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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Well it's been three year and a lot has changed since then, why not unban him or her?

    Well that depends on why he got banned, did he mass freekill? Did he ddos the server or was part of a group that was permed for ddosing the server? Did he hack?

  2. Division:

    Nuclear Dawn

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    I was banned from a jailbreak sever approximately 3 years ago. I bought nuclear dawn and found your server is the only one on the list. I am not even able to connect as I am banned, (even though I have never gone on it.) I have never done anything on the Nuclear Dawn server however I still find myself banned.

    Bans from one server/division spread to every other xG div/server, sorry.

  3. OK, as some of you have already kinda know. Me and my parents are in probably the worst state we have been in since probably early september of last year. Me and my dad do not like each other at all and for this is the reason I am making this thread. On Sunday me and my dad got into a very heated fight that ended up getting him detained for about 5 hours. I left my house 4 hours later that very morning and about 2 hours later i come home and I noticed all my stuff was on the side of the road (we live in the country side). I found out my dad had come home and tore my room completely apart and destroyed the bathroom next to my room. He then left a note saying I had 3 hours to collect it or else he would burn all of my stuff (i did not take anything into my house since i thought my friend was coming over to help me move my stuff but he never came ;-; ). I did not believe him since i could never in my wildest dreams believe that my dad would do such a thing but fudge you not, he burnt EVERYTHING. From my desktop, family photos, work i had to do for school and my boss, bed and much more. Now my old room is nothing but an empty tan room with nothing in it. All i have is some fudgety mac laptop that can barely run tf2. I don't have the funds to buy a new desktop right now but i think i will just take out a $2,000 loan or take it out of my bank account and buy one. Until then i will probably not be on steam nor teamspeak as much and I am considering taking 2 weeks to figure things out. I will be staying at a friend of mines house until my mom or brother can get my dad to cool his fudge and that might end up in charges being pressed.


    Anyways this is an inactivity thread. I will probably be on steam (but away 99% of the time) and check it every now and then but don't rely on me answering right away. If you have any questions about the Minecraft server or division, talk to me on steam, start a conversation on the forums, or just make a thread and i will probably answer. If not, kirito aka kyoko aka Kotirik can solve or try to solve your problems.


    Also I want to apologize if I have been acting really retarded or got salty with you for nothing, I hope you can forgive me


    If i don't do anything for 2 weeks xG wise (besides lurk the forums) then all i have to say is that it was a damn good run and i hope to see you soon.




    @Hachi @Marceline @Rejects already know what is going on.


    @Kyoko @Rhododendron @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou (bae) @kbraszzz @Moosty



    I swear to fricking christ if someone breaks the fricking MC server while i am gone and i comeback to it broken i will kill someone. Probably Kirito <3

    Wow.... he can get into a lot of trouble for that.... if you're under 18, call CPS because that's bullshit.... if you're over 18, get the cops back involved since he destroyed your property not to mention if he JUST got arrested for domestic violence I think most places will put you on like a no contact order so if the first thing he did when he got out was go destroy your stuff call the cops and get him thrown back in the jail. Then sue him for all the damages.

  4. Just going to throw this out there, I was under the impression that it was intended that "only STAFF can deem a camp unbreakable" and that it is poorly written as admin. Since I have been directly told be leadership that I would be able to give myself special valve weapons to break a sentry camp like that and that that would be pretty much the only time I could use said weapons on people outside of a vote.

  5. Sorry if you would like I can get a complete startup from desktop/steam library to tf2 if you prefer, and yes a video I want to at least try my best at this protest.

    In relation to the ten page's on my event part could I see it please? I do however agree that the video didn't show the full startup sorry, I meant in terms of my homescreen and joining a server.

    Xeno Gamers - Player Events History

  6. That video doesn't even show you starting up, you start recording while already started up.... and lol at making a video to prove you don't have hacks.. but I blame the people that always say you need proof you weren't breaking rules for a ban protest.... that said.... I glanced over that video and your ability to track people that are flying through the air and headshot them looks a tad fishy to me....


