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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. I was the warden that round when it happened. Told them to go to dodge ball, and Matsi asked to press the buttons. I said sure why not and told the reds to get it to red dodge ball. When I went into blue dodge ball a few of the blue's were already pressing buttons even though I never said to start. I just kind of let things happen at the point. After a few seconds, I saw that there was only 2 reds playing. I was completely unaware of how dodge ball worked on Causirina. Told the reds to go back into red dodge ball, that's when out of no where reds were killed. So honestly, if you want to scold Matsi, you can also scold me for being a trashy warden that round.


    The thing is... they were all starting anyways... they all finished because we didnt hit the buttons soon enough so I figured they would all start again as soon as they ran in the second time so I started pressing the buttons... they just all lost that time...


    There's no rules that say you have to give a "go" to start the games. The closest thing is that blus cant hit buttons without warden's permission, which I had.

  2. -1 I was there. The warden didnt say go the second time and you made it so it was impossible to dodge it. Literally no way to dodge it, also that killed at least 10 people. I say mass freekill

    Why would he have to say go a second time, it was the same game, we were still playing it... not to mention, Nothing says he need to say go at all...


    Noone says "go" before killing someone with a DR trap...

  3. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Forge permed me from blu because I killed the reds in dodgeball... He said I massed them.... total bullshit....


    LR was dodgeball.

    Warden made everyone go to dodgeball, everyone started before he said go, he then said go, but everyone was already finished... He told them all to go in again. They did and then they all lost the game....


    Please unban. I didn't mass, They lost the game.



  4. I told you all TWICE to stop flying off the map(exploiting)

    Then I slayed the 3 people I saw doing it and told you all to stop

    After that you were the ONLY one to continue doing it and even said in chat "I'm going to do it anyways so suck it"

    You did it again, I kicked you... you kept saying you were going to do it anyways along with some petty namecalling

    You did it TWO more times, and then I banned you for 6 hours....


    -1; Grow up...

  5. I don't have an extensive ban history that I'm aware of, so if I was actually hacking, one would think I would have at least one (if not both) of those things.


    Googled your steamid (of this account at least) and on the first page found several other communities where you are permanently banned for "aimbotting" and "Namehacking"


    One of them listed you IP address which I then googled to find what I assume are more of your accounts since they also use the same exact name [ßP] Oven ᴹᴺ....also banned for aimbotting, including a SMAC ban for aimbotting.


    Here's some screenshot of what I found in 5 minutes, I bet I could find a bunch more if I took the time to.harpoongaming.PNG.2c4e99f3e4d791123df061fad9b40997.PNG





    so uh... -1 for unban, and I think we should also add a ban for the steamid STEAM_0:0:49561510 @kbraszzz

  6. -1 had to listen to this guy bitch for an hour about how he was being harassed/threatened by Kypari because he missed an "m" in the link... How he "No longer wanted to be in a community with people like Kypari" and was "going to take back his application"

    Told him that if people were threatening/harassing him or whatever... to report it on the forums instead of bitching in the server every round because that would accomplish nothing.


    TL;DR This guy is crazy.... and Furry Rule #3: "Don't stick your dick in crazy"

  7. Ok... I am confused.... firstly... does anyone have any proof of the other guy "attempting to scam" or can at least explain how he did so?


    Secondly.... why did this guy get permanently banned for being friends with the first guy? When did "being friends with someone that breaks rules" get you the same punishment they did.

