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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. I'm also still advocating a promo for both Vixen and Kitsune. Both of which are heavily active in TGH and sometimes on Pokémon. They've been around forever and know the ins and outs of the server rules. I think they are both great assets. They've even made it a point to be more active on TS recently.


    I can support nutty and goblins both being promoted. =)

  2. This doesn't really seem to be necessary. SnowyMinion was just having fun and initiating votes. She kicked a user after a majority vote went well over 75%, but she probably shouldn't have.


    Thank you for reporting this incident. SnowyMinion, try not to kick people if there's no reason to in the future. =)


    No action will be taken against Snowy. A warning should be ample here. Thread closed.

  3. I guess it just comes down to phrasing. In my original post, the way I worded it made it seem like I was going to assume complete control and give Bach his powers back without the council of the rest of the TF2 higher ups. For that I apologize. You all should know I would never power-trip like that and take matters completely into my own hands. This is a team effort and I wouldn't make such decisions without the consent of everyone on team.


    My bad for making it seem like Bach was getting let back in Scott-Free. @Bach, get that activity up and I will talk it over with the rest of the division about getting you back in staff position.


    (Better @BelloWaldi?)

  4. I can't win. I suggest people for promotion, I get my ass reamed and told no. I try and bring back former staff, I get my ass reamed and told no.


    I thought you guys wanted CLs that did stuff? Or would you rather I do nothing? If that's what you all prefer, I'll just shut the fuck up and not give any input whatsoever.


    FFS, I was just trying to help. My bad for trying to look out for the TF2 division. >.>

  5. If you think a melee demoman is useless you need to play more jb.


    And how exactly will playing JB more help me understand a Melee Demo is or is not useless on CT? It's banned. If anyone's playing Demo on JB, there's a problem with that which should be addressed. >.>


    I don't see why "it's easy to freekill with" is a valid reason to have it banned... if people freekill with it they get banned... simple enough.


    It's like disabling sprays because people can spray porn.


    Uhh...no. We don't immediately ban people for porn sprays. We do for mass freekills. Demo has crazy potential for mass freekills right off the start of each round, and plenty of people have abused this before he was ruled out. Porn sprays do not. It's kind of a moot point, as those two are completely unrelated. Apples to oranges sort of thing.

  6. Ehh, no thanks.


    If memory serves correctly, as Bach said, this has been tried in the past and was an utter failure. Demo is the freekill king. It isn't hard to spam stickies at jail entrances before gates open, then detonate them as the team walks out. I've seen it before and can almost guarantee we will see it again if this goes through.


    Also, if we limited which weapons the Demo could use while on Blu, you'd be limited to melee weapons and the Sticky Jumper. That's about it. That would render the Demo class pretty much useless for CT and nobody would use him because of it.


    Seems like a lot of recoding the JB server to enable a class nobody would use. >.>

  7. Moderator positions are for us, the higher ups, to measure if a user is fit for a staff position. It's Admin in training.


    We KNOW Bach does his job well. His only problem is activity. Hence why I said if he becomes active again, he may once again join the staff.


    Moderators are basically apprentices vying to become Admins or higher. Bach is no apprentice. He knows his shit and does a hell of a good job maintaining civility in servers.


    As I said before, if he becomes active again and puts forth initiative, I think we should promote him immediately. He has nothing else to prove, other than he actually wants to return to help. Should he be able to do that, we should be happy to welcome him back to staff, as we are hurting for more coverage in servers.

  8. I'll make you a deal Bach. If you can log 20 hours of TF2 this week, we will chat about putting you back to Mod. Continue the activity and we can have a srs talk about upbumping you in the roster, because Lord knows we desperately need more staff. T.T


    You kick ass at staff stuff and keep everyone in line. The issue is just the activity. And I'm sure everyone in the thread will agree. <3


    EDIT: Please note I said we'd talk about giving him MOD back. Bach as DM? FUCK no. Not right now. May 3rd hype. XD

  9. After careful discussion with other higher ups, the decision has been made to permanently ban ManlyDuck from all TF2 servers. At this current time, no actions will be taken against him on forums.


