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  1. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Yu_Narukami in Jubens45   
    LOL WUT? Xeno Gamers He has 27 ctbans in less than a year, that's on average a ban every 2 weeks....for a year...
    =/-0 sometimes he act's ok but then other times he does really stupid shit, like intentionally freekilling, Massing Ts with a bomb or TKing 5 people with a ball...
  2. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    Here's 20 demos of that entire ~1.5hrs
    demo20 starts like 20 seconds before his screenies take place.
    Dropbox - trolls in the dungeon
    I'll keep looking for the demo of him barking but I think that happened on Minigames and i don't often run demos on MG :(
  3. Ding!
    Matsi reacted to Chrono in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    to continue on with this thread, as this was another recent incident (i just got home from going out to get chinese with the gf) I refreshed the ct ban list, to see any new bans as I usually do and if I need to change any fuck ups (perm ban reason 1440).
    [MEDIA=imgur]lMuUSzy[/MEDIA] I saw this. the original ban reason states it was for "gunplanting" now i'm not sure about what happened in server, so you will have to hear his testimony on it first, but assuming the ban is valid (he got slayed the first time, and kept doing it after)
    Why are you then going and reducing your original 1 day ban (the proper ban length, as defined in the CS:GO proper punishments thread that was mutually accepted as a legitimate ban time for both jb servers by the at the time div leaders of myself, nova, (pretty sure it was still poncher, if not then he was co as well, and he approved it as a guide for CS:S as well, it never got moved because we are lazy) and taking it down to a 1 hour ban because you "changed your mind about the ban time"?
  4. Winner
    Matsi got a reaction from LeToucan in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    The face away thing is iffy for me... I like to be a smartass and face away from my cell tot he side but I expect to get killed for doing so and wouldn't really consider it a freekill... and if it was a freekill I don't think a day ban would be needed, just a slay... and certainly not a ban reason of "...fag"
  5. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Yu_Narukami in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    The face away thing is iffy for me... I like to be a smartass and face away from my cell tot he side but I expect to get killed for doing so and wouldn't really consider it a freekill... and if it was a freekill I don't think a day ban would be needed, just a slay... and certainly not a ban reason of "...fag"
  6. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Lemons in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    we could start with you since i never see you on.

  7. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    -I was being respectful and was more than happy to listen to any proof you wanted to proved as long as it was done in the correct way. I can tell that nothing is going to be accomplished here, and as I said no disrespect would be tolerated; you failed that and first disrespected Matsi and then SuperMaddud. Matsi some of the stuff you said is also borderline disrespect, last warning for you.
  8. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    Here's 20 demos of that entire ~1.5hrs
    demo20 starts like 20 seconds before his screenies take place.
    Dropbox - trolls in the dungeon
    I'll keep looking for the demo of him barking but I think that happened on Minigames and i don't often run demos on MG :(
  9. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    -Closed for trolling and disrespect. Bans will be handed out accordingly.
  10. Winner
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    Cool, disrespect people, that'll get you unbanned faster. I suggest you don't be disrespecting people. Just my thoughts.
    Also @@DarkWolf6052
  11. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    Absolutely not. -1
    Happened within the past day as an FYI to everyone. Xeno Gamers
    @@DrPepperPhreak @@Tsuchikure
  12. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from diabeetus in It's Been A Long Time. How Have You Been?   
    Come play some JB! we need more fur power in there :)
  13. Agree
    Matsi reacted to WhyJewMad in Genesis/black Rock - Mmo   
    You do know that there are no "chapters" in the bible. They are referred to books. Kthx babe
  14. Like
    Matsi reacted to Tsuchikure in <<420>>>sunnyd The God - Counter-strike: Source   
    I need to find their(?) steam IDs, hold on.
    Seeing Chrono's post, i guess i can just ban them(?) right away, due to impersonation, trolling and dumbassery (Maybe). Will edit soon, :I
    Banned Sunnyd for 2 weeks due to Hidingmaster's post. If he wishes to ban the rest of them for trolling/etc he may do so or just discuss it.
  15. Like
    Matsi reacted to Rycus in <<420>>>sunnyd The God - Counter-strike: Source   

    Counter-Strike: Source
    In-Game Name:

