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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Finally....



    I do have some concerns

    Some users have those funky characters in their name while spacing them out every letter, making it pretty much impossible to target via chat, even if copying their name from their profile.

    I do recall being told by another staff (I can’t remember who..) but they said that STEAMID should work too, I have tried that and it doesn’t seem to work, that or I am doing it wrong (If this does exist could someone show me the proper command, thanks)


    Lenny faces and Emojis {If that is the only things that are in their name and no ASCII of any type or normal characters, they are pretty much not targetable via chat command}


    In these cases, we would have to target the user via /admin panel anyways, so if this is the case, just do so if they are being a nuisance.

  2. 1. Downgrade your 3DS firmware to 9.2.

    2. Copy everything on your 3DS SysNAND to a partition on your SD card called the EmuNAND.

    3. Set up a Custom Firmware.

    4. Update the CFW EmuNAND to the most recent Firmware.

    5. Install FBI on the CFW EmuNAND.

    6. Download any and all 3DS games you want as .CIA files.

    7. Install them to your CFW EmuNAND.

    8. ????????

    9. Profit.


    Never have to buy another Nintendo game again. (inb4 "Get out you dirty pirate.")

  3. -The Rule Change-


    Recently, Valve has made a few changes to the Advanced Options menu in TF2. One of the big changes they implemented was bringing over a feature from CS:GO. The option is under "HUD Options" and is entitled "Enable Mouse Input on the Scoreboard". Checking this setting allows you to hover your mouse over the names of other players when in the scoreboard (Holding TAB by default) and right-click them to quickly access their profile, trade window, mute, and other things as well.




    Because of these recent changes, I have discussed this with other CLs and some of the higher-up TF2 staff, and we have concluded that it is time to remove the rule that requires players to have a minimum of three consecutive typable characters in their in-game names. Previously, we had this rule in place for targetting reasons, meaning that it was difficult for our staff to target trouble-makers who had complicated names. They would have to resort to using the /admin menu, which is very time consuming and tedious when dealing with an immediate issue. However, now that isn't the case.


    In the event of a trouble-maker who has a complex name, it's as simple as holding TAB, right-clicking the individual's name, and opening their Steam Profile. Once it opens up, you can simply copy/paste their name from their Steam page. Pasting it into your commands will work just as if you typed the name out. Because of this, we feel that the name rule is now obsolete and unnecessary. It was originally put in place to counteract having to take time-consuming measures in order to deal with rule-breakers.




    -What This Means For You-

    If you are a Staff Member, all this means is that we are no longer enforcing the old name rule. You no longer have to make people change their names or add three typable characters if they are composed entirely of untypable characters.

    As soon as you can, please open up your Advanced Options in TF2 and check the box next to "Enable Mouse Input on the Scoreboard" underneath "HUD Options" if you haven't already. If for whatever reason you are still finding it difficult to copy and paste the user's name, please resort to using the /admin command to slay/kick/ban/gag/mute the target.


    If you are a regular to our servers, this simply means you now have the leeway to diversify your in-game name with special characters. Go crazy! (You still must be a member to wear the [xG] tags. That hasn't changed.)


    By the time this post goes live, all of the Rules Guides and MOTDs should be updated to reflect this change. Thanks again, and let me know if there are any problems.

  4. +1


    Oldest of the oldfags, and one of the most pleasant people I've interacted with since I've been a member of xG. The only surprising thing here is that it took THIS long for her to apply. Time for the greatest spawncamper to be inducted to our league of autism.


    A: 10

    M: 10


    Also, if Vixen is applying, I'd assume Kitsune's application is close behind. HOORAY. THE LESBIANS ARE HERE. :D



  5. I don't understand why someone would want to word it that way, if that's the case. I mean, perhaps it's because we as a society have tethered prayer to empathy, so that it's now acceptable to say it in that connotation. "Thoughts and Prayers" basically does what Christ didn't want us to do by making your communication with God known to all others. (In the sense that religious folk SHOULD pray, at least.)


    I suppose it mostly comes down to my qualms about social media mostly. We have come to an age where we now openly share EVERYTHING about ourselves with everyone we know. Some little things like this just rub me the wrong way, I guess. =(

  6. I want to start this thread off with an apology. If I said anything in ShoutBox that offended anyone, I just want to make it clear that it was not my intention.


    That being said, I will stand by the notion that as a former Christian, now Agnostic, I feel that prayer should be a personal exercise and to make public what you are praying for is hypocritcal, as said by Christ in Matthew 6:5-6:6.


    It DOES bring awareness to current events, but there are so many more productive ways to do that, such as linking to donation funds or simply speaking about it in a more controlled way than simply letting everyone know you just got done praying about it.

  7. Well, I mean...


    If your servers aren't ever hurting, and never really need any sort of maintenance or work, doesn't that show that Snackbar is very efficient at his job, and not the opposite?


