident that happened, how does removing all maps that advertise map creators who have no quarrels with xG make sense? That just seems like an irrational idea with no solution to anything. You guys can do what you want but honestly regardless of what's true or not, this doesn't look good on you guys.
  6. I don't beleive he can do rest of the round because rounds last like over an hour so in a sense yes, he is spamming over and over. No matter what happens, call an admin using !calladmin. Trust me, it will help in the long run. holy shit. they won't stop cause they're dicks. here are his chat logs because the image provided i don't gives the full story. Next time make multiple screenshots, but you did what i told you and are certainly improving, good job! Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  7. Vector


    Great Job for reference if people don't know the story.
  8. Vector


    Why do you guys have a map that just insults xG and @Rhododendron? This doesn't look good on xG if people see it. I'm also told multiple people brought it up to admins but kind of just forgot about it. I honestly think something like this shouldn't belong and doesn't do xG any favors. You guys need to check your maps before adding them (Pokeporn on abstract as an example). @BelloWaldi @Ohstopyou @Scootaloo @Rejects
  9. Is this just like public servers? Like you just click a menu and go into a competitive game? if so what's stopping hackers being even bigger shits? I haven't looked at any of this.
  10. UNDERMEME N D E R M E M E Also what everyone wanted? nah i don't think so. plus all the song sound like nintendo rip offs. i don't play jb so idk how many last ct songs there are but im sure there are enough. with that said, better game and better appropriate last ct song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIscwRupdaM
  11. this wasn't a target towards you as it's more of a general statement of the entire xG community, this has been said over and over again and it's starting to get ridiculous. In the past years xG has been around, the same topic keeps coming up with people intentions to be more harsh on it with little changing. i still get told from outside that it's not really different, that the clique is still there, try branching out into the CSGO div and learn to communicate, not just you but the rest of the tf2 div who have CSGO, that can make the relationship stronger on both ends. This also applies to CSGO, give TF2 a chance, don't write it off because the community is fucking awful (to be honest csgo isn't much better, you might as well say the steam community is shit). I have been called, a faggot, try hard, and a few other slurs one time recently i was, on only for an admin on at the time to be AFK (he was afk for like 2 hours). but other than that, i hardly saw (emphasize saw) tell people to use. Also, some people might not read the MOTD, just have a single plugin that advertises the friendly plugin in chat will be incredibly helpful, i'm telling you, it forces players to see the message rather than just skipping the MOTD. good because last time i used it, some didn't come at all or if they did it was like 10 minutes after it happened. Sometimes, admins said they don't even get a notification so i hope that's fixed. np fam.
  12. This is the like the 10th god damn thread about bullying, toxicity, and all of that bull shit. If you guys are so against bullying, this thread implys you were lenient on it before when you already said you weren't going to stand so why make another thread? Also, you people need to realize that bully will never go away and especially on the internet, especially in f2p game, especially with the already terrible community of TF2 (not just xG). There isn't really anything you people can really do without you guys already trying. You also need to a thicker skin, especially if you're a staff member because you're gonna get shit no matter what you do, and even then, having tougher skin is better because you learn not to take what fat neck beards say on the internet have to say. Am i saying not report it and just forget it? No, but at the same time you gotta learn to take shit and not take it personally. Also the TF2 div have (or had because i haven't been around awhile) some of the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet, if you want this shit to stop, you gotta start with yourself and lead by example, stop huddling together in the tf2 teamspeak channel and trash talking other players not apart of your clique. Also, i see staff do nothing when people get shit on, especially when it comes to the damn trading. Every time i go on the servers and start fucking around killing people, i get shit for killing friendlies and many players do to, and the admins don't do anything. This is also bullying people, something you guys say you are against. i have asked the higher ups to have a code that advertises the !friendly plugin but that (from last i have been on) has not been implemented. Some people don't even know this INCREDIBLY USEFUL plugin exists. Also if you have a problem with another xG member, don't be such a fucking pussy and talk shit behind their backs. Tell them directly what they are doing wrong and why it upsets you or other players. Also, this isn't just for the TF2 division, this also extends to the CSGO div, if you see an admin breaking rules especially a DL breaking rules and you're pissed off about it, fucking do something about it, and if the higher ups, including the CLs don't do anything, it's time to leave because this place won't change with that sort of attitude. I now forget what i had to say because it's 1 am and im tired playing vidya. Good Luck. EDIT: Also answer the damn !calladmin plugin.
  13. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    Fucking faggots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYdDUXyFocY
  14. also i just noticed you're 16? Damn turdwig, i thought you were way older.
  15. Lol this thread is so fucking retarded. Arguing over a rating. Seriously, who cares? Discuss something that's actually important to xG.
  16. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    fuck this and fuck furries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLmD_69pXpk
  17. so duke was demoted for being shit at comp? it's a legit reason you fag. @Tsuchikure
  18. she brings a whole new meaning to dick head.