    <<420>>>SunnyD The God
    Offender's Steam ID:

    Rules Broken:

    Impersonating an admin, his lack of maturity gives me cancer

    imgur: the simple image sharer
    Chat log in those screenshots.
    I really wish I had more of what this guy said, but I had to launch up the program, and then I accidentally closed the game which cleared console.
    In addition to what's in the pictures, something along the lines of this was said:
    "420 and xG have merged, and I'm an admin."
    "We've been getting reports of you hacking, so I'm going to one week ban you"
    "You can leave now for an hour and turn off your hacks, or stay and get banned"
    "Sometimes things don't always go your way. I don't need a reason to ban you"
    I honestly suggest banning his other friends as well, but not my call.
    This is my personal favorite, it brought joy to my heart in prep for the holidays:
    Shuzzilay (in-game name)
  16. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Xenorabbit - Counter-strike: Source   
    If you really are his dad... nail him to the tree instead.. with a sign that reads" I <3 Xeno Gamers" and donate $10 to xG to get unbanned
    Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
  17. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from MineCrack in Xxhuskyxxpupxx - Counter-strike: Source   
    Admins get deleted? because in the list there's still people on there like ducki and duckiijr.... the only other reason why it would say admin deleted for the banning admin is if the ban was done by console...
    +1 for unban since the ban reason doesnt say he massed, only that he was breaking a bunch of rules which I think he paid for with the year he was banned, unless someone knows a reason otherwise...
  18. Informative
    Matsi got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Fail Ass Scammers....   

    Being Gay FTW :)
  19. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Chrono in Magicalpurple   
    it's a member application for someone who was a member previously, and all their points are valid. You have no right to tell them they cannot post.
    -1 obnoxious troll spammed loopholed.
    m: -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
    a: ??/10
  20. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to diabeetus in R.i.p. Cristo Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    Anything (from a simple freegag to a freeslay to slaying @all) is still considered admin abuse, no matter how insignificant said abuse may seem. The whole purpose of these threads is to report any and all abuse seen by players and to evaluate whether or not the abusive admin should be demoted or not as a consequence of his actions. Don't interpret this as support for the idea that Cristo freeslayed, because I think that Cristo's slay was valid, just not entirely for the exact reason why he said so in the video.
    The fact that Cristo slayed you (ambersand) does not negate the fact that you broke another rule other than causing a confusing situation with your orders. The motd requires that warden must repeat his original orders at least once, no if's, and's or but's, which you failed to do. While Cristo's reasoning to slay you might have been semi-invalid, the slay itself was still valid as you did break another rule. If you're going to argue that T's should have been doing orders immediately, then why are you also trying to support yourself by saying that you gave them an excess amount of time to do orders? If you're going to take the more hardline approach and say that T's should have been doing orders immediately after cells opened, you essentially allowed T's to rebel by giving them 5-6 seconds to complete orders, which by your own logic would be considered detouring or delaying as T's were supposed to be doing orders immediately. Additionally, I can't see anywhere in the video an instance of you being mocked by cristo. Also, if a CT breaks a rule because of faulty/invalid orders coming from the warden, both the warden and the CT that broke rules will be punished, as it's the warden's fault for giving unclear orders which lead to rulebreaking. -1.
  21. Agree
    Matsi reacted to snakeboyeric in R.i.p. Cristo Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    Ampersand is in the right on this one. Cristo freeslayed. Misunderstanding, not abuse id say in his defense. In the event of something NOT being in the MOTD, I go with whats fair or has been done forever and thus, proven to work. We've always done a 5 second minimum rule, its a fair amount of time, people just usually say "They should be doing this by now" if they dont give time limits.
  22. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from MineCrack in deathgod - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Demo attached :P
    Tick 6000
  23. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from jubens45 in deathgod - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He did intentionally freekill him and he freeslayed me a few maps later! BAN DEATH GOD THAT BITCH!
  24. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Forest in whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Want To Get Unbanned?
  25. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DrLee in So I found the config for !classes   
    [Name of class] {Be serious, rules apply still}
    [Primary Weapon]
    [secondary Weapon]
    Like 3-5 times what swat gives(you can jump higher than swat)
    [Medic] {This one will probably be disabled to just medic class}
    [Limit] {0 for none}