    ManlyDuck as shown no remorse for his actions and has opted to instead deflect the current complaints, claiming his actions to be acceptable because they were "satire". Toxicity is toxicity, no matter how much you think you are simply pretending to be something you aren't. Constant use of derogatory terms such as "faggot" is in no way acceptable in our servers. Neither is instigation, which we consider trolling, such as constantly spamming binds after kills, picking fights, and being a general nuisance.


    But even worse than the offenses at hand are their constant repetition. The main reason the ban is being implemented is because the message clearly is not getting through. How many bans does it take to change someone? I honestly believe the answer shouldn't be five, but that's my opinion and others probably disagree.


    Had this been your first, or hell, even your second offense, we would have opted to be more lenient on the matter. But considering that you have been banned FIVE TIMES over the course of the last year for these exact reasons, we feel the message simply is not getting through to you. Even worse are the countless second chances, third chances, and 748th chances you've been given. We will tolerate it no more.


    Thread is now closed. No further discussion will be heard on the matter.

  10. Toxicity like this is NEVER condoned in our servers. This user has a high track record of being extremely offensive and abrasive to regulars, members, and staff alike. I'll wait to see what the other CLs/DLs/DMs think, but I'm completely up for a perm considering this user has been banned five times for the same reasons. If it's true that he's on final warning by Kbraszzz, even more reason to do so.


    +1 from me.

  11. As per @Rhododendron's request, we will no longer be discussing possible promotions and demotions for the TF2 division in a private conversation. All discussions for said promo/demo candidates need to take place here, where all the Admins+ can see the discussions and input their thoughts.


    Tagging relevant members of the former discussion. I personally left the discussion and urge you all to do the same.






    Allow us to continue discussions here. Sensitive material can still be discussed privately in messages, but the bulk needs to be done here henceforth. Thanks guys.

  12. It's truly a sad day here in xG. Snackbar is one of the chillest dudes I have ever met, and has done far more for me personally than most of the people I meet online. On a personal level, he is genuine, sincere, and actually cares about you once he gets to know you.


    It honestly hurts my heart to see this happen, as I honestly feel xG will be less without him. He did an AMAZING recovery act for the CS:GO division when he helped restabilize it. We went through the ranks together. I consider him an internet brother in a way.


    I hope that this whole ordeal can at least help us to mend the current problem we seem to be facing in this clan with swift demotions happening over mundane little issues. I know Silence is currently working on a guide to help our members know what they are expected to do if there is an instance of abuse they wish to report. I feel like Snackbar got the short end of the stick in this, had little to no communication offered to him, and generally did not deserve what happened. It's especially painful when I receive a message after a demotion that says "Why was I demoted? I didn't do anything wrong and nobody talked to me about it. This was so sudden."


    When this happens, you know there's a problem with the system. Hopefully we can fix it. Snackbar, I didn't know you as long as I've known some of the other members here, but you are one hell of a guy. I hope to at least see you around these parts every so often. If there's ever anything you need, hit me up.

  13. So, if you've been on Trade Gaming History at all over the past few days, you will know that I have recently added a map called koth-wubwubwub_remix to the maplist. You cannot RTV to it, but an admin can switch to it. The map in itself is very basic, but it gets super intense the moment someone captures the point, playing crazy dubstep music and giving a visual show that is SUPER intense.


    Well, from what I can tell, the general reception of the map has been mostly positive. It's fun to switch to every once in a while, but I was thinking of instead making it a weekly event on the Trade, Events, and More! server, hence the name WubWub Wednesdays.


    For the Trade, Events, and More! server, I do want to start hosting events every Friday night to get that server more active, but I think this would also help to bring in more traffic. What do you guys think? If I were to host the koth_wubwubwub_remix map every Wednesday evening, would you attend? Please vote on this matter and leave any feedback below!


    For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I have linked this video for you:

