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Reputation Activity

  1. Friendly
    Goblin reacted to Rabid in My New 3d Printer   
    Can it print food to feed the children in africa? you materialistic consumer.
  2. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Forest in Facebook Coverphoto   
    I feel like the only substantial change would be the colour scheme, seeing as how it isn't exactly representative of xG's "colours" if you know what I mean. But, major points to anyone who can think outside the box and go a different route aside from the conventional collage of well-known video game icons. Might be asking much, which is why I wanted to see how the community felt about it :coffee:
  3. Funny
    Goblin reacted to Haruka in Facebook Coverphoto   
  4. Agree
    Goblin reacted to DMTwired in Facebook Coverphoto   
    it could use alot more topless overweight men
  5. RIP
    Goblin reacted to Whyte in [redacted]   
    I just can't
  6. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from Egossi in Petition To Bring The "african" Rating Back   
    Because in this liberal day and age hurting someone's feelings is equivalent to committing 1st degree murder.
  7. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Bach in [redacted]   
    Be back one day bbys.
    Keep my membership cause you never know.
  8. Agree
    Goblin reacted to diabeetus in [redacted]   
    don't worry he'll be DM by summer
  9. Sad
    Goblin got a reaction from Barmithian in Petition For Better Staff +1 To Agree   
    She was a he.
  10. Winner
    Goblin got a reaction from Moosty in Petition For Better Staff +1 To Agree   
    She was a he.
  11. Winner
    Goblin got a reaction from Tomahawk in Petition For Better Staff +1 To Agree   
    She was a he.
  12. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Barmithian in Petition For Better Staff +1 To Agree   
  13. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from Skitters in Website Bugs And Updates   
    Trying to upload a file results in the error:
    The controller XenForo_ControllerPublic_Attachment does not define an action called DoSketch.
  14. Creative
    Goblin reacted to Forge in Forge's Sketches   
    Two pieces of art I did over a couple nights of watching Dexter, tell me what you think and feel free to give criticism, it always helps.
    [spoiler=Scout Trooper]
  15. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in Eggosi - Mmo   
    It's called changing your mind Dear Leader :coffee:
  16. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in Eggosi - Mmo   
    I'll just say this: I do not hate you. I dislike what you did with the video and your blatant ignorance of the rules both here on forums and on the servers. You should know that I do not take rule breaking lightly, especially when its trolling. Here's my philosophy (If you can even call it that) on the servers, you can joke around with the player, but when you start to mess with rules and the admin is where I draw the line. On the forums, be funny, but don't take up space on forums by putting every little thing you find funny by creating numerous threads. Maybe that's why a lot of us post it in dedicated threads or in shoutbo. Now, do I wish you get banned from forums? No, but your actions on forums show immaturity tells me and countless other users otherwise. Do I want it to be permanent? No, because I'm not the one to decide if you should be banned, and its up to the CL's on how long a ban will be.
  17. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in Eggosi - Mmo   
    Also this from his member protest showing that he enjoys shitposting.
    Egossi | Page 2 | Xeno Gamers
  18. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in Eggosi - Mmo   

    MMO In-Game Name:

    Eggosi Offender's Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Egossi Rules Broken:

    See below Evidence:

    - Constant Shitposting on Forums
    R.i.p. Egossi. | Xeno Gamers
    Easiest Way To Get Your butt Slain In Xg Servers. | Xeno Gamers
    Right Here, Post The Most Retarded, Random, And Stupid Video You Have Ever Seen. | Xeno Gamers
    Tutorial: How To Get Free Food | Xeno Gamers
    Right Here, Post The Most Retarded, Random, And Stupid Video You Have Ever Seen. | Xeno Gamers
    - Immaturity/Trolling
    (See above posts)
    - Rule breaking and ignoring staff on servers
    It's getting really annoying and its obvious that he is here just to troll and annoy all of us until he has had enough (which seems like it won't be anytime soon).
    Requested Punishment: Permanently banned from Forums and a server ban to be determined
    @kbraszzz @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster @Chrono @diabeetus
  19. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Vertex in Getting Organized   
    A few things need to happen to get the gmod division organized.
    Phase One

    I require full access to the "Garry's Mod" Main channel on teamspeak. Contact myself over steam if required.
    This includes being able to create sub channels as required.

    "TTT" and "Morbus" tags need to be added to the Garry's Mod forums @Rhododendron
    Afterwards, @eyesofdeath983 if you could sort out these forums that would be great.
    Organize things to their appropriate tags
    Remove old threads (don't touch motd threads)
    Pin/unpin threads by importance
    Update the admin handbook
    pro-resolution techniques etc

    A "TTT" division manager is required BEFORE progressing to phase two
    If you're interested, you should post your qualifications bellow
    This is what will be expected of that division manager. And as a note to @eyesofdeath983 this is what you *can* do for morbus.
    Oversee the policing and populating of TTT
    With the assistance of stickz.

    [*]Handle all future ban protests related to TTT.
    [*]Organize and forward feedback to stickz.
    [*]Keep the forums relating to TTT organized.
    [*]Gather & Manage Server Moderators for TTT.
    [*]Sort out server rules (ts meeting with the division)
    [*]Help test and point out any issues before server launch
    [*]Boost activity and player involvement on the forums.

    Phase Two

    A four core managed linux vds needs launched in Chicago
    Open ticket with provider and ensure it's on a e5-2697v3.
    All gmod servers need moved expect xenogm001
    Morbus needs more testing before getting moved.

    A 'TTT' launch date needs planned when stickz, @eyesofdeath983 and others can make it.

  20. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from Thorax_ in Website Bugs And Updates   
    Trying to upload a file results in the error:
    The controller XenForo_ControllerPublic_Attachment does not define an action called DoSketch.
  21. Funny
    Goblin reacted to Insane in The Cringe Thead!   
    my life
  22. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Rhododendron in Trust Me.   
    Well not the worst thing that's happened to me at Starbucks.
  23. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from Kypari in Bring Back Darkrp   
    I'd honestly love to see TTT make a comeback.
  24. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Bring Back Darkrp   
    I'd honestly love to see TTT make a comeback.
  25. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Vertex in Bring Back Darkrp   
    If anything gets brought back next it will be TTT. It's sitting ready with only a couple tweaks required. But two things need to happen for TTT to be launched.

    Moderation and Population: It needs people to populate and moderate it. Current gmod staff is busy with Morbus. (about to shoot an 85th percentile)
    New Hosting: The load on the main hosting is too high. A separate VDS needs activated.