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Everything posted by Nomulous

  1. @Rhododendron unless he allows manual name changes which I could do.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/5vLweP0.png
  3. http://i.imgur.com/5vLweP0.png
  4. Paraphrasing from days I was DL and talked to Muffin and Brian, being a mod is a test to be an admin. Basically the real staff team is composed of Admins and mods are just being tested for their trust and honesty until they're ready to become Admins. This has been my understanding about mods/admins
  5. Don't worry for not tagging me. I remember you as a small mod </3
  6. Oi motherflipper, tag me BEFORE you spam my messages. I told you, I always read anything I'm tagged in. @metalslug53 you better not step down, anyone who I recommended/approved to be CL usually steps down after a few months. (no names, bach, drlee, but no names). @Liekos & @Fiery8022 read admin forums, have fun, remember I will still cut you both
  7. +1 @Bach is a faggalo A: 8/10 Doesn't bother higher ups and knows rules well. Kind and respected. M: 8/10 Has fun when it's appropriate and is serious as well.
  8. Nomulous

    Age Requirement

    So there's a few reasons why Rhododendron changed it to 16+. A few are personal choices, a few are stuff that are kinda important so we don't get in trouble. There's a view of this clan being mature and such a "age of maturity" was set to 16 (if I'm right). On top of that, we aren't the most "Safe for Work (read Kids)" type clan and we don't want to be in trouble (read held liable) if we knowing let kids be exposed to this type of material. The most safest (read unsafest) way to let a PG-13 thing happen, would be either they knowingly give us false information and we don't catch them (a.k.a "Yes I am 18+ and able to enter this website"), or we really have to tone down the material that we provide. The worst thing that can happen is a child finds NSFW material on here, their parents catch it, then Rhodo gets in trouble saying "Why didn't you put anything in place to protect my child against this content". These are just my $0.02, a lot of stuff will have to change if we want to make it PG-13 (read, add the censor back again)
  9. I remember him, but much of an issue and the SNG thing was stupid anyways. Glad to see a name I remember +1
  10. Nomulous

    Useless Reports.

    Reported for being triggering
  11. Admins have had access to the flag "ADMFLAG_VOTE", though the donator "package" has direct access to the command "sm_vote" as an override. Potentially, within SourceBans Command Overrides someone has added an override that makes "sm_vote"'s only ADMFLAG into "ADMFLAG_CUSTOM5" or anything similar for donators. Which results that even though "ADMFLAG_VOTE" should have access to SM_VOTE, the override overrides this and changes the flag.
  12. Nomulous


    I need a copy of the current source + lots of time since I started school again
  13. Truth be told, only @Rhododendron can make this decision. He changed the rule with a "no exceptions" policy.
  14. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  15. Phew, after being extremely active daily for a month, then going on a week vacation I'm considered inactive again. That was quick. I would have to second the idea of Silence getting final say (I'll text him this issue), but having been on 4chan those years ago I have to second that you can't really control what gets posted on a thread. Before the moderators got stricter, you would've had 2-3 CP threads a day. As well, these threads pop up randomly in nature just to change anything. You can go from naked girls to CP, furry porn to CP, CP (cheese pizza) to CP, you get the point. As this gets cracked down more a lot, instances still fall through the cracks. Which in my opinion, if the offense was posting a link to a 4chan thread that got derailed into a underaged pornographic thread, which then gets deleted as quickly as possible, the current ban Xerses faced would be sufficient. Where next time he should just be cautious on links he posts. Since if we're being honest, I remember in that exact same teamspeak group, a huge group of us talked about meatspin, and reading a complaint about pornographic content right now made me giggle. TL;DR: I'll get silence involved, but the punishment that made Xerses banned and freak out and other small things people can't see should be enough for a 4chan offence. Post Edit: I won't persuade silence, I'll just tell him to read this and then he does whatever he usually does.
  16. Exactly, this was when I was testing the warden menu. Nonetheless, the powerups that you mention must have been a drawback from @kbraszzz rebooting the server. I accidentally killed it (whoops, corrupted some files creating a nav_mesh), and requested him to reboot it from scratch and C&P all the files from JB1. Unless JB1 has these powerups (other than the warden menu, which should not have access to teleporting people to disco as it doesn't exist in JB1, I edited that code in the current edition of JB/). JB2 should be an exact carbon copy of JB1, so if there are added plugins to it, message @kbraszzz or @Ohstopyou
  17. This is to kinda selfishly cover my own butt, but paid mod is processed and final approval is given by the DLs. If anyone gets their powers removed and they ask for it again, I cautiously ask (*spam) and DLs if they are extremely sure they allow this. Which I follow this very strictly to prevent large abuses. (As well any PM does not have access to banning people for this safe reason). As to removing powers, there needs to be proof + speak to the DLs. CLs shouldn't be involved in this situation yet as it is a power abuse versus kick out of xG. We only can jump in if there is definitive proof. If you have an issue speak to the Div Leaders (@Ohstopyou AND @kbraszzz )
  18. +1 coolest kid on the block, if you don't like him get b&
  19. But what if I get on an alt account but I know how to play, or if I play on a friends account because I'm at their house? You can't really check for that. Getting time played wouldn't be hard to log. This entire plugin wouldn't be as difficult as some other ones, just the issue is many false positives.
  20. +1 he's changed, he's good. Less annoying and more mod material
  21. If kb doesn't know how to fix plugins, spam me and ignore how annoyed I might sound. I'll still fix the issue.