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  1. Funny
    Scootaloo reacted to Chrono in Kthxbai   
    btw @Egossi the last person to make a thread like this, i banned them until january 2020.
  2. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from DeathGod in Kthxbai   
    What a classy way to accept your ban.
  3. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Perm may be a bit harsh. I'd say reinstate the original week ban and see where it goes from there.
    I'm sure Egossi is more than capable of realizing that what he did was a no-no, and should he do it again, THEN we can perm him.
    My two cents.
  4. Agree
    Scootaloo reacted to Hidingmaster in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    I'm confused.
    He's banned perm from servers for evading a ban.
    People think he is posting useless crap on the forums.
    Give him a warning not to spam threads with crap, move on with life.
    Both issues solved.
  5. Informative
    Scootaloo reacted to Vector in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    He did initiate a vote but he proceeded to spam 2 bosses, and multiple skeletons. (you can only spawn 1 boss or 10 skeletons. he did both, and spawned about over 15 skeletons (the chat was spamming like a mother fucker) and with the fact that he spawned two bosses, the two bosses proceed to spam chat with their quotes they say in game. He was banned and i explained why he was banned and he agreed. end of story. then all of a sudden he says to nomulous that he didn't do it, gets unbanned and nomulous doesn't tell me. So i asked him what the fuck? nom tells me he didn't do it, even though i showed @kbraszzz the proof of what he had done and agreed that a week ban was sufficient. so after that nomulous tells me to reban him which i do which i guess after the second ban he evades i didn't even know that so i can't really comment nor give a shit. Also keep in mind, before he even did this, he abused the voting plugin to disrespect another player (who wasn't in xG) with saying something like "this kid is a faggot?" "yes" or "no" and i explained to him that is not allowed at all, so i proceed to explain for 5 minutes why it isn't allowed and warned him that if this happened again, there would be punishment. Also, to respond to the shit posting, the higher ups don't care anymore. They respond as fast as a person with crippled fingers and took them over a month to come up with this decision. We're also waiting on another member protest in which again, they are taking forever to come up with a simple solution which actually deals with this shit posting but of course the CLs and the rest of the higher ups take 14 years. Whether or not you want to say xG was better back then or not is up to you, but being in xG and playing on the servers for over 2 years i have seen the same shit. This probably all sounds retarded but i just got back from school and am too tired to proof-read. Whether you want him permed or not thats up to the rest of you.
  6. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tekk in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Perm may be a bit harsh. I'd say reinstate the original week ban and see where it goes from there.
    I'm sure Egossi is more than capable of realizing that what he did was a no-no, and should he do it again, THEN we can perm him.
    My two cents.
  7. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Perm may be a bit harsh. I'd say reinstate the original week ban and see where it goes from there.
    I'm sure Egossi is more than capable of realizing that what he did was a no-no, and should he do it again, THEN we can perm him.
    My two cents.
  8. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Perm may be a bit harsh. I'd say reinstate the original week ban and see where it goes from there.
    I'm sure Egossi is more than capable of realizing that what he did was a no-no, and should he do it again, THEN we can perm him.
    My two cents.
  9. Agree
    Scootaloo reacted to realBelloWaldi in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Wow. This is just my opinion, everyone is probably going to downrate that but I don't care. Egossi is very active on our servers and he knows the rules, even though he's trolling sometimes. I think a permanent ban is way too much. So I won't post anything besides African, :afro: .
  10. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Muzzle in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Perm may be a bit harsh. I'd say reinstate the original week ban and see where it goes from there.
    I'm sure Egossi is more than capable of realizing that what he did was a no-no, and should he do it again, THEN we can perm him.
    My two cents.
  11. Dislike
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Spawning 10 bosses when that is against rules? Evading a ban? Not talking directly to the mod who banned you? Asking another mod to overturn the ban? Evading the ban? Evading again with a secondary account? Actively choosing to not resolve the issue but instead dodge it?
    Doesn't sound like this one needs to come off the list.
  12. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Spawning 10 bosses when that is against rules? Evading a ban? Not talking directly to the mod who banned you? Asking another mod to overturn the ban? Evading the ban? Evading again with a secondary account? Actively choosing to not resolve the issue but instead dodge it?
    Doesn't sound like this one needs to come off the list.
  13. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    Spawning 10 bosses when that is against rules? Evading a ban? Not talking directly to the mod who banned you? Asking another mod to overturn the ban? Evading the ban? Evading again with a secondary account? Actively choosing to not resolve the issue but instead dodge it?
    Doesn't sound like this one needs to come off the list.
  14. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Frantic Factory Melee Arena Exploit. #tgh   
    That mic is absolutely horrid. I hate it. It makes my ears bleed any time someone spams a taunt into it.
