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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. *UPDATE*


    I was in teamspeak and Bach, really wanted me to come Back. (No bach puns pls)


    I already warned him i will be quite inactive and he agreed to take the lowblows and all the kicks you were going to send towards my beef n' fixin. SO bitch at him instead please. Good to be back...after....22 hours?




    Welcome BACH!

  2. can you look into plugins/mods that do this if people want this back?


    It's a config option... you can also set it to Birthday or Christmas Mode

    • tf_forced_holiday 0/1/2/3 - enables holiday mode (0 = default; 1 = birthday; 2 = halloween; 3 = Christmas)

    also +1

  3. This rule is specifically in place so that people can check the history of an item. If someone is trying to sell an unusual, you can't look up its history via BP if their inventory is set to private, and it's quite a big deal. Looking at an item's history is the only real way to check if an item is duped or not.

    Wow really... I have never even seena duped item or had that happen tome ever before... that's silly.

  4. Division:


    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:

    Rules Broken:

    Trolling/Spamming Ratings




    Unprovoked rating spam, He just went through my recent posts and rated them all downs within 2 minutes, obviously not even reading them and obviously just to troll. Please forum ban him and make him stop.


    @Hidingmaster @DrLee @Chrono @Bleed

  5. I think I have to agree with Chrono on this one...

    I could easily see how that kind of comment would be considered something that was attempting to provoke an emotional response from Egossi.


    I don't think people should be constantly warned... things like that are the reason there's trolls around still that will constantly troll and troll and troll up until the point where they get warned then kicked... then they will stop for a while and then troll some more expecting the warning/kicks to be required before they will get banned.


    I also do not think that something like "it's not trolling, they are just naturally an asshole" is an adequate reason to get away with it.