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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. 2. Rewrite rules/Talk with staff members about where to draw the line (In other words, loosen up the reins a little to have some fun) (Aug 18) Not completed




    If you want to populate the CSS server... make it FUN to play on it! The bullshit strictness of the rules enforced there make it idiotically not fun to play.... and that is for the people who have yet to be banned already....


    If you want to see what HAVING FUN is... play on the TF2 servers for a while, IT'S FREE!!! and you'll see how you wont get slayed for stepping too close to a red/T or some other stupid thing that happens in CSS that made a lot of people quit playing that div...

  2. Recently, I've noticed that players are capping the point, either intentionally or unintentionally. I want to see if there are any solutions to this.

    I have 2 ideas:

    1. Prevent the capping effect by blocking it completely.

    2. Put a message to remind the players or new players of the rule.

    3. Allow players to vote about whether a cap is valid or not, and apply the consequences that go with an invalid cap.


    #1 may not work, since there are flyros, 520's, and hyper hoovys.


    1. No, because there are plenty of legit reasons to cap like you mention

    2. you mean like an !motd?

    3. You could also votekick/ban someone for capping.... same effect

  3. I don't think it should be perm.... maybe a couple weeks to a month... he can be pretty immature at times, but he's also very active in the server.... do a lower ban and let him try and learn his lesson. If he comes back and continues reban him, if not... he still gets to play on the servers.

  4. Creating different account does not mean I made them all to evade all the bans etc.

    I made them for fun and I haven't used most of them for ages, I don't even remember the passwords for most of them. Plus you don't have ANY proof showing that I'm evading the ban.


    "A.K.A. EGOSSI"


    Plus I heard you on mic, you aren't fooling anyone.

  5. Its pretty obvious that its him. I say ban his accounts that you believe are his alternates. If it is in mistake someone can post a ban protest on the forums to get unbanned.

    lol... works for me.... tho I'm going to try and prove they are his before i ban them.... and I really hate Dynamic IP ISPs


    Either way... since his IP changes the only thing we can do is ban each one.... but besides that can we still +1 and extend this ban on Duckii Jr Egossi for the repeated evading?

  6. I need pure proof of multi accounting. My mini-investigation via IP, I cannot IP ban as both accounts have separate IPs as shown. (Full IP has been edited, only showing the similar sections)

    Egossi: [MEDIA=imgur]rntZmMQ[/MEDIA]

    Nyuu: [MEDIA=imgur]x78KDAF[/MEDIA]


    Due to this, an IP ban cannot be added, nor can there be a direct link between these two accounts. Henceforth, I cannot provide any actions against any of the both accounts (or supposedly third) without direct proof of admittance that they are all one person's account.

    well great.... I know those two are both him, I heard him talking, along with everyone else who heard.... plus one of the previous names on Nyuu was "Nyuu (A.K.A. Egossi)

  7. @BelloWaldi says he banned him a third time.

    I don't think he banned him yet cause he's playing smart and not using his mic this time or listing anything in his profile... but i'm pretty sure it's him and I bet if I banned him for 5 minutes that little Turkey flag will be next to his name :P

    But other than that I cant prove the 3rd one is him yet...

  8. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:48597707, STEAM_0:0:56453205 and likely STEAM_0:1:92891900

    Rules Broken:

    Evading ban


    Guy keeps evading his ban with new accounts... I am 90% certain he's currently on the server with a 3rd account after I banned his second one, Nyuu, today as instructed by higher ups.


    I am requesting that someone with access ban him via IP for the duration of his ban and to increase his ban length due to repeated evasion.


    @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Hidingmaster @Bleed @Bleed @Bleed

  9. I told Hachi to gag/mute him if he does it again or ban him for 1 day.(Yes 1 day is far to much don't remind me)

    Shortly after she told me he kept coming back and that rejects had banned him for 1 week.

    I did not even talk to rejects until the ban was done.

    Leaving this open since it's a abuse report not a ban protest.

    His ban has been lowered to an hour.(Pretty much a unban)

    >Said to ban him for a day

    >He gets banned for a week

    >So you lower the ban to an hour


    >>>>LOGIC 2+2=3<<<<


    Hexx, you really need to stop coming onto the server and trolling, I have seen you do it before. :(