  15. Ding!
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in The Cringe Thead!   
    They couldn't even be bothered to correctly spell "Professional". XD
  16. Funny
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Vector in The Cringe Thead!   
    Mateo S. - YouTube
    All videos by this fatass. XD
  17. Funny
    Scootaloo reacted to Nomulous in Selling My Earbuds And My Bill's Hat   
    uber donator + 10k credits 83
  18. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tekk in Naming And Describing My Unusual   
    Damn, I was gonna say Tekage's Thunderous Tinder Topper.
  19. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Selling My Earbuds And My Bill's Hat   
    I'll offer 2 BMOCs for the Buds and Bills? =D
  20. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Muzzle in Naming And Describing My Unusual   
    Damn, I was gonna say Tekage's Thunderous Tinder Topper.
  21. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from DrLee in Good animes?   
    I am still pretty keen on Corpse Princess. I really liked that one. =3
  22. Informative
    Scootaloo reacted to jaygoki in Donator Status?   
    i am unsure of how active you have been, but you have def been more active than i have on forums. my activity in game has been almost every day CS:S has been populated since like march or something save for half of july. to be fair though i feel like the only reason i got promoted is css was dying in the period that i got promoed and i guess i havent done anything to get demoted :p
  23. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from xGStumpy in Forge, Muzzle, Izanagi, Kendrick, Starmix, Moosty   
    I have no idea how to express what I am feeling when it comes to this post. I really don't.
    I guess I'll just start it off bluntly. From my experiences thus far, I have no inherent issues with any of the moderation staff of xG. I rather enjoy their company for the most part. But when I see something like this literally rock-slide out of control, it makes me take a step back and take a good, hard look at the xG servers as a whole.
    I like you guys. I really do. But there are times when I am facepalming myself so hard I nearly give myself a concussion. The maturity levels of some of our moderators, at times, seems to be extremely underwhelming. There have been many times that I have been in a server and chose to disconnect due to the content being spewed over the voice chat by those who have the power to kick other players. Sometimes, I just don't want to be in the same server as some of you. But, I don't want you guys to think I am trying to stir the pot. I am just being honest.
    It would seem to me that there needs to be some sort of revolution with the way staff conducts themselves. Some more than others, of course. But for the most part, our staff here do what needs to be done, but there are those moments where things escalate and words are said that do not help the situation at all. Sometimes, it feels like the moderators forget that the other people playing on the servers are, in fact, other people.
    I consider myself a pretty level-headed individual. I think logically before I speak and try to avoid hasty decisions. I process the possible outcomes of every scenario before I take action. I always try to resolve conflict with open communication. Any time I have an issue with someone, the first thing I try to do is contact that individual so I may directly speak with them. @Mitsu and @Hachi can probably vouch for me on that. I've been known to be an ass, but when I'm an ass and it upsets someone, I am quick to try and fix the problem. I own up to the situation and take responsibility for my actions. I'm not perfect, but I have a pretty good track record of cleaning up my messes.
    It would seem to me that the moderators need to find that innate ability to own up for their mistakes. EVERYONE makes mistakes, and when those mistakes go uncorrected, the head begins to fester until it bursts. This brings me to the situation at hand. The situation makes me feel a lot of feelings for a lot of the people involved. I feel upset that this rift has been created among the staff. I feel sorry for @Kittylicious and the position she has been placed in. I feel sorry for the other moderators that have been put in this situation and have to defend their actions. I feel sorry for @Nomulous because of the awkward situation it has put him in. It is just a proverbial shitpile. NOTHING good will come of this.
    But I have chosen to stand and help. I have chosen to remain in the middle, waiting until someone calls on me to referee the situation. I want to help EVERYONE involved on both ends and I want to see a sound resolution to these issues. I teach second graders. I see this kind of stuff DAILY. I can safely say that I am an EXCELLENT mediator when it comes to personal problems, so if ANYONE needs to talk to me about the issue, my door is always open.
    I only hope that we can resolve this issue civilly. If there's anything I can do to help, please contact me.
  24. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kittylicious in Donator Status?   
    So, quick question:
    I am an Uber Donator in all of the xG servers, because I made the donation to get those privileges.
    Should I be tagged as a Donator on the forums too? It'd be nice to have access to things that you need "Donator" for, so I was wondering if the two cross each other. =)
  25. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tekk in Donator Status?   
    So, quick question:
    I am an Uber Donator in all of the xG servers, because I made the donation to get those privileges.
    Should I be tagged as a Donator on the forums too? It'd be nice to have access to things that you need "Donator" for, so I was wondering if the two cross each other. =)