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  1. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from yesstergi in Apology To Rabid   
    Haha this thread is really funny! :emoji_laughing:
  2. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Egossi in Apology To Rabid   
    I am so so sorry for what I did, @Rabid, and I urge you to hear me out. Even though you never want to hear from me again I feel I owe you an explanation as to whatever happened. Yes, a lot of the last few status updates were about you, but that's BECAUSE I didn't want to lose a friend and I was afraid it was happening and at the same time hoping that you realized what you meant to me. Obviously, I screwed that up.
    Yes, the spams were baseless and something you shouldn't have cared about. Yes, the fight never happened. I never did hit @jubens45 for shit talking you behind your back, and yes he never did call you that. Why I made these up is something I will never understand. All I know is that I've never done ANYTHING so wrong in my life and the consequence is that I have to suffer. I proved myself to be the biggest dick-headed, loser this world has ever seen and you have every right not to want to hear from me again.
    What I did is beyond all belief of anyone sane, for I crossed the line of trust and left along in its wake the destruction of honesty, faith and everything else that constitutes friendship. Now I cannot even begin to hope for your forgiveness, though I will always seek it. Believe me, I plead with you when I tell you that not an iota of my friendship was fake or forced.
    I will ALWAYS consider you a close friend of mine, even though you don't consider me to be yours. And you are justified in doing so.. for I deserve nothing better. And I NEVER started any rumours� no matter how much you try to believe that I did. And even though I know you will not believe me, I can only hope that someday you will see what I mean.
    No, I did not spam you to make myself sound cool, it was part of the attempt to get back what I feared I was losing and I know now that I actually hastened it. You have NO idea how much I regret my actions of that day. I know @Schpetzel MIGHT have told you a long time back "don't trust him, he'll eventually lead to something bad." And you may have ignored him, saying nothing like that is ever going to happen. And I cannot tell you how much it pains me to have broken your trust, how much it rips me from the inside to have been such an absolute dog. And if he didn't, I'm still so so sorry.
    I am NOT two faced. You know that. Its just that I made a mistake for which I sincerely seek redemption. I swear to you that I will NEVER again repeat what I have done and I ask you for a second chance to prove myself. You really have no idea how much I valued your friendship. Now I only hope that you will someday see what my hands have done to me for I will never be able to forgive myself for what I did and I cannot even start to explain the regret I feel for having done so. And just remember that if you EVER need a hand that you can count on and can't find one, mine will always be extended. PLEASE don't hate me for this, and always remember that if I am granted your forgiveness, I will NEVER EVER spam you on Steam ever again.
  3. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to YeEternalTuna in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    Aw man! Well I hope you ace that last exam fellow Gamer! Good luck! (y)
  4. Sad
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Thorax_ in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    Hey Gamers! As you have noticed, my activity has dropped a little!
    There is one simple reason (that doctors hate!) for this: School!
    Over the past month I have had at least two exams a week. My last exam is tomorrow so I'll probably have more time to play in the near future.
    >But you still have like 10 hours on rocket league!! :derp:
    True that! Due to living in Germany, most of the times the servers are decently populated at 10 PM my time. As much as I love staying up long, my gamers, I really can't afford to get less sleep than I really need to when having tons of exams! =(
    Thanks for reading, Gamers!
    Tags go to my favorite people: @Egossi @virr @YeEternalTuna :thinking: @Vargas @gaaming.dylan @BlankuChan (gay)
  5. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    Hey Gamers! As you have noticed, my activity has dropped a little!
    There is one simple reason (that doctors hate!) for this: School!
    Over the past month I have had at least two exams a week. My last exam is tomorrow so I'll probably have more time to play in the near future.
    >But you still have like 10 hours on rocket league!! :derp:
    True that! Due to living in Germany, most of the times the servers are decently populated at 10 PM my time. As much as I love staying up long, my gamers, I really can't afford to get less sleep than I really need to when having tons of exams! =(
    Thanks for reading, Gamers!
    Tags go to my favorite people: @Egossi @virr @YeEternalTuna :thinking: @Vargas @gaaming.dylan @BlankuChan (gay)
  6. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Egossi in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    Hey Gamers! As you have noticed, my activity has dropped a little!
    There is one simple reason (that doctors hate!) for this: School!
    Over the past month I have had at least two exams a week. My last exam is tomorrow so I'll probably have more time to play in the near future.
    >But you still have like 10 hours on rocket league!! :derp:
    True that! Due to living in Germany, most of the times the servers are decently populated at 10 PM my time. As much as I love staying up long, my gamers, I really can't afford to get less sleep than I really need to when having tons of exams! =(
    Thanks for reading, Gamers!
