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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. @Vargas @Elcark @BonfireCentipede @Matteomax @Ms.Spooks @whoever I forgot to tag I'm sorry D:


    This is one of the people who came on the server on surf when we were talking about the 3 course meal thing and then a bunch of trolls came on. I can't say you made a good impression at all, and to say that you have someone's IP address sounds pretty threatening to me + the fact you were trolling on the servers at the time makes you look really bad. DDOS threats, jokes or not, are not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.


    @Vargas was the person who banned you in the end

    @mrnutty12 :)

  2. The nether took way to long to come up, so a lot of people (including myself) just lost all interest, especially considering how we were pretty much ready to fight the ender dragon but we were just stuck doing nothing other than waiting for it to come up. I don't really know if much can be done about it since no one really cares anymore sadly D:

  3. @Vargas @Elcark @BonfireCentipede @Matteomax @Ms.Spooks @whoever I forgot to tag I'm sorry D:


    This is one of the people who came on the server on surf when we were talking about the 3 course meal thing and then a bunch of trolls came on. I can't say you made a good impression at all, and to say that you have someone's IP address sounds pretty threatening to me + the fact you were trolling on the servers at the time makes you look really bad. DDOS threats, jokes or not, are not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.


    @Vargas was the person who banned you in the end

  4. I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but you look like a retard when you hold one thing someone did half a year ago against them. It's obvious bias if you've been ignoring how he's been recently, and also ignoring the fact that he was an amazing staff member for almost a year. I think Sesh deserves a chance at mod, and he's obviously capable of handling the position.

    I don't think it's unreasonable to think that something that happened about 4 months ago should affect the outcome of this application. With all due respect to Sesh, I don't think he's made that big of a new impression on the servers enough to warrant everyone to think that he has changed; I fully believe he has however, which is why I +1 'd the app.

  5. Strange that I was talking about you with Vargas about becoming staff a few hours ago


    Anyway I think it's nice to see you have improved for sure but I don't see you being normal mod right now since the trouble that happened in the past. I'd be happy to see you has probationary mod for the first promo/demo or two or something to see how you get on. So yeah consider this a +1 and good luck

  6. I was watching a stream today when the server the streamer was playing on started to do this:


    After counting down it did the map select menu when you !rtv as normal.

    I think if we can get something like this on our servers it would prove to be a really handy thing since I've noticed a bunch of people complain in the past about switching weapons with 1 2 and 3 and then ending up voting for a map instead of changing weapon, so they end up possibly dying or being a bit annoyed. Something like this would really help stop that from happening! Maybe a possible sound que too, like the announcer counting down from 5 to 1!



  7. Have had a few issues in the past where he has acted very immature, but he seems to have improved himself a bunch. I don't see why not now though but I'll stay neutral so I don't affect anyone else's +1 and -1.

  8. -1 Mostly just what Bonfire said, don't feel comfortable having a member that's blatantly racist on the servers.

    More of a bigot, but even so.


    Neutral for now but subject to change, have seen you on the servers but I haven't really ran into many issues other than what I've heard from Bonfire.

  9. For Lavender Town there was a thread about adding that map a few months ago Pokemon Trade (Map Request) | Xeno Gamers.

    tldr, it's very poor quality.


    Saffron City is actually a map on the server but not on rotation that refuses to load. I'm not sure what could be wrong with it, but there's likely a good reason it isn't used.


    That Victory Road map looks like a painful one dimensional setup of walking forward and dying, that's just based on looking at the images though.


    Then that goldenrod map is just the kogan city map we already have.

    We used to have Victory Road on Rotation History and it was a pretty awful map. Heavily biased and unfun imo. @BonfireCentipede

  10. New vote time!



    For a bit of clarity:


    MvM can be either standard MvM or 10 Mann, whichever the community would want more.

    Meme map rotation would be maps like Highertower, 2fort with a twist, Upsidedown Turbine, etc.


    Other plugins could also be added to standard MvM if there's demand for it, like PlayPoints or War3. Just to make the server a bit more special

    Ooh an MGE server sounds nice. I had an idea for that a few years ago but nothing came of it sadly.

  11. I could add it to TGH as a map DM+ can set, or just throw it on uber upgrades, whichever sounds better to you guys.

    There have actually been people who wanted to see this and other similar maps such as sideways two fort on tgh.

    Adding maps like this could be ideal for uber upgrades since there's never really been an idea for maps there.


    Any thoughts on adding it just for the hell of it @Vexx?

    I would much rather keep TGH maps related to games other than TF2. I think this would fit much better on something like uber-upgrades personally