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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Ban is already expired, I suggest you be careful and make sure not to abuse the !calladmin feature, only use it to report things you are 100% sure of and that are against the rules, you may want to also save some sort of proof of the thing you are reporting, such as a demo or a screenshot.

  2. I don't care either way about this really, you can unban him from the serer if you want and see how he does on red for a while...


    I can't find anything suggesting what he did wrong, the rank pages only shows him connecting and disconnecting after the ban, not sure why it doesnt show more.


    I can't find any demos or screenshots of when I banned him (I usually save the demos of things like mass freekills)... I might have lost some files when I killed my computer back in april and had to buy new part/reinstall windows...

  3. All the other DMs okay with that? What seems best? 3 days or a week?

    Personally I think using an exploit like that should be comparable to hacking, since hacking is kinda like exploiting in itself... should be a similar punishment imo... or at least if they do it again.

  4. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Abusing !calladmin


    So I am not really certain about this one...mostly because the guy left before answering entirely and bandisconnected doesn't work for me. From what I could gather, someone lied about a freerun and made people mad so Spoods used calladmin to report the guy for no recoil hacking....

    The only response I received from Spoods when I asked why he reported the guy for hacking was:


    *DEAD* Spoods : IDK really i just did it + theyll check to make sure






    @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz




  5. I don't recall banning him. Also, the cloud sync for our teambans has been broken for a while. You probably won't find it. We probably should just unban him because I don't see any proof that he was breaking the rules. We also can't find the admin who banned him.

    From what I heard it was Jpie and/or Demonic

    @Jpie112 hopefully that's the right tag, IDK what demonic's is.

  6. Can anyone even find this ban? And can the banning staff member say what happened...


    He says he killed people that were hitting him, and everyone just keeps saying that it's his fault for not knowing the rules.... which isn't really helping....


    If the banning staff could explain what happened so this can get resolved, that would be great.


    @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou

  7. kek


    guess we might need new staff later on


    all aboard the xG dictatorship train!

    Cause asking you to add the bot,join the staff group to be staff is asking SOOO MUCH.... you should research what dictatorship is because you've got it quit wrong, xD has 2 leaders and like 4 or 5 community leaders, multiple div leaders.... and most everything is voted on by the members.... that's more like a democracy or even like a co-op....


    As for people getting demoted.... good riddance, xG doesn't need staff that can't do something as simple as join the STAFF group....

  8. Thread has been reopened because the OP posted the incorrect Steam ID, resulting in no results when you search the active Bans. His correct Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:58897473.


    According to our records, the user was permanently banned back in March by @Matsi. Since he has a ban in place, the thread cannot simply be closed and brushed away. Matsi, will you be able to tell us all why this user was banned? We may have to hear what happened for him to deserve the permanent ban from you.

    I don't recognize the name, but judging from him apologizing for "the freekilling" and since it looks like I banned him via the bandisconnected menu, I'd guess that he prolly mass freekilled and disconnected.

  9. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Nour El-Din

    Steam ID:



    I was in blue team and it was a free day they started hiting me and then i killed them (Red Team members) My friends told me that in freedays if they hit u u have to kill them so i killed them they said freekills and i got banned from the blue team Permenent and this is my favourite server :(


    If they hit you and then you killed them you're fine, but if only one hit you, and you killed more than one, that's bad....

  10. Something has changed in the admin permissions that prevent mods from perming. He told me that he couldn't, so he was going to post a ban increase request.

    Weird, I don't remember having any issues myself, but i honestly cant remember the last time i permed outside of teamban....


    I couldn't find any bans on the guy on SB so I figured he didn't ban him at all.

  11. I rather do this: if they are a known scammer and they join the trade server, they get the [scammer] tag and they also get permanently muted/gagged.

    Is there a way to make them unable to trade people in the server? Like from the menu I mean? IDK if that is accessible for plugins and such or not...

  12. All I'm saying is that if it were my servers, known scammers wouldn't be allowed in. Period.


    Sorry @Kart, nothing personal. You're a great guy, but even though some get marked for a small mistake, many get marked for large ones. I'd rather be safe than sorry. =(


    OFC, that's an extreme measure to take, and it'd be foolish to do it when our servers are used to us never having such restrictions.


    I DO however like the idea of having a tag for scammers.

    I think we should do this, as well as ban verified scammers above a certain level.... similar to how in the real world fraud above a certain value becomes a felony(I think around $1000) I think any verified fraud/scam, even those that didn't happen on the xG servers, above a value of say.... $250, should warrent a perm ban.

  13. That's so stupid, no offence. Barely anyone even trades on xG servers. This will also make it so the servers are less population just because we can't have a scammer on a server that is more of a clubbing server.

    You can't be serious? I see at least a quarter of the poketrade server actively adverting for trades 24/7

    I see people trading in FF2 and JB quite often too, I often have to remind them not to do it on mic....


    Also, you sort of contradict yourself... how could this cause the population to drop if "Noone trades"??? If noone is trading then a tag that labels them a scammer isn't going to hurt their not trading-ness....

  14. How about we use the SteamRep API, and if a user is a scammer their name on the trade server gets updated with the prefix [sCAMMER] ?

    that could work, maybe there is a way to give someone some sort of trusted tag if they are really good rep?

  15. Hmmm this is a grey area we have never defined in our servers. D:


    Maybe for our trade servers we can use a SteamRep detector.


    I feel like there should be a line, where known scammers are not allowed onto the servers, It'll be nearly impossible to prevent someone being scammed on the trade servers otherwise. I'd assume that 95% of the scams aren't noticeable to the public(the server) and I wonder how many people would actually report it to the forums and have sufficient proof to get something done. And they would still be out the scammed items they lost regardless...

  16. Wow.... this is like why I don't trade.... this and that thing in the ban requests for that guy that scammed some people out of $40K with paypal chargebacks..... ridiculous....


    I sort of feel like what Kart did, lieing about unboxing it and having you sell it for him because he is marked as a scammer could be considered scamming in itself....


    He committed fraud by deception, entered a contract fraudulently, and part of his doing that was by effectively subcontracting Vector to sell the item that he was already supposed to sell and split with the owner.


    If the orig owner and Kart had an agreement to sell the unusual and split the sale 50/50, what he did (subcontracting Vector to sell for 50/50 split) caused the orig owner to only receive 25% of the sale, not 50% thus Fraud/Scam and should be dealt with accordingly.

  17. @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz @Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty


    Edit 1: Just read most of the reddit post and the steam rep pages. He is an obvious scammers and tbh, scammers should not be allowed to play on our servers imo. But since there was no real broken rule and he did not scam on any of our servers from what i understand, i do not know where to place but if anything it would have to be a -1


    I disagree, I think he should be banned to prevent anyone that plays on xG from getting scammed, there's no reason to allow him into our servers or community. +1


    I do not think that the location of the scam should matter since technically they don't really ever happen on the servers anyways, but via steam/steamfriends.