    Tags go to my favorite people: @Egossi @virr @YeEternalTuna :thinking: @Vargas @gaaming.dylan @BlankuChan (gay)
  7. Sad
    realBelloWaldi reacted to NitNat in Upcoming Inactivity   
    Im not leaving but just a future heads up on my upcoming inactivity. Today will probably be my last day in a 3ish week time span. Basically the rest of this week I'll be on a short vacation, immediately followed by attending a college camp next week. I should be able to get on again after that for a good amount of days before I head off again attending for another college camp. I won't be dead to the world when I'm off, just won't be seen in servers
  8. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from shwash in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
    I fully agree, I think Cena'a and Shrek'd should be replaced. I could name a few examples that I'd like to see but I'm pretty sure I share a very different opinion than anyone else, lol. :emoji_cat2:
  9. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to YeEternalTuna in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
    I honestly like the new look of these ratings they look clean and just overall better than the ones from before.
  10. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Aegean in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
  11. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
  12. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from virr in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
  13. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Rabid in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
  14. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Goblins in Remove 3d Land   
    Because people actually do that it's immature of Septik? You're off your rocker.
    When we had removed Nimusland from TGH rotation, people were actually debating on the map. Then someone made a request to remove another map, in which Scootaloo brought up the whole: "We shouldn't remove it because you hate it." concept.
    Moosty is right on this one. As the thread only shows so far, Septik and a few others who dislikes the map in general. Which is perfectly fine. There may be others who agree on those terms, hence why there is a poll. If you don't want it, vote yes. Otherwise vote no.
    In my opinion though, we honestly should remove it. It's pretty bland and irritating.
    Hyrule is a large map, but it's well built. There are teleporters that take you throughout the map instead of having to walk for a few minutes just to get to the action. And by no means am I saying that every map should be like that, but playing on a trade server which the only other thing to do besides trading is killing enemy players. You're going to want to get to the action right away if you can.
    Sure the map may have secrets (which is nice), but there are maps out there that could potentially replace 3DLand. Maybe start having people suggest more maps to add variety instead of complaining when someone requests a map be removed.
    "Then votes should be non-commentable. If any comments or concerns need to be brought up, they should be done in private... only then will the higher-ups use the poll result and the concerns brought to them to make a final decision. That’s how I feel most of these high-valuing votes should be ran."
    People should be able to comment to persuade people to keep or remove the map. They should just elaborate more with better reasoning. Not this "Don't remove it because you don't like it" shit.
  15. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to YeEternalTuna in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
    Name: Interesting
    Meaning: For comments that seem very interesting and informative. Comments that reveal something that wasnt known or again is just very interesting to know.
    Rating: Neutral
  16. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to virr in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 from me as well. Has a great attitude towards our community and always treats people well on servers.
  17. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from virr in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for probationary mod
    Seems like a good guy, knows the rules and is quite active.
  18. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Reptile in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    Gummy worms.
    Also because @ThunderLimes crucified me for not putting picture.

  19. RIP
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thunder in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    First of all

    second is that i dont like any candy
  20. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Tatost in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    oohhhh, nicely done, tatost. I'm sure we're already using a revamped version, but probably not the most updated one. I'm checking right now and will edit this post to keep you updated.
    EDIT: Updating everything right now. Feel free to tell me if I was able to fix anything.
  21. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    I was thinking maybe the warioware server since people have informed me that some of the minigames don't even properly work.
  22. Bad Spelling
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in Tatost   
    What the difference be?
    I would of -1’d anyway because of the primary reason;
    Hiding the truth about ManlyDuck.
  23. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thunder in Tatost   
    So just to talk to all of these guys that have -1'd.
    First of all I feel like all of you have just disregarded my last post saying that @Tatost has tried to say sorry to @Vargas 5 times but vargas has disregarded him each and every time.
    Also most of you haven't seen Tatost since hes been demoted because he hasn't played on the servers you play on, I have seen him on DR and Pokemon multitudes of times.
    I know that you guys haven't seen him but he has explained to me that he
    1: Understands what he did was wrong and is very sorry for it considering he has tried to say sorry to Vargas 5 times.
    2: Swears he wont do it again.
    Two of you that have -1'd are saying that he is still immature, Tatost literally told me that he has not seen you both since the incident. ???
    I'm not trying to say that the -1's are not justified, tat still has stuff to work on, but you are giving false reasons as well.
    That is all I really wanted to say. hope i dont get flamed
  24. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Spoopy in Tatost   
    Little kid finally finished his timeout corner. Hope you learned to not beat up dub with your belt again tatost.
    +1 cul dude that really friendly. Has some imiture times, but when he's a little kids it's normal. Other than that he's been a past mod and helpful to the community. Bring this lasagna lover back.
  25. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Tatost in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for probationary mod
    Seems like a good guy, knows the rules and is quite active.