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Status Updates posted by Jon_N64

  1. I like boy bands to, what's your favorite mines is B4-4.
  2. Is Onepunch-Man worth watching, or should I read the Manga's first?
    1. Nu_13


      to be honest, i watched the anime first then the manga. but it's up to you how you want to do it :)
    2. Tomahawk


      read the original verison made by the author (if you can withstand the drawings)
    3. MissFluffy_


      Watch the anime firssssst
  3. 誕生日おめでとうございます! Happy Birthday Demonic.
  4. I can't wait for Sunday, I'm soooo excited! #DragonBallSuper
    1. Jon_N64


      Well you should see the two the of the recent Dragon Ball Z movies, but you can watch Super. It's good in my opinion.
    2. Jon_N64


      I just realize I shouldn't type so fast, so that way I don't have crappy grammar.
    3. xGShadowSpy


      Well, I tried it. Can't deal with the Japanese version making goku sound like he's still 5. I'm just going to wait for the English dub, even though I normally watch shows in sub, dragon ball is the one exception.
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. If you had to choose 6 people in xG for TF2 6s who would you pick?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Egossi


      @[886:@Tarin] @[809:@neteX] @[92:@DuckiiJr.] @[50908:@John_Madden] @[51722:@Kittylicious] @[50908:@John_Madden]
    3. Hushpuppy


      Are we allowed to pick ourselves 6 times?
    4. Fink


      everyone in xg sucks though
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Should Juicy G and B-Magic make a mixtape?
    1. KSPlayer1337


      inb4 named "LIVE FROM JAILBREAK" kappa
    2. KSPlayer1337


      include DEEJAY NEBRASKA @[107211:@Caleb956]
    3. Egossi


      fuck yeah dude spit those bars
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Left 4 Counter-Portal Fortress Life 3.
  8. Wowza! Only 3 days of school until Spring Break starts.
    1. SnowyMinion


      Same. I'm going to hell
    2. Jon_N64


      @[106722:@ArminArmout] Oh nice I went there last August. It's a lot of fun.
    3. SnowyMinion


      Don't blank out in school
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. "I would play CS:GO if there was hats in it" - Random TF2 Player
  10. GobGobs is the next 2PacBiggie.
  11. "Life is about having a good time and having candy, not putting *roaches* in your hair! " - Dr. Steve Brule
    1. Bone


      "Get this dragon outta here!" -Dr. Steve Brule and The Dovahkiin
  12. Damn, who ever that man is in the green shirt. He sure is a fine dancer.
  13. I don't understand why Valve can't just fully release Matchmaking for TF2.
    1. Fink


      the beta is extremely flawed, and im pretty sure they are going to fix the flawed parts. thats why its a beta. in the current state its in, its DEFINITELY not ready.
    2. Jon_N64


      I'm fine waiting, and I understand because of the bugs. But I hope in the future that we can get Comp like in CS:GO (Matchmaking)
    3. Fink
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  14. These are the PC parts that I'm getting; http://pcpartpicker.com/user/JonathanJonathan/saved/#view=LqVxFT
  15. Don't mess with this Weeaboo. He's my main Senpai.
  16. for my papa jan piza squad it would be merc, bello, chef, forge, egossi, and gobs cuz y not
  17. Finally my man, Leo Dicaprio won an Oscar.
  18. I have this odd feeling were I can be a good Staff, but also be a crappy one as well.
    1. Forge


      There are many staff members around to talk to if you need to know something, especially ex-staff members!
    2. realBelloWaldi
  19. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."
    1. Whyte


      yeah I was scared for my first a n a l bleaching, I support you man Its not so bad.
  20. This comment is 2edgy 4 me
  21. I still don't understand why some xG members from CS:GO and TF2 hate each other...
    1. Egossi


      the same reason some xG members hate each other in certain divisions
    2. Goblin


      *the same reason people hate other people.
    3. jaygoki


      we want drama! we want drama! ^thats csgo.
  22. "I pooped bigger failures than that!"
    1. Dethman


      That is what my mom said
  23. Will not be forgotten Heath Ledger...
    1. ChickenPanda


      best joker honestly.