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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. With regard to his spray, I honestly don't think it is appropriate or befitting of a staff member. Irrespective of his sexual preferences, If we hold "regular" players accountable for fetish sprays and punish them accordingly, then we should hold staff members to the same standard. In my experience, Vaporeon was very defensive about his spray and his decisions as a staff member and often reacted to immediate criticism with swift punishment, which in turn resulted in some harsh criticisms of his general behavior (some of them unfair, but others certainly justified).

    We don't hold regular players accountable for sprays that don't go against this: xG-News - A New Year! January Update | Xeno Gamers and Vaporeon's spray does not go against these guidelines, it is allowed and his sprays should not distinguish whether he gets staff or not. Otherwise I don't have anything to say against your opinion

  2. This is a hard one. Me and you have been pretty good friends at points and then basically enemies at other points. You have attempted to turn my friends against me and caused them and myself to go through a lot of trouble and pain because of something that should have been us ignoring each other, but you maliciously went out of your way to practically ruin my life, which was not fun. You have also caused a lot of trouble for not only myself, but multiple other people and the community itself.

    On the contrary, you seem to have improved yourself and stopped talking shit on servers (unsure about private discord). I hope this keeps up but for now I'm going to have to stay neutral because of all of the trouble you have caused.

    Good luck on your application (y)

  3. Wait you did pretty much all of the MC stuff yourself? What happened @Amymaniac @XHina_sanX ?


    Please don't take what's been said by others to heart. The fact that you almost single-handedly set up and launched a factions server is admirable and to receive the rude comments that people have made despite you putting all that effort in yourself is just saddening. Sad to see you step down.

  4. Going to point out that saying "he uses vore" is at least a semi-valid reason to -1 someone. I believe staff should have a decent grasp on the rules themselves, otherwise there should be no reason they should have staff. Something about the idea of having a staff member breaking rules seems out of place to me, I see there has been some warnings given out over this exact subject but I felt the need to elaborate further.

    Vaporeon should read up on the rules of the servers and make sure he is not violating any of them before applying. Him having to be warned for inappropriate sprays/profile pictures makes me question the idea of giving him staff. It makes me think that he may be a bit too lenient with other players on rule-breaking (but sprays/avatars is the main one). He has said something in the post above about him having trouble controlling his anger towards other players which also gets me a bit nervous about the idea of giving him staff.

    I will remain neutral only for the reason that I do not believe I have encountered him enough to get an idea of what he is like on the servers.

    Him getting a bit antsy was about 2 years ago and even then I hardly ever even saw it myself despite being on TGH everyday.

    Also, reference to this: PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items | Xeno Gamers

    Vore being on the server does not break the spray guideline, and on the forums @Vaporeon had this profile picture for years without any issue whatsoever. I still think it's entirely irrelevant for his kinks to be related to this thread whatsoever, but what Vector said is valid.

  5. -1 who cares lol its like one of the only good maps on here

    hi! apparently you care, enough to reply to a several month old thread! thanks!

    sorry im not very smart please make fun of me

    I don't understand what the issue is with Thunderlimes -1'ing this thread. Yeah it's very late but then again this thread was forgotten about in the first place so I personally don't see an issue.

    However I also don't see why you have to be at each other's throats so much over the smallest thing. Let's just vote to keep or remove a map! (y)

  6. [ATTACH]32764[/ATTACH]

    So I don't want to be gravedigging, but this was just sprayed on tgh and it is REEEAAALLLYYY pushing it for the rules. Honestly I think we should draw the line here. I asked him and he said it was allowed. Call me oversensitive on this, but I'm just throwing it out there.

    I think at that point it becomes subjective to staff. I know @Elcark has had issues with @Krampus sprays even if they don't directly violate the rules but still come extremely close

  7. So far, it's been agreed that the ban should be dropped down to a week/removed completely. As for Zack the Shark, a thread has been made for him by @Krampus in the ban request section: Pending - Zack the Shark - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers. I'll leave the thread open for a bit longer for any last opinions on the matter. Currently I'm +1 for removing the ban completely at this point, it's been a few days already.

    It should stay at a week. His last ban was a day and he clearly broke the rules. Plus it makes for a lot simpler in the long run because if staff see that he was unbanned (as well as new staff) then they might think this ban his invalid so they ban them for a week again.