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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. This has been in the works for a while, and I'm sorry if it upsets any of you, especially because I consider SO MANY of you to be such close friends.


    But alas, the time has come for me to leave. Personal life calls, y'all.


    Literally. I'm leaving. For the Labor Day Weekend. Car is packed. Kids are antsy. Wife is breathing over my shoulder. Time to go spend the next four days in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, drinking my cares away and enjoying time with my family.


    AKA, NOT stepping down, just taking a short vacation.


    I'll probably be back Monday.



  2. To piggyback on Bello's removal of the map, I'd just like to clarify the following:


    trade_edventures is not being completely removed from the server, just from rotation. This means the map can no longer be voted on or selected by the regular players. Admins+ can still change the map to edventures, but must first secure a 70%+ vote to do so, just like koth_wubwubwub and koth_trainsawlaser.


    Since there's such an outcry against the map, it only seems logical to ensure it can't be voted for anymore. That is all. =)

  3. That was me.

    TGH and Poketrade used to crash about 3 times a day.

    In order to prevent the servers from crashing I removed a few (about 5 plugins, I believe) to see if they were causing the crashes. I was gonna re-add them eventually, but I guess you beat me to it.

    No need to get angry though.

    I've also talked to rejects about the crashes and both of us are interested in fixing the servers. I can't talk to you about anything I do.


    Oh, please don't think I was mad or anything. I was just curious is all.


    I figured it was probably as much as this. If you guys want some help digging to see what may be causing crashes, I can help look through logs and whatnot. :D

  4. This is kind of an unrelated note, but I just wanted to ask.


    Why were like half of our plugins removed from TGH? It doesn't really matter too much because I've readded all of them. I just wanted to know why.


    Here's the thing: Pokemon and TGH are both super casual servers and should have the same plugins. If plugins are to be removed, I'd like to know why they are being taken away, or even better, I'd like to be the guy you come to if you want something disabled.


    I just ask to be kept in the loop. If people are abusing plugins, their powers need to be revoked, not the plugins themselves. I like my hammers and nukes and WILL lighten the mood of the server occasionally with them. We aren't rule nazis here. We CAN have some fun every once in a while.

  5. XenoGamers: Nothing Puckers Your Butthole Better.


    XenoGamers: Just Do the Scootagoo.


    XenoGamers: The Largest Collection of Girl Weiners This Side of Philadelphia.



    But in all seriousness, how about XenoGamers: A Different Way To Play


    I think this sounds epic af because the prefix "Xeno" means something different from the norm. Linguistically, it makes sense. :D

  6. #xGDramaAlertNation

    There was some huge drama going on, the TGH community does not agree with this rule. A mod even got borderline harassed for enforcing the rule.

    As it's a trade server, I'd really like to change it [for TGH] at least.

    I also made a vote about it and it passed:


    @Goblins @mrnutty12 (hes on vacation though)


    Your call, boss.


    I personally never thought the rule was necessary, for the same reasons you already stated. It's a trade server. The main focus of the server isn't objective-based.


    If you think it'll calm the storm, scrap the rule. =)

  7. It's this CLs opinion that Vector has indeed chilled out since he became unbanned, and all of the positive support from the community shows we are indeed ready for him to once again regain his membership. Thank you all for the support, and allow me to be the first to formally welcome Vector back into xG. Thread closed.






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  8. I dislike some people that I felt wronged me or that are annoying and trolly to me, am I not allowed to dislike someone?


    I've been silent through this whole thread, but I felt the need to respond to this one.


    It's completely fine to dislike people. But instigating issues with the people you dislike doesn't really account for maturity. The issue isn't that there are problems surrounding you. The issues the higher ups have is that you seem to perpetuate those problems by refusing to drop them and insisting you have the final say.


    Matsi, you're a good guy, but you're very stubborn. You never feel you're in the wrong when an issue arises. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes there are certain circumstances you honestly did not play a part in. But other times, when you are being a direct cause of the issues surrounding you, all we see is deflection and placing the blame on everyone else instead of retroactively trying to work your problems out with the people involved.


    I'm not part of the CS:GO division, but I can understand the hesitance to promote you. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am not giving a -1 or a +1, but rather trying to provide constructive criticism as I see it, from the viewpoint of a CL. Everyone knows you are capable of doing the duties as a mod, but it's the combatantness they are hesitant to put up with.