    DLs responsibilities aren't exactly tethered to activity on servers. If the server is running without a hitch, that only shows competence. I would understand the complaints if there were jobs requiring a DL that aren't getting done, but I've heard no such complaint from CS:GO about it. >.>


    (I don't want to sound like a dick here, and if I did, I apologize.)

  8. Nope. If this low-res pixelated mess of AOL-aged pronz offends anyone, they can take it up with me.


    Hotel Hell was nixed because of pronz, but at least THAT pronz was legible. This is just garbled SNES-level nips. THIS is tolerable. I mean, if you can honestly nit-pick Duketown, which is a map from a game that glorified sexism and objectification of women, extreme violence, and crude humor, yet you take offense to a pixelated nip that could only barely be identified as such, you gots some priority problems mixed up there.


    That all being said, Duketown has been a staple of TGH for a LONG time. The only reason it was removed was due to the cap point being reactivated after our cap blocking plugin broke forever ago. But since I fixed that, it is no longer a problem. The pixel boobs were known back then, yet nobody ever complained.


    Duketown remains, but thanks for the concern. =)

  9. Just so you all know, I have recently configured TGH to disable all capture points at the beginning of every round. I was able to do this using a Capture Point Toggle plugin and editing the file so that it hooks at the start of each round. I recompiled it, uploaded it as a plugin, and now we don't have to worry about capture points!


    That means that any capture point-based objective map that is gaming related is now usable on TGH. I've already uploaded a few, so take a look to see what has been added before suggesting new maps.


    If you know of any CP or KOTH maps that have NOT been added yet, please suggest them here!

  10. I will put in my two cents on this particular individual.


    Over the past few days, michael bay has logged into TGH on more than one occasion and caused problems. He has been given several warnings and kicks for various different problems, most predominant being bodyblocking and building blocking.


    He never seems to learn his lesson, and I have even gotten to the point myself where I have said he would receive a ban on his next infraction.


    I feel a day ban is appropriate, but if he returns and continues to be a thorn in our sides, it needs to be escalated.

  11. You know, it isn't a matter of using something that can be used so much as it is a matter of Xeno Gamers' integrity. There are a lot of impressionable players out there, especially in a game that's free-to-play. It isn't about your own pride here that matters, it's about what's best for the clan in and of itself.


    I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, because you aren't. Upholding our clan's image is of the utmost importance. I simply disagree with you is all, and do so respectfully. I just don't honestly feel that the use of this map is any sort of detriment to the clan's image. I honestly feel like it isn't big enough of an issue to remove the map is all.



    It does not bother me to have it :) If you feel it's worth keeping, then keep it.


    Glorious leader has spoken. Considering Rhodo has no issues with the map being in TGH, thread will now be closed.


    Thanks for all the input on the matter, but the map will remain in place.

  12. Well, like I said, if Rhodo wants the map gone, I'll remove it. I don't think 3-year-old drama warrants a map's removal personally, but that's just me.


    EDIT: Checked over the TOS in regards to map usage, and yes, we cannot edit the map's files and host it as our own. So that's off the table.


    Reading through Rhodo's response, I'm not removing the map unless he directly instructs me to. I appreciate the concern Vector, but Rhodo and myself seem to have the same stance on this issue. We've done nothing wrong by using the map, and if the map creator wants to throw a fit because people are actually using the maps he created, that's on him.

  13. This map was added to TGH when I was doing heavy revamps to the server. I scoured all corners of the internet to find any and all video game maps for TGH, and this happened to be one of them.


    When it was added, I did not know of the message posted. Someone had mentioned it to me later, but I never fully investigated it because it wasn't brought up as a serious issue, but more of a "Hey Scoots, noclip to the back of spawn and check out the message, hurr hurr." So I disregarded it.


    Seems to me that the map creator holds some sort of grudge against our clan, and is super buttmad about the use of his map on our servers. That being said, we aren't violating any rules by using his map, which isn't in any violation of the TOS that Valve has put into place. You create a map for TF2, anyone is legally allowed to use it, as long as they don't edit the map and try to distribute it for monetary gain.


    Windfall Island isn't the greatest map, but it does represent an iconic Zelda game and has a place in our servers. The message is only readable via noclip, which the average user will have to roll to, and even in that instance will probably not understand the angst behind the message anyways. If it REALLY becomes an issue, the map can always be ported via Hammer and the message can be removed. It isn't that big of a deal. It is of my opinion that sure, there may be a slandering message embedded in the map about our servers and our glorious leader, but I personally wear that like a badge of pride. Why should we be discouraged because a map creator threw a tantrum and had a shit-fit because we used his map?


    I personally find it funny. It just goes to show how buttmad the map creator is and how childish he acts when he doesn't get his way, but that's just my opinion. If the general consensus is that the map should be removed, we can remove it. If Rhodo doesn't want the map in our server, it'll get the axe.


    Children will be children, I suppose. =)