    What really has me bothered is that looking through the last TEN pages of events log on you shows you NEVER, LITERALLY NEVER, getting a kill with your Bazaar Bargain that isn't a headshot.... a lot of them are also while people are airborn and they are within seconds of each other.... I don't care how good you might be, even the best snipers will still get some body shot kills.



  7. Banning this guy is seriously such a joke....


    I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fucking easy when you have either stupid or just assholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it...


    It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.

  8. I am all good for a warning but he should just ask for a mod or admin to come on, not go vigilante on people. It is still abuse no matter how justified it is. Maybe we should make donator rules more clear and to the public because some people do not know the limits since there is not clear rules on donator


    Personally I would rather someone who's donated to the clan do something like that than for the server to empty out due to some lame ass spawn camping. He should have tried to contact a staff member first, who knows... maybe he did and no one was online or willing to come.

  9. I told @NitNat to tell him about this abuse report, so he could explain himself. I think she passed on the link.

    well in the logs of his chat Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History he says that the spawn camp is going further than the rule intends and that if he hadn't done that a mod/admin would have. I'll just throw this out there, looking at that video, I would have cleared it out too.


    I know the rule says that only admins can deem a spawncamp "unbreakable" but I mean shit.... they aren't always around and I think what he did was in the right, he cleared out the dozen or so blus + 2 sentries and other building and then it looks like he went back to normal. I don't think he should be punished or at the most, told to try and contact a staff member first next time.

  10. I'm not going to remove it or make it for admins only either. It's a donator command that people pay for. It's allowed to be used on the trade servers for silly reasons but that is clearly abuse. We'll just punish him, rather than everyone else, for his mistake.

    -1 I'd like to disagree with that, that was a pretty gnarly spawn camp... and it looks like he only did it to clear them out. Just my 2¢

  11. Just throwing this out there, there doesn't appear to be any real spam. I checked his chat logs (which have time stamps, so you can tell if it's spam enough. Here's a link) and I can only find one instance of spam. Every other lenny face was separated by about 10-30 seconds, so from what I can tell there was little to no actual spam. However, this does not take into account the server rules broken by Chronon (re-entering armory, gun glitching), which (unless you can provide evidence suggesting you did not break these rules) justifies the server ban as far as I can tell. Based off of the "evidence" (if it can even be considered that) presented by @Akame, Dethman does not appear to have abused his powers. Unless you can present actual evidence that supports the notion that Dethman abused (hint: copy-pasta's don't count, screencaps/demos are preferable), I'll be closing this thread within the next 24 hours.


    Also @Dethman and @Akame please try to refrain from arguing needlessly, all it accomplishes is making you both look immature.


    It's because people saying things like this that we even have this problem.... it's still spamming it just isn't flooding the server.... just like... when someone and their 5 friends are each hitting their bind 1 time all together doesn't make it not spam.

  12. -1 last time I saw him he decided to mock me in IMs when I got improperly perm banned from blue, he then took the chat logs of him mocking me and posting them into my ban protest to troll me and got himself banned from the forums.


    He's also not 16+ tho not sure if that applies since the app was made before 5-1-15, tho he's not accepted before 5-1-15.... so I guess that's just up to the higher ups @kbraszzz @Rejects

  13. LOL I actually play on moonguard, mostly alliance tho right now tho i still have 4 90+ on horde side on my second account.... I am shocked you chose to create this on the most furry filled realm in the game ^^;


    Also, don't forget to visit pornshire, or i guess silvermoon on horde... hehehe


    What's the guild name? xenogamers?

  14. LOL @ no demo with 3 staff watching for 10 minutes...

    LOL @ that picture

    LOL @ people that say you need to provide proof to a ban protest to get unbanned..... noone is going to have proof that they weren't doing something wrong unless they record demo the entire time they play, like I do... because I got sick of dealing with stupid.... believe me... it takes up a LOT of hard drive space...


    I see people get headshots while not aiming at the person all the time... seems to be caused by some sort of server relay lag or something...